Sunday, November 15, 2020

Day 52: Filling a loss further of a Philosopher!



(Read aloud and breathe)

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fill a loss further, by jus saying things and not actually doing it and how i am saying and not living the actual words and meanings of the definitions that are best to live and how I am in fact living the words of a philosopher, filling a lose further. And not filling a win any further, and having some sort of true achievement, instead I proclaim and procure and conjure my words in contemplation and of no real value, in actual self dishonesty. Not realising that I am not living my words, I am only not living them, and how I have lived these words all my life, and have done nothing with my life, because my parents never lived what they did either, they only lived scarcity, lack and limitation and a ugly personality that would never amount to anything. And how I would also be in the same boat as well, seeing each and everything that they do, so many capsules of energy that are together and contradicting each other and constricting and restricting each other in many strands and improper lined up grid lines that are messed up and were messed with from the very get go and beginning. To many difficult equations and laws and missed steps and misspelled words and unexplained energy that was never truly lived with traumatic events that are holding them back, as they were also holding me back from living the actual words that are best for me and how I am in fact living the words of a fool and a loser who will never amount to anything, no matter how hard I try at anything, nothing will seem to amount and how I wondered why, I’ve gone so far  to do the things I’ve been wanting to do and I do it, but the results don’t show. And then I usually get frustrated when nothing has happened for me, and now that i realise it, that the words that I am living are not best for me, and how DNA and heredity and characteristics is all words and information, it’s just pre-programmed into me and how I am a predesigned program from my parents and others, media, news, tv shows, cartoons, movies, and all kinds of cartoon movies, real life movies. How other people were actually doing things and how I saw my parents not do those things, and how they were not able to achieve anything substantial and great in their life, because in fact, they were not living the actual words in full expression as for what is best for all in movement and creation, instead of creation and going nowhere with it, and contemplating what to do and being so spiteful about something so simple, even when it is something just simple and how the person just acts in mediocrity and inferiority and acting in full of lies beyond belief. And how it is so cringeful to see, and even from myself as well, and how i was not in true actual realisation, even when I was 4 or 5, I wasn’t taught the actual words of anything and how to speak, I was only ever acting like untrained animal, and just merely making noises and sounds and sounding so stupid and illiterate. To the point where i couldn’t even process my own environment, I just took it all in like a retard and never knew what was actually going, being so oblivious and how my parents and my cousins and uncles and aunts were just laughing and how I couldn’t and was not able to speak proficiently and extensively in the best articulated ways. But it was always inarticulate and never ini the best ways of specificity of any kind at all whatsoever. And how i was never able to live the words of actually truly creating what is best for me and what is best for all, i only imitated others who never lived what the living words of what is best for all and how I never was able to do anything for myself and how I had to be dependent on my parents, my uncles, aunts, cousins to do things for me and how I was never taught to do anything for myself, no wonder I was not self sufficient, and noticed when i went to other people’s houses, I was not able to do anything for myself and make anything for myself. I always asked another person to do something for me, and how I realised this person told me to make myself and I immediately got up and did it, but it never continued in the best ways possible, because i never knew how to do anything. Because I couldn't ask for myself, I didn’t know how to do anything, I wasn’t expressive, I was always self reserved and self consumed within myself in the worst ways possible or beyond belief inferior and exclusive to myself. Not ever saying anything, because I felt as if I was some nervous guy or something, not ever saying anything, because if I did, I would be afraid if I would’ve gotten yelled at. When in fact and reality, it was just my environment and how everything in my environment was always based on abuse and it was never for the better of stability and explanation and context. I always misunderstood my parents and other people, no wonder i was never able to make money, because I never knew how to express myself without getting emotional, whether it be sad, depressed, being sorrow, or angered, resentful and spiteful and waiting for judgement to kick in at any moment. Not even realizing that I was just nothing but an organic robot and brainwashed to be a philosopher and be a great thinker and not a doer, and how I am not actually living and creating something to be real and for what is best for me and to do what is best to help others as well. And how I never knew how to help myself, therefore, nothing in my life ever truly amounted. Because I thought that being a philosopher was the way of life and to say things just to say things and never do anything about it, and just say it just to say it. Without ever living the words and actually performing the act to create value and money and to sell and to be able to do things efficiently and effectively to gain something actually real. And it was never that way for me at all whatsoever, nor did I know how to do anything, it was always abused and at a stand still halt, even when it came to sales, selling, persuading, door knocking in the past and recently, whatever it was. I just never could do it. Even in to high corporate finance, so many points within me were holding me back, no matter how much I persisted and persevered, I would always not know what to do and say anything, therefore, I would end up saying the wrong thing and absolutely sabotage my way and opportunity to lead, because I never could lead myself. Nor could I lead anyone else, and how everything was always some type of barrier and stand still halt, and how I could never do anything that would've been substantial for me to achieve. It was always some type of mediocre performance, and it always was, it was never for actual true superior performance, I never knew how to do anything. No wonder my life is the way it is since, I was 2-3 and then 4-5, that’s when things got worse and how I got more and more abused within my environment and saw my parents and how they were never capable of achieving anything, no matter what it is and what it was. They never actually lived the true living words that were best for all and for themselves, therefore, it was always some type of detriment going on and misunderstanding, no context, people always being quiet, not speaking up, not persuading me, but it was always me being manipulated in the worst ways possible that was negative, I was never guided into the right direction for myself. Because my parents never knew the best direction for themselves nor could they do it anyone at all, and how I was the person not guided proficiently, and effectively. And how I am and where I am in my life, is only ever more, filling a loss further, nothing ever abundant at all whatsoever, under any circumstance, opportunity, or anything at all.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as parents as mother and father, and relatives, to not know how to and not realise that I was self deluding myself and ourselves to the point where no matter what we did, it was always being quiet and not doing anything real and substantial, and how we never knew how to do anything, we always lectured this little person and how we never cared for him. We always misunderstood ourselves and how we could never make money ourselves, but to be a slave like everyone else on the planet, who are working hour to hour and never making anything, no matter what it is and was, business or not. And how we ruined the environment for him and that we never knew what it was like to create something to be real, because we only lectured him and beat him and manipulated him in such a negative abusive way. To the point where his own reality was never going to be truly amounting of anything, no matter how hard he tries at anything, whether if it’s a new hobby, business, work, sport, o anything, he will complain and say things and make excuses and how we would do the same thing and explain his excuses to another person. And how we never realised that we never truly gave him the encouragement and to say something, instead we laughed at him and made him feel inferior and not encourage him to keep going and instead we always yelled at him in pain and anguish for not doing what we expected him to do. Because in reality and fact, we could never do the things we expected him to do, even though we thought it was easy for  us, but this little person could never understand, nor could we ever understand what it was. So ever since, we left him alone and never helped him and never did anything for him, therefore, it was the fact and real reality of ever more filling a loss much more further than ever before. Nothing real, just all fake, fake parents, fake teaching, fake life, fake reality, fake understanding within misunderstanding, fake environment, fake everything. And how everything for us and to us and at us was always at some type of standing halt and nothing ever was persisted and created for the better, it was always for tell and show, it was never for say and do and perform and create as the result of what is best and how to be encouraged to do anything to be real instead, it was all fake. For the fucking worst of all, abuse, beyond imagination and belief, and how no one could get away and how abuse was at each and every corner of life for us and for this little boy that lives with us. And how we don’t even know what to do with our lives, so we show the same thing to this little boy who lives with us, and how we never made anything better for him. It was always abuse, going out to play and being stupid and not doing anything real to create, but to go outside and play and majority of the time to watch tv and do things that are not best and of no true, and actual REAL creation. Everything was all a facade and fake and fad from us and how we taught it him and how we lived it, we never expressed t in words at times, although it was misunderstood in the environment and everything was ever more a loss being filled further and further, with no wins, being filled and created, it how saying things just to say it and when something isn’t right, abuse it and manipulate it and do what is not best and destroy his self esteem our environment what we say and do that is not best to hold ourselves back especially and most importantly the environment and unknown laws and equations to be expressed to to this little boy who we abused and dumbed down to the point where he will never be able to think for himself and to be of actually capability to create something real and practical. Instead we made a  theory out of everything and made it all worse upon and for everyone, no matter who it was and is, we only made things worse, and it was all misunderstood, for every little point and mechanism, turn, opportunity, situation, and circumstance with other people themselves and ourselves as well. And nothing was ever of actual true creation, it was only ever, filling a loss further. Just saying things as they are and just to say it and not do it, is nothing but a detrimental act and how this little boy picked it up and how we never imagined what would happened later on in his life, no matter what he would do of anything, that we didn’t care if he understood what we said or not, we only said it and just said it anyway. And even if it as something that he wasn't supposed to hear, we would go to some other place to talk and lace out things for ourselves and make him feel misunderstood and left out and to be of something to be hidden behind closed doors, and for him to not ever know that we were doing, even it was just talking with ourselves and even talking behind his back and talking about him. And how he is stupid and mediocre and inferior, and how the way s he acting and behaving and expressing, is of inferiority and not of true ways of life. Because we in fact have taught him to do the same thing to his own vices and own conclusion that were not what best for all, it was always detrimental at every turn and corner, no matter what it was and is. Everything was always some type of loss of no creation, it was always somehow held back and destroyed and/or taken away by force and to put something so high up to the point where he could never play and have fun to do anything of what he ever wanted to do out life for the better, it was always not for the better, it was always for the worst, at each and every corner and turn. Coming up upon the timeline that was not best at all whatsoever, for anyone, nor him at all whatsoever, and even for ourselves as well.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think that i can be the greatest thinker of the world and help others, when i realised I couldn’t even help myself, to create something to be truly real and do it. And how I was only taught to say things just to say, but never actually to understand and know how to apply it and live it, as for what I could’ve been taught, but no one ever knew how to do anything so I never since ever knew how to do anything and make anything real. Therefore, I was able to do anything of actual real creation in reality, and how it was just being philosophized and being distributed as just a message and not of true actual movement and creation to make something real and to live those living words of actual true creation of whatever endeavor that I wanted to do. I would always say something but my words were not matching up to my actions and how and what I was doing in my real life and what was going on my mind, as if I was just remembering the information just to remember it and look cool for remembering things but not to be cool to be of creation and to create something real. Instead I was performing mediocrity and inferiority at it’s finest for the worst way possible, and how I wasn't able to create something real, it was always a fake and fad and facade. Nothing was of actual real creation, and how I was being taught in school and even at home, nothing was ever real, nothing was ever done and created by movement and self application to have my words match up within the definitions of what I say and do and how I apply myself in real physical life. And how it was so strange that I could never actually do what I was saying and doing, I was only saying things just to look cool and be a public mediator to people and how I never had the real results when telling other people what I know. When in fact, I have created nothing to what I have been saying and learning this whole entire time, and even as well as my whole entire life. Nothing was ever created to be real, therefore, I never knew what and how to live the living words that are best for me, instead I am living words that are not best for me, from my environment and school, and whoever was around me and whatever was occurring to me and for what i was doing and was ordered to do by authority, who never explained to me anything. And how i immediately followed what they said, but sometimes and all the time instantly rebelled and never wanted to do anything what what someone was saying to me, because I thought it was invalid and how my life and creation of what I have been saying my whole entire life, has been invalid, on the inside, and not on the outside. As my inner workings and words of the definitions to be shown in action of living the word as by going out to do it, was not working for me, and how I was never able to influence anyone, nor could I influence myself to do what was best at all whatsoever. Nor could anyone influence me in the best and right ways possible, it was always filling a loss further and halting back further and further ever more into oblivion. Delusional and illusional ways for a detrimental life, and how I was taught to be nothing but a philosopher who never does and actually says what he does and creates it and does it as real meaning and expression in real life. As the inner and outer change was never in the best ways possible, it was recycling and re-evolution in ways of going nowhere, and just saying the same things over and over and over and over and over and again and again. No matter what I was saying, I was not able to apply it, because I didn’t know how to do it, therefore, everything in my environment, people or not, were not able to help me, therefore, they could not explain it to me, because they thought i couldn’t understand, so they never did, ever since. And how my life is left to my own vices, and how no matter what I do and try and attempt at, nothing was ever working in my life, I never could create the life I’ve always wanted. Because everyone around me, lived a mediocre life and inferior life for the worst.

When and as I see myself saying things and not doing it, and not creating anything, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself trying to be some type of philosopher, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not doing and creating what I am saying, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself being clueless to what something is trying to say to me without any proper context, I stop and breathe, and ask for them to do so, and I can figure it out and do what is best, and not the other way around.

When and as I see myself not being teachable and not doing what I am saying and creating, even though it sounds good, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself trying to one up someone in being a philosopher, and not doing anything about it to back up what I say in physical self application, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself being oblivious and just accepting and allowing what someone is saying that isn’t even real for what they are saying and how they’re not doing it and creating anything real, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself being oblivious to what I am saying and how if I am not creating what I saying and actually applying myself to do it and make it real, and with a result, I stop and breathe, and seek out help and self forgive myself if anything is left.
When and as I see myself not being able to think for myself and to do anything to get help for what I am not able to do, I stop and breathe, and seek help for who has the actual results and is actually doing it.

I realise that my environment was not set up for success, it was set up for failure and how no one ever knew anything, nor did I ever know anything was not understood of what people were doing as they say they were doing. And sometimes it was just in fact detrimental and how their words and actions were not lining up and aligned with hat and who they are, it was just some fad and facade. And how no one around me ever knew how to do thing, they always made me go do things on my own and to never teach me how to do anything, and ever since, my actions and words, never lined up within my expression and behavior and how I was not actually doing what was best, it was always for some type mediocre performance and inferior performance of nothing actually being created for REAL in real reality. It was only ever filling a loss further, nothing of real substance and action and self application in the physical. It was just said in the mind and just to express it just to say it without any action. And just to sound cool, but sounding cool without living the living words, is just nothing but a fad, facade structure for failure and mediocrity. And how I never realised that I was so delusional to everything and anything that I have ever said and how I was not able to make and create something to be real in my words that I was not able to live, because of who was around me and who never explained anything to me and how I was not able to learn and do anything and things for myself, therefore, my life, was not of anything of actual real value to have real possession and self directive will of myself. In fact, I never did have self possession and self direction in myself, I never could actually make anything real, therefore, I would always want to say things just to sound cool and confident. But I never could apply it, because I never understood, and what to do with it, at all whatsoever.

I realise that my parents and relatives never knew how to do anything to what they were saying and how I saw them and they never could apply what they were saying and sometimes when they did walk somewhere else to talk and called another person to talk with them. And to tell me to stay away, just because they thought I couldn’t understand and to have any sort of context, because they were afraid of the things they were talking about would not be best for me, because all they were doing were just complaining and  crying and doing stupid shit that wan’t even best. And how I  could not understand what was going on, so I just played with my toys and did my own thing and never talked with anyone, therefore, I never interacted with anyone and knew of anything and never understood anything. There were no books, just a tv, and just go outside and play, in a big backyard and big living room, but there was not enough for me, it was never enough, it wasn’t good enough, because I wasn’t getting the context and understanding words and how to apply them. Therefore, I never knew anything and how I would always be clueless and just to say things just to say it and never do anything about it, therefore, I never created anything real in my life. Within that, I was not able to live the living words of what I am learning and doing. And how my whole life is the way it is and where it is, due to no one giving me understanding and context, and how I had to do everything on my own and never ask for help, nor could I even help myself. So no wonder, I was always so self reserved and isolated myself from everyone, even if i wanted help, but never wanted to do anything, even when a little thought came into my mind that to do this, but I completely disregarded it at times and never did it, either if i felt oblivious and/or either depressed of what is even going on, because i didn’t know what to do truly  at all whatsoever. Nobody taught me, so I never knew ever since, and how I never truly created anything to be real and of actual real value and physical results in real life and to be able to make something of it that I was doing. But it was never that way, I was only filling a loss ever more further, not ever abundance and results that were physical and not just the mind, itself, at all whatsoever.

I realise that I was never able to create something real, it was all a fad and facade in my life, everything was fake, nothing real for me to create and have and show to others and how they could do the same. But in fact, no one will ever know either, if I do not know how to do anything for real and live the living words as the flesh and as myself, and how I never understand how to live the living words as life, up until now to realise what I could do with it and be able to do and create something for real, and how I never knew that I was suppressing this from my childhood, at age of 2-3 and 4-5, those key years held me back and even when I came to be 6 and 7 and 8. It was all over for me, ever since, I never knew how to create and understand anything and to make something real, from that day on my life was never the same, it was always recycling and revolving in the same direction just at a different degree and effort. That’s it.

I realise that my words have no meaning and are of not true actual real creation, therefore, I never could create, and never could influence another, because i was never influenced in the best ways possible, because no one ever knew the meaning to anything, therefore, everyone was a philosopher and just saying things just to say it and how if it was best or not. And event hat when they do recommend something to me that isn’t best and that if they are not doing it themselves, I would be oblivious and just go along with it and never question why things ever were to me, because I was not in true actual self realisation and aware of me and what was going to create for the better. And how I was never able to create anything real ever since in my life up until this very moment and time, because I don’t know how to live the living words to create what is best for me and what is best for  others, because no one else had their best interest in me, nor for themselves, and nor for anyone at all whatsoever. Nothing ever real, all fake, all bullshit.

I realise that with my friends even when we did wanted to call bullshit on things, we and I never realised that we could create and actually do something, even when we challenged each other but none of us could actually create something to be real and have a physical result that is pretty cool to have and how ever since. We never persisted to do what was best, because the inner workings from our parents and what we fed to by entrainment and abuse, and misunderstanding in our environment. And how nothing was ever to be made real, no books, just all metaphysical in the mind, and how everything was so theoretical and not real. How this whole entire time, I was taught theory my whole entire life, and how nothing was of real creation and result, it was never practical, it was all impractical, nothing ever real, nothing of true and actual real physical creation. Than just in the mind and realising the bullshit that will never be created and that I’ll be fucked forever, since that day of being 2-3 years old and 4-5 the 6-7 and then 8. That very day ruined my whole entire life, and affected each and every decision and thing that I wanted to do, and didn’t do. And how ever since, I was not able to do what could’ve been for the better, at all whatsoever.

I realised that i was never taught to actually understand and know how to do anything, and ever since, I never could create what I wanted to do, it was all being just said to be said and never play it out in my real life, therefore, my life was nothing but a mediocre living for the worst. Because everyone around me, never knew how to do anything, therefore, I was never taught, because I never knew how to ask and/or say anything properly and effectively and always got in trouble, and how no one ever appreciates me being around, therefore, I never appreciated myself  to be around others and even myself to do what I wanted to do. So ever since, nothing was of actual real understanding and and for real creation, at all whatsoever, fucking nothing, all filling a loss further, ever more into oblivion and delusion and illusion as how my life is the way it is right now as I speak and write this.

I realise that no one ever took an true genuine interest in me to learn and apply information and to live as the flesh physical living, because no one else, could do for it themselves, therefore, they never could explain it and know how to do it and live it as the being of who they were and who I am and was and is right now.

I commit myself to understand words and to apply and live the information and to do what's best for all and in my physical self application and become to have more and more of self possession and self direction to be, do and have anything and everything of any possession i want in my life. And to help others do the same to live the living words, for those who are worthy and to be teachable, as I am becoming more and more teachable and applying myself the information that I am learning and do so and to develop the vocabulary in TechnoTutor and go out and do what it is that I need to do the live the living words for the better. For as I see myself as life and life resonance as the flesh as the living words to improve and adapt for the better, as LIFE!

I commit myself to investigate what may be further of what is not best within me and how  I can live the living words that are best for me and to forgive myself of what isn't best and for what I am not doing and don't understand quite yet. And If I do not understand, I will ask and get context and even support myself as well in the process to get further and further with better understanding and to be able to apply myself to make and create in real physical reality in front me and with others to make it  real and of real physical results for the better. For as i see myself as life and life as the flesh as my expression to improve and adapt for the better, as LIFE

I commit myself to redefine how I am living my words and what is working and not working and how I can able to investigate that and put it through TechnoTutor and to be to understand to put myself in the situation again to have better context, depending on the situation that is best for me to confront it again and be able to push through and create and make value and money in what I am saying and do it, and express it in a different light and meaning, and to give my words meaning, so I can truly become to live a life that is truly meaningful. To become to create a life that I‘ve always wanted for what’s best for me and for what’s best for all to benefit and for whom are worthy of being welcomed to qualify within the quality of who the individual is, and we will help that person qualify and to become teachable and help to be influenced to get a real kick out of life to make something real and to become free within the mind and the body, and to recreate with support and for what is best for all. For as I see myself as life and life resonance as the flesh and real expression resonance, for what is best for all, and for LIFE!

I commit myself to help my kids and my wife to understand and how to live the living words as stability and for what is best for all, of common sense and actual practicality of having meaning to words, to have a meaningful life. For the better and to read to our kids and to each other and by ourselves when we are able to, and to help them read at least 30 minutes to and hour or more each day and explain to them how things work and what to do with it and how to do it, with understanding what it is of what a phrase in a book means or anything in real life means and what it is about and how it works and what is on there in simple practical terms of its use and its participation here in reality. And to encourage them and to become to learn and to be able to speak fluently each and every time with having the right meaning and explanation to them to how to say a certain word and explain for what they need and want and we will be able to provide with common sense and practicality in real life that can be used and to have a real result from for the better. And to keep improving and adapting with them and encourage them to keep learning and applying in real life and understanding whatever we do and want to do with interest in real life, to become more and more creative and innovative in all that we do in life, as living words, as real physical self application, for as I see myself as life and life resonance as the flesh as living words, in physical living and expression as LIFE!

I commit myself to show that living words are the best way to go about anything, when the meaning is fully defined, and if no one is doing that, I will challenge them if necessary with respect and dignity and integrity. To help one another, and how if anyone tries to deceive another, they are nothing but an abuser who knows nothing and has no meaning to their words, therefore, they have no meaning to their life, no matter what they do in life at all whatsoever. Within that, I commit myself to encourage and understand how to lead myself and to lead others with better understanding each and every time and to  live and do what it is that I am saying and expressing. As I am building my company to more and more improved heights than ever before, in practical ways in the best ways possible with help from others and helping others for the better, as well, for as I see myself as life and life as the flesh as living words to improve and adapt for the better, as LIFE!

I commit myself to become to be always creating and understanding what I am creating and to have and define what I am looking to create and make for the better for my life, and for others as well along the way, and to become super ultra wealthy, by starting off where I am and what I can do for the better with my life and help and  encourage and inspire others to do the same in my  business and my life with true actual meaning to my words and create a true meaningful life for my ultimate and super success. For as I see myself as life and life resonance as the flesh as living words to improve and adapt for the better with meaning as LIFE!

I commit myself to back up what I say with actions and live the living words as the flesh with understanding and application and to understand and know it’s meaning, learn how to do it, and to go out  and apply it and lead myself in self possession, and self direction for the better each and every time for my ultimate and super success for the better. For as I see myself as life and life resonance as the flesh as living words as to improve and adapt for the better, as LIFE!

I commit myself to see and become to understand to see others as one and equal individuals, and that of course we have different information and meanings to our words, and how we speak and present and express ourselves. Conveying our message across and making it clear with the right purpose and to understand it and do it, for real practical physical results for the better. For as I see myself as life and life resonance as the flesh as living words to improve and adapt for the better, as LIFE!

I commit myself to correct another if what they are saying is what they are doing, and question them if they are actually living that and doing what they are saying, and if it not matching up, then i bring notice to them, and challenge another if needed, and be rude if the situation warrants it with stability and practicality within common sense. For as I see myself as life and living words with integrity and self honesty for what is best for all life as the flesh as living words as LIFE!

I commit myself to understand how to do sales and persuasion, and the business for what it is that I am doing, in education, renewable energy, engineering, investments, and perform myself and understand and have the different meanings to those words and do them within that industry and for what i want to do in my life and of course to have the help of doing so in real physical practical reality for the better. For as I see myself as life and life resonance as the flesh to achieve much more than ever before as living words and physical application and self direction and leadership for the better, and for LIFE!

I commit myself to forgive myself of what I am living that is not best for me and to write stop and breathing statements to when and if a reaction were to ever come up, and to take self directive principle in the moment, to stop myself when the consequence is about to occur and self direct myself  to what is best and of common sense and actual practical in my writings and in my actions and expressions a well. Then transitioning to realisation statement to realise what had happened to me and for me that wasn’t best for me and for what I was doing or not doing, that wasn’t best at all whatsoever. Within that, I commit myself to write self commitment statements and self corrective application and to live the living words as life with real meaning to have meaningful expression and creation for physical actual results for the better. And to use the tools of TechnoTutor, self forgiveness and self corrective application within the Desteni I Process and the Desteni material and videos and blogs to read and apply myself as. And to rebirth and live the meaningful words back to life for a meaningful life for the better. For as I see myself as life and life resonance as the flesh as living words to improve and adapt for the better in physical application and meaning for and as LIFE!

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