Preconceived doubt?
(Read aloud and Breathe)
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that when i see and realise something that I am not understanding what it is that I am seeing and hearing and witnessing right before my eyes. And how i am immediately having some type of preconceived doubt and being prejudice and assuming so harshly as if this doubt will really become real, when in fact and reality, I am the one who is trying to make it real to myself and how in my actions it is making me feel much more worse off than I am and how I am right now and how I am feeling right now. As if preconceiving doubt before it comes is only another form and reality of predicting my own mistake and doubting something won’t happen as I thought it would be. No matter if I was looking to build a relationship as a friend with someone, and they end up assuming something about me and how I am preconceiving some type of doubt and emotion of my own assumptions into thinking this person thinks I’m trying to be in a relationship or make money or sell them. When in fact, it is only me who is making something up without even understanding what this person is even going through and how I am making the first assumption right out of the gate and ready to go. And how I am not realising that I am about t fuck up something for myself, not realising that it is coming from a mile away from me, and how I am predicting my own preconceived assumptions and doubt as assumptions and how it is not even real to begin with. I am only just making something up, just because I thought it was real, and how other people had done this and how i didn’t realise that I took on their excuses and mistakes before even trying to investigate anything. And how I just took it on as a truth and mannerism as the flesh, and how I understand now, that that is not even me, I only perceived it as truth and took it on as my own truth and when it came out to my performance of it. I would usually at rare to sometimes make a harsh mistake and how nothing usually comes to me and how nothing should be coming to me, unless I am worthy of creating something of merit and of doing so. And how I am only just trying to do another form and reality of prejudice act upon myself without even seeing and realising and understanding what I am even doing to myself as other people have done to me and how they must’ve done those prejudice things to themselves as well. Along with assumption and preconceived things and how they might be doubtful, and how they keep saying, oh I don’t know, let’s see, if it works or not, it might not even work, and then they easily give up. And how I found myself easily giving up on something so damn simple, and of common sense and practicality, that i am letting fear slip in under the door as if I hadn’t investigated something much long time ago that was also controlling my life, as if I didn’t even have any self trust for myself at all whatsoever. And having all of these preconceived notions without even investigating what is what and what is at all, nothing. And not even bothering to find out as if it is not even worth it to do anything to find out and make something real, and just losing out on my own opportunity, just because other people accepted a mediocre life and critical judgement as mediocrity, and how I seemed to have accepted and allowed that within my life without even knowing that i did or even bothered to challenge the person. Because it was so mixed up within my conscious and then into my subconscious, as it repeated more and more and more into a spiral and down with the tidy bowl man, into the unconscious. Once it flushes down, it’s into the unconscious, and now I am acting it as the flesh, when in fact and reality, I’ve only and always accepted some type of mediocre useless and worthless type of excuse from others who never tried to investigate anything and would easily give up. And how I found myself easily giving up on things, even when they were so simple to persist on and keep going to get further results and success along the way. But I never did know that this pattern would fuck me over and lead me down a direction and path without my own will, and i deliberately let it happen without even bothering and trying to turn back to what I had done and accepted and allowed myself to not realize that i dd not even have true self trust and directive principle for myself. Because in reality, I never did trust myself, I always distrusted myself, no matter how hard I tried to trust myself to go down the right path, and not think and reach out to another person for help, I always thought I could just isolate myself and do it myself. When in fact, when that does happen, I end up screwing myself over onto a board to be bored and do nothing with my life and my actual self and self trust was not even there. Because I never knew what self trust truly meant. So ever since, I only had these preconceived doubts and notions about something and how other people had done the same thing and how my neglected acts and patterns would make the other person have also some type of preconceived doubt to their own assumption. And how I was never sure of myself and always had some type of weird mediocre uncertainty and doubt, that whatever i did, never had true certainty, it was always some type of prejudice act in assumption towards myself. Even if it was merely subtle to me and to others as well, and how i just never questioned it, and how others only accepted a life of being led by their own emotions instead of actual real logic and common sense and practicality. It was always doubted initially and then nothing gets done and then we end up going down a path that isn’t best for us and for no one at all, we just end up accepting and allowing it to be our fate and destiny. When in fact, we were leading ourselves down a path of the starting point being the ending point, because we never knew if it was to be good or not good. And if the path was going down to where things were not considered and critically understood and thought to be what was best, we would always disregard it and do nothing with ourselves and do other stupid things that weren’t really getting us anywhere in life. No matter what did and tried, and attempted at and easily gave up, as if there was no solution in mind, there was always an end in mind, and it was always for the worst. We were never taught to be self sufficient, we were never taught to think critically, to think for ourselves, we and I were all taught to WHAT to THINK, and HOW To Think as lies, and mediocre truths, and mediocre lies, that were never certain. It was always some weird notion of wait what?, that isn’t right?, but we don’t even bother to question it any further. And just go about our day, and never say anything as if it didn’t even matter and to challenge that lie and call bullshit. It was never that way, we only accepted and allowed some type of lie, mediocre lie, mediocre truth, and all the preconceived prejudice acts towards others, situations, opportunities, people, circumstances, events, and most importantly, to ourselves. And that was it, never was ever questioned, because we were so brainwashed into beLIEving that preconceived doubts is the best way to go about anything, no matter what it is to begin with. The starting point was always started as what was not best for anyone and full of uncertainty into the wrong direction, into no man’s land, and no abundance of anything and any understanding at all whatsoever. No one understood, no one questioned anything, no one knew how to think and have thought for themselves critically, I never did, none of my friends ever did, relatives, parents, and things always went down a path of no man’s land. And where we are right now and up until this very moment and time, where things are not in abundance, and how it is always some type of mediocre and weird limitation and lack. As if there is no tomorrow of and for anything to look after and forward to, because nothing was ever anticipated to look forward to, it was always the same thing, over and over and over, and over into the wrong direction to what was not even best for all. No one knew how to work with each other, I never knew of any of that, so I had to do my own thinking and beLIEve others' thinking and how I thought that to be right and never bothered to challenge and consider if it was right or not. And how people always said yes it was right, but it was only their opinion, and how I never from right from wrong or wrong from right. It was just considered that way, it was always judged and perceived and thought and felt as within the living flesh as truth, when in fact, it was all a lie, and how I never knew how to apply it to my life. I only made it an example to me and my life into mixing and hazardous ways of thinking and applying it into my life. When in fact, I was only operating under my own foundation and going nowhere with it, as if I thought things would change for the better, but somehow I would ALWAYS, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS, get held back in some type of way. It was never any term and circumstance, opportunity, collaboration with others, people, events or of anything to further advance and grow into what was and is best to be, but evidently, it was never that way. It was always some weird preconceived mediocre doubt and was always doing some type of prejudice act of doubt before it happens or and after to perceive how it may happen. When in fact, if it would be, then I would be the one to voice it and say my own preconceived doubt and notions towards it. With my own assumptions that for something that I’ve done before that was so big in my life to even handle, no matter if it was a big business deal, maintaining and improving relationships the way I did things, the way I wanted to be ini sports, it was never in whatsoever of anyway, to improve for anything. It was always some subtle quick quantum time within the mind from the unconscious to the subconscious to the conscious act. And how from the unconscious it is operating to find the damaged file, and then the subconscious prepares it, and then the conscious doesn’t know what to do and how it acts out in error and complacency and lives a mediocre effort and performance as if nothing was ever changed, and improved for. When in fact and reality, I was and am right now, operating on my foundation from the 7 years, no matter how hard I try for anything, I just never noticed how things would reverse into a spiral down with the tidy bowl man into no man’s land. Where no one is around, only me and myself and my ego and my backchat that isn’t even really doing anything for me, and how it is doing it without my will and how I am just letting it happen. Just because I think i have under control, when in fact, I do not, as if I don’t need people, as if I don’t need money, as if I don’t need resources, as if I don’t need attention, as if I don’t need care and affection and encouragement, as if I don’t need myself, nor anyone, nor anything. And how I in reality have nothing, but myself and what is around me and the dishonesty of the result from it, and how it has compounded so harshly into the direction that is not what was best for me, nor for anyone, and nor was it for the world, nor for the people around me, nor for myself. Because in fact and truth and deep reality, no one ever knew either, no one knew how to do anything, to take control of themselves and get the proper support and help, it was always deviated into saying to get over it. But that solution never worked, because it never did, even if I and we or anyone got over it, we would only be suppressing it, and never overcoming it with any type of support and explanation and understanding from someone who would have cared. But in fact and reality, no one cared, so I never cared at all whatsoever, and it always led me down a path of what was not best, it was always for failure, and mediocrity, it was never corrected and fixed and redirected into the right direction with understanding. It never came out to be of any way for actual success and learning. As they say, failure is init he genes, and now it won’t be anymore, I never realised, how thoughts and words welcome out into deeds of our own, as we witness them in quantum physical time, and breath that things will never be deemed to be redeemed as actual true learning for training and thought and practice to be able to achieve what was to be of actual worthiness. But in fact and reality, and obviously, it was Never Ever that way at all whatsoever. It was always preconceived and immediately judged and never questioned and shit canned into the bottom of the bucket and no one will ever pay attention to what was needed and provided and understood. Instead it was always neglected and for negligence, irresponsibility, mediocre life ways and living as expression as the flesh. And when in fact, when things don’t turn out to be for the better, it will always be for failure their whole life, and could’ve been my whole life for the worst. Even for everyone, if they have yet to investigate what is even holding them back to do what is best for all, and for themselves to gain and do something special and meaningful in this world to want what’s best for everyone. But instead it was preconceived and doubted and immediately disregarded into the toilet or the loo or anything of that matter. The trash can, whatever it is that you want to call it. It will never last, if it is not questioned, provided, put attention and for understanding on, to know how and how to think critically, instead we were and I was taught for actual failure and mediocrity. Therefore, nothing ever went to be for what is best for me, nor did my parents ever realise what was even best for them, because only they knew what was the best they could do, and in fact, it was always for failure, and mediocrity. Bottom line. I just never knew that, and what was truly going on at all whatsoever. Even when I fell off my bike and my shoelace got caught in the chain and chain wheel blade, my dad immediately grabbed me into the house and proceeded to beat me and not understand what I wanted to do to have fun. He only wanted everyone home and never bothered to question why he was doing such a thing to use his depression to control everyone.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a father to immediately disregard my child and immediately grab my child into the house, while cutting off his caught shoelace that was caught into the bike chain and the bike blade chain connector, and how I only wanted everyone home. And as I was grabbing him and his bike his friends witnessed him being grabbed and man handled by another person who doesn’t give a shit about his own child, and how I never cared for him, but only wanted my wife and my child to be home. Instead I forced it and disregarded everyone and used my depression to control everyone, and how my son came out to doing that with others and having to use his depression to control everyone and have preconceived doubts of what he wanted everyone to do and understand him for and how it was for control to be happy again. When in fact, I didn’t realise that I was doing that to make him do the same thing, unconsciously and then subconsciously to do the same thing and not question why that is even so that he is doing the same thing. And how I found myself to do the same thing and not ever question why I was controlling everyone with my own depression, just because I was only afraid of my own darkness within my own mind and how i accepted and allowed all of them from childhood abuse, to later growing up and abusing my health and myself and other people. And how i never noticed that i lost my very first family and had to start a new one, because I couldn’t be alone to control anyone else with my depression. While I was controlling myself with my own depression and how IT was always possessed within it, I just didn’t realise how my unconscious and subconscious was also meaning and looking to see who else I can possess and control for my own depression to be happy again. When in fact, I can’t even be happy myself, just because I was abused and how it caused me to not know what truly ever happened at all whatsoever to me. And how now I am finding myself doing the same thing and now doing it to my son and my wife and how his friends saw him for what I was doing and how they witnessed depression and anger being controlled upon his own child. And how when they grow up, they will end up doing the same thing over and over again. Being manipulated and manipulating others for their own happiness and success just so they can get some type of over ruling power, just like I had done to my son and how later in his life to ruin his own relationships and most importantly the relationship he has with himself, whether he knows he has a relationship with himself or not at all whatsoever. And of course, I was the one who ruined it for him in the first place, when only he was just trying to have fun with his friends riding his bike and going around the neighborhood. And now he has nothing, and how I myself have nothing left but myself and barely any money and resources left almost at the end of my life, and how habits of smoking and drinking and making loud slamming noises just so i can do that to take out my expression of depression and anger. Upon things so others will notice what i am doing so I can try to further control other things, people, my own family and wife and child to cure my happiness, just because I don’t have it myself, and how I am accepting and allowing it to happen and be that way, without even questioning my starting point and investigating why that even iis ni the first place at all whatsoever.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as friends and relatives of our friend and a witness to not even realise what depression and anger of preconceived doubt and notions. That when no one is home, we see that another person is being controlled by someone else's depression and how it is going nowhere, and going into oblivion and is done for the worst, and how things were never turn out better for us, nor for will it be for our friend, who just man handled by his own father, and how we now understand, that he has a shitty relationship with himself by assumption and how we see it as evidence with his father. And how things will never change and will never go anywhere or the better. It was always for the worst, things were changed, and how we thought in our own assumptions and preconceived doubts to notice what we saw that day, as it was turning into an evening as the street lights were coming on in the neighborhood. And how we noticed, what depression and anger for control over others just so one can be happy, and how now that we realise, that it is not best to do anything like that, just because we thought no one should be considered to have that be done to anyone, and how we witnessed someone doing something unworthy and distasteful towards another. As if it was the right way to treat someone, no matter if wife, spouse, husband, child, relative, friend, or anyone, no matter who the fuck it is. I don’t believe and think that anyone should be treated that way, and how we came to act it out in our own ways and varying degrees to what we had just witnessed, because later we never talked to him ever again. We stopped being friends, because of our friend’s dad having control and freedom being restricted, so we would rather not help him and preconceive our doubts and notions about what is going to happen or is not going to happen. To many varying situations and scenarios to even happen at that very moment and time. And how we never knew, accepting and allowing ourselves to lose a friend, over someone being man handled and controlled and angered over and at. We just never knew how bad it was, and how it was never changed, because we never spoke to him and with him and ever hung out with him, ever again. It was only a few weeks later we did, and that was about it, as things got different and we ended up departing for some weird odd preconceived notion and assumption that we never investigated. Because we thought different people come into our lives and soon disappear the next day, week, month, or year and even forever.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise as a father, that I never taught my own son and child ever to know how to think. I only taught him unconsciously and subconsciously the conscious act in ways of punishment and mis-understanding. It was never for the best, it was always in assumptions and preconceived doubts and notions that was never investigated and understood. It was always and only accepted and allowed and disregarded from the starting point and get go of any solution that would’ve been best, I only and always went with the solution that was never best, it was always abuse and punishment, and reward and that was it and of course manipulation. Into getting what I wanted and in order for my child to get what he wanted, I would have to manipulate him, in order to do so and see how he can follow my preconceived orders and notions of manipulation, just because I never knew how to be an effective person, individual, parent, or anyone at all whatsoever. I was always a loser and will always be, never something of a real role model for anything at all whatsoever. It will always be for failure, mediocrity, and mediocre performance and living as the flesh to be for nothing, no true achievement, no true abundance, no true basic needs met, emotionally, physically, and food, nutrition, clothes, other essentials to be had and used for what was and what is best for growth and making money. It was never that way, a job, going to school, getting into debt, showing debt and how much debt I was in, was only advocated and never critically done for anything else to understand how to do it, but show my mistakes and show no solution, nothing what was to be for what’s best for all. It was always for what was NOT best, what was of uncommon sense, and uncommon abuse. And that was it, everything and anything, anyone and everyone who ever came to my path, I always abused them, not realising that I was doing so, and no matter how blind and angered I was in doing so. I only accepted and allowed the atrocity to happen in explosives and quantum physical time of its occurrence for the worst.
When and as I see myself having preconceived doubts and notions and prejudices towards things that I haven’t even bothered to investigate, I stop and breathe and redirect with patience and understanding to investigate with respect and dignity for myself and for others with understanding and acknowledgement.
When and as I see myself preconceiving something before it happens and not even bother to ask a question and seek out why with respect and dignity and try to do t in disrespect and misunderstanding and mis-acknowledge, I stop and breathe, and understand and ask for the answer and find out, instead of just assuming as it is to be or not at all of anything and anyone of so.
When and as I see myself no one being there for me, and trying to control others for my depression and anger and for some power and control, I stop and breathe, and be here and understand that if people are occupied with something, then I’ll be patient and understand what is being taken care of and done for and understand the other person and myself and where I am at, and where I can go for the better for success.
When and as I see myself not getting help and wanting and reach out for help, and only fleeting myself back in doubt and preconceived doubts and notions of all kinds, I stop and breathe deeply and slowly in and out, and realise what I am doing to myself and help myself and if I can not do it, then I will ask for help to whom that is credible for the support.
When and as I see myself having the urge to control others for my depression and intense anger, I stop and breathe.
When and as i see myself assuming things as if I haven’t investigated it before, and didn’t even bother to do so and assume all things and do it in anger and spitefulness, and abuse, I stop and breathe. And understand that if I don’t know something, then I will ask out of respect to understand and see what it's that I don’t know yet and understand it.
When and as I see myself not being able to think for myself critically and effectively, I stop and breathe, and realise to support myself and get help in doing so.
When and as I see myself blaming and assuming another for what I could not realise what another was telling me, i stop and breathe and understand what I didn’t understand quite yet, and ask and investigate why that was for me and how i can do better and see further to where I want to go for my success as well as with others.
When and as i see myself comparing myself in jealousy and competition for what I don’t have and how others are succeeding more than me in my own preconceived notion and doubt, I stop and breathe and focus what I need to do to get to where I want to go and where it can lead me for success for the better!
When and as I see myself wanting to compare myself into others achievements and how others lives are better and think mine is not better for I think I don’t have already to be grateful for and to achieve more, I stop and breathe, and redirect to be here as for what I have now and what I can do to get to where I want to go.
When and as I see myself witnessing someone saying their own preconceived notion and doubt, I stop and breathe, and ask to understand why they’re saying that and why they think that specifically, because it may not be true at all whatsoever and if it is true, I’ll check myself for it.
When and as I see myself trying to give myself some type of doubt and preconceived assumption and doubt that is not even real, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself conjuring up random anger for a random assumption, I stop and breathe and be here.
I realise that having preconceived doubt and notions and assumptions and how if they are not to be investigated and immediately disregarded, then I am just accepting and allowing abuse. As for something that hasn’t been asked about, investigated about, challenged about, or anything of that matter or what anyone says at all whatsoever, and for what something is presented and how i am not even bothering to investigate it and completely disregard what is bothering me or not. And how I am not even bothering to voice my concern and say for something that is to be of curiosity to actually find out an actual answer to what it is that I am seeking. Instead of just preconceiving and assuming what i think I know, if it were to be critically true or not at all. And how sometimes I find myself contradicting myself if it is to be so or not at all whatsoever. As if I can't even think for myself anymore, and don’t even try to do so, just because I want others to do it for me and how I don’t truly have self trust and self understanding for myself. Because along the way as I was growing up, my parents and friends and teachers and so called ‘authority figures’, never could help me think for myself. They only influenced and told me what I should be thinking and how it was not best, and how I stood there staring and taking the snapshot within the picture and moving movie in a quick few seconds or so. And how I never bothered to do anything about my situation and how I thought no one could help me, just because I thought and assumed as a notion that no one could understand me. And how in actuality and reality, I was only accepting and allowing myself a preconceived notion and doubt, of mediocrity from another without even questioning why that is. I mean of course, I was naive and just a kid, I didn’t know where I was going in life. Life felt like a breeze of bleakness, nothing was actually going my way, because that whole time and my whole life, I was operating on my foundation, no matter how hard I tried and wanted to succeed. Things got ever harder to achieve and I never persisted, even when things were gaining a bit of momentum, I would easily stop myself and go into a pity party for myself and join others for my control. And then eventually it came and developed into self sabotaging for the worst. And easily falling off the bandwagon, and never bothered to even get back on and soon some day, I can be on my own. However, it never came out to be that way at all whatsoever, I was always so sensitive to everything, and how I manipulated my own self to how other people felt, is how I should feel. When in fact and reality, I was only manipulating myself to think that I should be someone else, when that person is not me, I was only preconceiving someone else’s state of emotion as assumption and how I should feel it as well, when in fact, that is not me. I am only benefitting myself of the doubt into and onto a road of nowhere for growth, but only for mediocrity and unworthiness to ever seek anything for actual meaning and life. It was so hard, I just didn’t know what to do at the time and sometimes, even now it is that way, and how I never bothered to notice it. And how things feel as if they are not going the way I want it to go. And I end up preconceiving my own doubt before it even happens, and it ends up happening, because I create it without even knowing that I did or not at all.
I realise that being abused in my childhood by my father, would cause me to abuse myself in the future, and when things are going great in my life, i don’t notice what is coming next. To crash and hit me in the face like 10 pounds of bricks, not knowing where to go next, after something has crumbled within me and is now dust, not even crumbled, just dust. And how I didn’t realise that it would shoot my self esteem into the ground and also shooting myself in the foot and going nowhere with it for any true actual real solution, but of consequence for the worst.
I realise that if I don't investigate and challenge where I am and where I haven’t gotten to where I want to go, why haven’t I started yet?, even if it is just something simple to overcome fear that isn’t even real.
I commit myself to investigate what is and truly understand and learn what it is that I don’t know yet, and what I can and become to be able to learn and to apply and achieve right now. Even if it is just doing it consistently and right the first time, and performing the perfect practice to make it perfect, and perfecting to be better and better along the way. And to seek support from those who are credible of so, and to see how I am doing, and also to watch and see how I am doing myself, and what I can do better and improve and articulate and express myself in the best ways possible and effectively and simplify it for the better! For as i see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to live the living word, as commitment, self trust and understanding, cooperation and collaboration, and to truly understand and to see what i am doing to become better and stay and direct on track to live these words as the flesh. And to improve and adapt for the better, in life and in business, and how i conduct myself and interact with others and lead others along with me and not just leading myself. As a Self Leader, that it is important to be a Self Leader, to truly know what leadership is and how to incorporate it and live it as the living flesh as expression and life resonance to live and embody out. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better.
I commit myself to help my kids as my children with my wife, to help them understand the consequences of our mistakes, and to understand to always tell them the truth, no matter what it is with common sense and practicality. And stability for them to understand where they are now and how what I am saying can benefit them along the way as they are growing up to be older and to be truly self sufficient and lead themselves. And if they need any sort of help for what they would like to do and start some day, then I will counsel and mentor them full on and thoroughly and supportively for the better. That it is important not to yell at them, but to help them understand what and how things work with understanding and common sense and explanation and how real practicality is and how things work and what it is for. And how we can understand since they are little for now, and when they grow up, they will understand more and more and achieve much more in life, then we have done in our early days as life. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to encourage and help my employees’, directors, senior partners, accountants, lawyers, and much more to help them understand what it is to investigate with common sense and practicality for themselves and to not just accept one answer as it is. To question with respect and dignity for themselves and also for another, and to consider another as they would for themselves, and if they do make mistakes and sometimes don’t want to understand it, then they’ll be challenged respectfully and with dignity personally, not in front of everyone. It’s important to support one another, as long as they are cooperative and looking to be cooperative and grow together. Because we all have to understand and Get to understand as an opportunity to become better for the better, for as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to investigate all things and keep what is best, and to improve and scale and adapt what is best, and understand discern from what is truth or not truth at all. And to help myself and others understand this and how far we can truly go and truly drive ourselves to learn and understand and apply and make something truly meaningful and pretty cool around us locally, state, province, town, country, nation, national, international, and soon without any control over us, but for us to help others be of self leadership of themselves and for themselves and to help lead others to do the same. And to develop a wonderful life and an abundant life for actual true abundance and to do what is best for all, for as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to live the living change as life and the flesh as resonance to improve and adapt for the better of really understanding in order to achieve much more along the way, step by step, breath by breath. And understand how to use and prioritize my time much more effectively and efficiently and proficiently with understanding to go to the next level of my life for the better and with others as well. For as I see myself as life and life resonance as the flesh to live the living change to improve and adapt for the better, to my ultimate and our ultimate super super super super super success!
I commit myself to understanding how to think and what to think to understand real truth and common sense and practicality and making love and work and business and life real. And to truly embody and live out as life resonance awareness as the flesh to live the living change as the words I provide for myself and with others who are of success and merit. And to discern those who are best and who have done quite some amazing things and the people around me and how I can apply the information they say and live and embody out within their lives as well. For those that are credible and worthy of so that have achieved something really pretty cool in life and in business, for as i see myself as life and life awareness resonance as the living change to improve and adapt for the better as the flesh and in real life physical participation!
I commit myself to write self forgiveness to forgive myself of what is not best within me and to realise them through breathing statements of any reaction that comes up. To stop and breathe and be here and pay attention and focus on what it is that I am doing for myself and with others. Then to write self realisation statements to what I had and have reacted to and what to what I had not yet realised that wasn’t best for me and how I can realise it now for the better and breathe along the way, step by step, breath by breath. I commit myself to write self commitment statements and to use the tools of TechnoTutor, Desteni I Process, self forgiveness and self corrective application to re-correct to live and embody out the living change to improve and adapt for the better! As a real life and in real time physical participation, for as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
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