Hope?(Read Aloud And Breathe)
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that when I gave hope to my child as if I needed to give my child another way of life to believe and sit on their own ass and do nothing with their life. As if I haven’t shown myself as a model to be so myself, and how I thought was just in a state of doing nothing, but still going after something that was in my mind, but it was in part taking in real physical reality, it was just me recycling and recycling again of my own emotions of what it is like to actually achieve something, or just hope for something to not happen. Or happen for me, in which ever fashion of consequence of good or not, whether consequence of good and evil as hope will be used as a threat and sometimes used as a way to make someone sit on their ass and not do anything as if it was a thing to do, and sit and think about all day long. When in actuality, when i sent my child to timeout, I told my child as my cousin to make the child feel as if this person is going to thinking and believing about their own mistakes and ways of doing that wasn’t best, when the person wasn’t in actual realisation of what this person was even thinking about their own mistakes and being punished about and to think about it. And hope that things will go away, when in reality, hope is just another way, of delusion and thinking that things will change and happen out of the sky and out of magic and potions to think that we are the actual love and light to everything that is going on inside of us as love. And when love is felt on the inside, we think that light from the outside and inside will affect our lives, when in reality, reality does not work that way to think and ‘hope’ that things will change “somehow.” When in fact and reality, hope was never a thing to be sought after, things always got done by action, but never by just a mere splice of hope of truth and lie and assumption all from the same source thinking and assuming that things will be all okay. And some divine worldly energy will come out of the sky and come to help me and my cousin/child or whomever I am with and taking care of or either just working with. And how i am the one in reality and fact, is just the one who punishing myself to and my own child or cousin to make me and myself and my child and other people to hope another person does what we hope for them to do in order to benefit our self interest or another person’s self interest and/or collective effort together. And feel as if we won’t get rid of any time soon, and hoping that nothing bad will ever happen. When in and fact and truth and reality, none of those things work, it was just all an imaginary theme and theory that we have set up for ourselves, when no one knows what we want to express or express our own self interest, or their self interest, unless a word or a thought is uttered to voice something to be heard. Instead of hoping for someone to say something and do something, instead of just waiting for so long for an answer and not even bother to ask a question if a person is going to be doing something for us and/or me or anyone. And how I am just making things up in my head, to think that a person is going to do something for me, when in reality, for things to move and be done, there must be a decision to be made by someone by expression and voice, not by spite or anger or impatience. It is none of that, it is only by expressing a question to see if a person of anyone and/or myself as well to express to one another, instead of thinking what they may be thinking, when in reality, it could be in reality and actual fact, that it is just my own assumption. And what I hope to beLIEve is and was real?, was not in fact real, if i don’t voice and/or say anything to express myself and see what needs to be done. And how sitting on my ass and doing nothing as if reality was not here this whole time and try to pray to God as if this so ‘called’ divine energy of “god’ is actually real, when in actuality, I am trying to pray to something that isn’t even real. When in reality, ‘I’ myself am the one who can able to grant my own wishes and goals and wants, needs and desires to help others for something that I want to be done, and it’s not just about trying to wish for me or hope for someone else, I wish something would, i hope something good or bad would happen, I wish something good or bad to happen. When in fact and reality, I am just the one assuming this whole time, that things will flourish in hope and assumption, when a decision is supposed to be made to actually make something happen. Whether it is good or not, not knowing if there was any type of ramification and a consequence coming along with it, coming back to back, ready to come and hit me like a boomerang being thrown out, and not knowing in hope and wish and assumption that some day and some time, that boomerang will come back and hit me as if I am not paying attention in hope and wishful thinking as if I need to be fueling more off assumption and fears for something to happen or not happen at all. When this W(hole) time I have been putting in a hole in the whole as nothing to be seen and flourished from, it’s just an assumption to be waited for something to be put in the hole to make it whole and complete so i can move on with my life, when in actuality and reality, things only happen, when we move and see things for real as participants with others, and ourselves. And seeing events, people, circumstances, and events, and not just trying to sit on our ass all day and hope with the opium drug as hopium together, thinking something will happen, if we just sit and meditate about something thinking when it will come and lay into our and my own lap as if I need to be having and wishing with hopefulness for something to happen in my preview and expectation. When in a decision needs to be made, and how I was programmed to hope and now I am imposing and imprinting hope as a disease and so called blind fold on the person’s life, for their w(hole) life and have nothing but an empty hope, thinking what this person is in actual need, when in reality things and in life, do not work that way, when and if a decision is made to get and make and create something and not be given it as if something is going to come without anyone's knowledge or my own knowledge and anyone else, to ever have anything in their life. As if hope is the key to everything. When in fact and reality, hope is just the disease and mind control for the poor in the world today, including myself, and how I was indoctrinated by the hope disease as if things need to be made and cured some day with ourselves hoping and assuming that someone or something or money or a relationship of anything will soon come into my life without my decision to be made. And how things will come to me, by via law of attraction, when in fact and reality, hope is the recipe for delusion and illusion, because we and I have been told so many lies to think that hope is coming around the corner to be made and flourished for. When in fact, hope is just another mechanism of wanting things to come to us, just so we can not go out there and make a decision and interact with others, instead we're here at trapped at the home of our minds and environment that we thought was best and have always lived here for so long and have done nothing to be truly self sufficient, instead we and I were all taught to be self dependent. And self insufficient, as hope is in limited supply and this whole and ENTIRE time, life was always abundant, i was just so always blind to the fact that life was ALWAYS here and nowhere else. I just thought hope and sitting on my ass was the answer to everything and all my desires, and how I have wasted so much of valuable breath and physical things that could’ve been achieved for something for the better. And evidently, nothing has ever actually changed for real, all the good life, the good vacations, the good food, the good relationships, the good money, the good sex, the good communications, the good effective leadership, the good effective of everything. Was not and was never there, i’ve always hoped for it and how everyone around me has told me that you need to take action, when in reality, I was only hoping for action, when in reality, it was there all along, I was only denying it from others and not wanting to listen to others. Just because I wanted to protect my hope and belief for and in God, when in factuality, God was never here, I was God all along, and I am the one who can lead myself and be with others and have the support of others and give support to others. Therefore, I just never knew how to truly support myself at all whatsoever, not even for my own child and cousin for whomever I was taking care of the time, and now the child is full of hope and delusion and illusion to think things will come to the child. When in reality, nothing is going to happen, unless a stable decision of common sense and our practicality as a participant of actual reality, and moving ourselves to see where we can go in the right direction and to be guided throughout our life and my life. Obviously, I never had that, so I had to impose and imprint hope and sitting on my ass, and how it led my child to believe the same thing as if life was already here and abundant. That hope and love is in short supply, and full of lies, and life is and WAS and always was here in Abundant supply, however it was always abused for hope to be the answer. No wonder I am poor and my family is poor, my child’s mindset is poor, everyone is poor around me, mindset wise and financially, and there’s one other thing that everyone is poor in. Emotional stability, and that was the main thing I was poor and how my parents and then theirs and theirs and theirs again and then more again and theirs again were also poor hoping bastards. Just LIKE ME, and how I am nothing but a hopeful copy, and nothing has ever changed in my being and actual outer world, because nothing ever changed on the inside, and if anything changed on the inside, I really could've got the inclination for myself that things should be done in participation to move myself to see what and how my inner reality changes and how my real reality should’ve changed. But instead, nothing in my life ever changed, and how I am only wasting ever more valuable time and breath as if life needs to be this way and not take action towards our goals and objectives and to see what life really could be and how much WASTED time and WASTED breath on the wrongs, being another participant in my mind and others mind as if they were thinking about me. When in reality, I am only the one who is thinking about all of these random things of what others are saying about me, when in fact and reality, I am just using their voice as my voice, and how it is not my voice. I am just taking another quality character of someone else as me, and therefore, I am hoping that would’ve been me. And how that was another way and causation for me to sit on my ass a little further and hope for things to come into my life and see if life will actually really change for me for real. When in fact and reality, life and reality, never has ever worked that way ever, it was only me participating more and more and more and more and more and more and morrrrrrrrrrrreeee in my mind as if life is this way and how it is and the way it is, and how life already is and nothing should be changed, but instead hope was the best way to assume for change without even doing anything actual physical real reality. Nothing ever worked in hope, nothing ever worked in assumption, nothing ever worked beLIEving it will work in hope, because we never our starting point of why of “hope” is just another delusion and illusion of nothing of real actual results of profit from a business or anything to help and support one another. It was never that way, it was just all suppressed to believe that hope was the actual answer for someone to get better, when there must be a decision, and not try to bombard someone and to constantly see if one another is going to be solving our issues in hope and reality. If I couldn’t support one another, I just couldn’t, it was just something I was prepared and equipped to handle and support one another, because this w(hole) time, I was hoping for one big thing to change everything, when in reality a series of decisions of practicality and participation in physical life towards where we’re going and to do something with common sense and actual real life doing and participation. Not participating in place, but participating in directing ourselves to where we ought and want to go, not in one place and see as if that is the way to go about anything. It is not and it has never been the actual solution to anything, hope is not the answer, give up the hope, it is just illusion and delusion just waiting and waiting for something to happen and how angry and upset I am right now for how much time and breath I have wasted on my own life as if things were ever going to change. But guess what?Nothing ever changed in hope, and how I thought action was never the cure, I thought action would come to me and come out of the sky and land in my lap or in my mind and then I could finally go and do something. When in reality, I got it all backwards and wrong this whole entire time, and no one has ever told me until i have just now realized what an atrocity I have been accepting and allowing myself and for others and from others and accepting hope from others and giving hope to others as if things will ever get better, and when they didn’t, they never did. Hope has never solved anything, it has never encouraged world change, world education, world hunger, big business, billionaires, millionaires, government, or anything, hope has never solved anything, it has only enslaved mankind and women and men and child and animals and life, this whole entire time. And how there are so many people in this world that are trapped by hope, when hope is not the answer, it has never been, and it never will be.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that hope is just waiting for something to come and be in my possession and reality and proximity. When in reality, I was only possessing myself ever more with the ‘Hopium’ disease, as how the hopium smokers would sit there and pollute their body with wasted breath and wasted action and physical results of being lazy and rotting the body and mind. Because no one ever actually goes anywhere with the hopeful feeling that things will go all okay, because our and my own starting point, was already fucked from the get go, because i thought truly deep down, that hope was the answer without actually physical being The Real physical participant in real life of events, circumstances, opportunities and people, and instead i only hoped for opportunities, i only hoped, to have those circumstances and people and events. The good life, the wonderful life, of the super ultra rich and wealthy that have the good life and how stable royal families are, at least some of them, not all of them. And how i thought having hope was the real answer to a true good and amazing wonderful life, and how hope was never the answer, action and actual participation of here real reality, and not in the mind, that being in the mind and hopeful about things ever to happen as all stemming from assumption and child and stemming all from it. Media, tv shows, tv shows as media, tv shows as movies, reality tv shows, cartoons, ads, advertisements, people, society, so called friends, so called associates, associates, friends, and all sorts of people. In public, background conversations in reality within a restaurant, library or anywhere, was all based on hope on and not dealing with reality, because most people were and are only dealt with the cards of hope and assumption that life will change, that this book, this audio, this crystal, this food, this person, this box, this thing, this item, whatever the fuck it is. Will assume and presumably hope to be in real actual change for my life, when in fact, it is all hope, if i can not process information and realise where I am and what I am doing, and how i have gotten nowhere and not very far to where i want go. And how for me to come to realise this now, has upsetted me so much, that hope was embedded and imprinted and imposed upon me and how I have accepted and allowed hope as the living word as flesh to be a part of me. When hope has never solved anything for me, because I was never truly here in reality, ever so fact, it was so hard for me to accept life because it was always abundant. I never want abundance, I wanted limitation and how I was always blind to wanting to limitation, because other people had limitation so why not for me to accept the same thing the public and world wide view that is within and without of me and around me, is hoping for a better life in abundance, but hope was being endorsed as limitation, thinking things will ever change one day or either someday. And someday, never came, because hope was never the answer at all whatsoever, nothing whatsoever, hope is never the answer, it never was, and it never will be. Because big business, and world change and family legacies, wealth, business, and/or anything at all that was and has ever been created, was never from the stating and starting point of hope, because hope never was an actual real solution. It was just to assume and think and beLIEve that for others to make something truly great, and assuming another person will do something, just because we and i thought they were incapable of their abilities and were not in actual real direction and directive principle for their lives, so we had to use the term hope, and lived it in lies and actual delusion and illusion. When we have given ourselves the permission to delete ourselves in our illness of illusion and delete ourselves into delusion and still live here in reality, and never realise that hope was never and never will be the actual real answer for anything as if it even was. For those who have believed just like me, and still want to hold onto hope and lies of delusions and illusions, you will not survive, this is your only life, and my only life, the afterlife, we will never know, but for what we have now. Is here. We are nowhere else, BUT here as physical reality participants, no wonder I haven’t had the money lately for myself, no wonder people in the world has never truly had actual real money and things and needs and basic needs to be have been in their lives, instead they and I only have used hope and illusion and delusion for it to be created. When that was never made ever since, nothing at all whatsoever.
When and as i see myself hoping for something to change in my life, and not go to take action and be a physical participant in events, circumstance, opportunities and people, I stop and breathe slowly and realise where I am and get started on something that is of productivity towards my goals and my life and to help and support others for whom is around me and who I can able to reach out to and support.
When and as I see myself hoping for someone to change, and/or myself to change, and/or have something to come into my life out of the sky, and not even bother to move myself across and actual do something in the real light of participation, I stop and breathe, and refocus my commitment to what I should start and do it anyway, despite the fact of resisting and the fear of it, because my life is worth in hope and fear, life is always and was always abundant in the first place, and I make it so with others and for myself as well.
When and as i see myself hoping for something to be made happen, I stop and breathe slowly and realise that I should ought to be a participant and make things happen with others and for myself as well, because nothing ever happens, unless a real decision in real life of creation is to be made for the better of what we want achieve for real life living, not in idleness. Because being idle has never worked for anyone and anything for the better, it has only caused consequence and wasted breath and physical space time for the worst.
I realise that hoping for things will never come unless i make the decision to make something of actual real physical reality, that life was and always was here all along, i was just blind to the fact of hope. And how i thought hope was the real reality of emotional stability and financial stability, and the great relationships and connections, when in fact, i was just denying myself the whole time, to think that hope was ever more of the real answer, when in fact and reality, it never was, it was just ingrained within me and how had it was to forgive myself of the flesh of what is not even me. But for what I had made as ME, as the living and flesh of the word hope, because it has never solved anything for me, nor has it solved anything for anyone, because it was all revolving and revolving back to assumption and hope of positivity, threat, fear, negativity, from others and now I have adopted it, and now it is forgiven, therefore, i must live the recorrected change, because hope was never for me. Therefore, it never helped my life, it never helped me get anything I ever wanted, it was always me repeating things back to me over and over and over again in a premeditated way as if hope was the actual answer. And in factuality and actuality and reality and fact, hope is the greatest abuse that mankind and children has ever accepted and allowed, no wonder no one has what they want, and dream of in self interest and no one has ever had their needs met, there had to always be theft and threat and lack in limitation. Because hope was always lived as a limitation, thinking others will be able to do something and cure, acquire or do anything to achieve anything in their lives with hope, because we hoped they would get it. When in reality, we only hoped for them, because we thought they were incapable. When in reality and actuality, we are also incapable as well, and that is why we lived hope and hope never actually solved anything, never solved anything for education, wealth, family, effective relationships, true stability, true financially stability, true effective communication and proper skills and nutrition to be developed and help for. Instead it was all abused and neglected and now hope is in and was always in limited supply and life was always in abundant supply, and we and I have never believed to know and actually really know that life was always in abundant supply. When I myself have thought that life was in short supply, and hope was in abundant supply, when in fact and reality, it was just a contradiction and lie, reversed to beLIEve, because now, it was never real, and therefore, it never was, and i will never be. Hope is not the answer, hope is in short supply, and life is always in abundant supply. And that sitting on my and our asses, is never going to be an actual real solution for life to be in abundant supply, because sitting on your ass and my ass is just another reality for disaster and failure. That is it, that is all it, nothing else.
I realise that hope was never the answer for me and no wonder I do not have the things i want in my life yet, because this whole time I was operating in limitation and assumption for things to show up in my life. When in fact and reality, I was hoping for myself to show up, but obviously, i never did show up, i only showed up and hid behind limitations in my own ways and never really showed up for my own life, and presented myself in limitation. Because i never was there to acquire what I wanted to achieve, because I hoped for it and desired for it, but nothing of me ever came after it with my participation and decision to be made. Therefore, I only and always operated in assumption of hope and limitation for my permission of my own deletion and illusion and of my own delusion for the worst.
I commit myself to be a participant in real life decision and action and movement in the physical world, that when things change in my inner and without reality, I will want to act it out and achieve what it is that I set my mind out to be and achieve for by moving myself forward. And do things despite the fear and assumptions of what others and sometimes if it were to ever come for me, I can immediately catch it, and disregard the thought and do self forgiveness breath by breath and live the physical reality as life and live the living word as commitment and make things truly happen as a result of achievement. And keep the momentum going, because physical space is a measure of self honesty and consistency, and how keeping the momentum going is able to keep the momentum going, by keeping myself going as a participant. And knowing when to rest when it is needed, and that there should be a backdoor to anything, no excuse for anything. And to live the living word as commitment as the flesh as living life directive principle as an Absolutely Individual and Self Leader for others and for myself as well for the better, for as I see myself as life and life awareness reality resonance to improve and adapt for the bette as a physical participant as self directive principle of real living change as life.
I commit myself to help my salespersons, employees, directors, senior partners, customers, clients and colleagues, to influence them that hope is not the answer, that being the living word as commitment as the living flesh is what it is to be. And live the commitment, even if we don’t feel like it, people are just giving them the excuse of hope that things will turn out for the better, without a decision to be made. When things and decisions to be will always make things much more better in realisation and new cognitions to be able to perform for rural living change for the better, and that hope is never the answer and it will never be at all, none under any circumstance, event, opportunity, and people. There is always a decision to be made to be participating in this real reality for business to be made as a company and corporation to be made for world change for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better as a physical participant as movement and moving myself as life and life awareness resonance reality as here as breath living flesh to be here to achieve with others for something truly meaningful. And to put up a sign for everyone when people come into the office, ‘Life is always in abundant supply, love and light and hope is in short supply, and that reality is here.’
I commit myself to challenge those who hope on the hopium drug of love and light and think that things will never change in actual life living, and how a decision isn’t and is not supposed to be, when in actuality, it is supposed to be made with decisions for actual real life living change. And nothing great in step by step and breath by breath achievement was ever made being a participant all the time in the mind. Because nothing in the mind was ever to be made for real living change and results in business and in life at all whatsoever. No one has ever proved, not any monk, not on meditator, not any spiritualist, not any person in religion who prays and participates in the mind for so called ‘enlightenment’, when enlightenment is here in reality, because life was and still will always be in abundant supply and hope and love and light is in short supply. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance reality awareness as a physical participant to improve and to truly adapt for the better as he inner and without as real life living flesh as commitment for all.
I commit myself to help my kids, and my wife and other parents, be and understand that real life is here and understand as I help them understand in common sense and stability to help all of each other to see and not be blind to what is not here. And that we have practicality of actual things that can be done for the better and how we can make life truly better in abundance, love as action to be shown for all, and to show amazing life really is and what could and can be achieved together as a family and partners in life. That nothing ever was to be done in hope, it was always done in awareness and seeing things for the better and to do so step by step and breath by breath as physical real life participants. Because life is always in abundant supply and love and hope of love and light and hope itself is always in short supply, because I know hope has never solved anything for real at all whatsoever. And to help my kids have fun and my wife as well and whenever we travel and do things for the right common sense and practical purpose to see what we can enjoy here as life and breath, while we achieve much more together for the better as a family, while I myself achieve much more in business for the better and provide for myself and my family, that i know they mean the world to me. For as I see myself as life and life awareness reality resonance as a physical participant as self directive principle of life and for life to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to write self forgiveness to forgive myself of what is not best within me and realise them with breathing statements if the pattern were ever to show up again, I stop and breathe slowly and redirect myself as self directive principle as an absolute individual for the better. And realise them through self realisation statements to realise what I had and have reacted to that was not best for me, nor for anyone at all whatsoever in the past, present and future. And within that, I commit myself to write self commitment statements to re-correct myself into what is best for me to become the better absolute individual as myself and to be a physical participant in actual real physical reality for things and decisions to be made tactfully for the better. And to live the self living change of the corrective application and correction change for the better as the flesh, as new life living for the better, and to use the tools of groups, support, people, circumstances, events, opportunities, to direct myself as the self directive principle as life and stability and along with financial stability to be developed and taken participation in to realise what money can really be created and made for the better. And also the tools of Self forgiveness, TechnoTutor, Desteni I Process, creation’s journey to life and heaven’s journey to life blogs and support of people, groups to achieve what is best as a whole and living participants as real life living change and true support as life for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness, reality participation, and life awareness and resonance to improve and adapt to the better!
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