Sunday, November 15, 2020

Day 20: Do you want to know what actual real reality works?, because I finally understand now.


 Exacerbate?(Read Aloud And Breathe)

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that when I forgive myself of something and/or whatever I am doing to confront the problem again, I end up making it worse on myself as if I haven’t realised that I have yet to live the living change as if it was going to be lived again. But I ended up making it much worse, for whatever I do, and attempt again, as if making things much more worse than it already is or isn’t at all. And how this is another form and reality of contradiction and has made me suppress problems and see and realise that it is no big deal, and how I think it is a big deal, but unconsciously and subconsciously I do think that it is, when in reality my mind is making me realise, that I have yet to realise what I have truly exacerbated my opportunity for real living change and expecting things to change around for me. When it is all an assumption and thinking that things should and ought to be changed ever so quickly as if it were to be in an instant. When in fact, in reality things do not work like that, unless I am having a careful watch over myself and/or someone has a careful watch over me and making sure I don’t make things much more worse than it is. Especially my financial situation, my health situation, or whatever it is to begin, and thinking that if I subconsciously and unconsciously to the then in quantum time act to the conscious act make things much more worse in my preview, after I have resolved what I had felt before, as if it was already solved, but yet I am not realising that I am making things much more worse than it is. Exacerbating my opportunity, my health, for whatever I eat, that isn’t so healthy for me, and fo that I think it is, but in reality, I think that I only need the help myself for myself, when I do need the support, when in fact, when I do need it, I don’t ask for help and end up making problem that I probed unconsciously to the subconscious and made it even much worse as I did not notice what I was in fact doing that made this problem surface, as if thee was some divine energy, when in fact and reality, it is just my mind and body, that is fucking with me and how I am letting it happen without my knowledge. And that is a big (probe)lem in and on my part, and of course, I cannot blame myself for what is and what is not, that it must be realised and seen and not abdicated fo what it is and what it isn’t yet if I don’t see the future decisions and outcome and ramifications that will and would’ve came out of any situation, whether it comes to negotiating a business deal or talking with another person, challenging someone just because they don’t exactly know what they’re talking about and telling me I’m toxic, when they are also a toxic person as well. I didn’t realise that I was a toxic person, as if my attitude was? Or my health?Sometimes people don’t even know what toxic even means, they just say it to say it, and don’t give anymore context than what they’re trying to say. When in reality, they are the toxic ones and person by themselves, and how I was in reality being a sociopath and psychopath myself, and how I would make the problem and situation go into more of a consequence. As if i don’t know how to hop off the freight train that's going so damn fast, that I don’t know what to do, because of how I’m hanging on the side, and all the doors are locked, and how the other on board staff and attendants are afraid of opening the door for me, because they are afraid what I might do. When in fact, that is the biggest assumption and lie that I have made for myself to think that other people are afraid of me, when in unconsciously I am deep down afraid of myself and not realising that if I am not realising what I am doing for myself and my situation I am only in reality making it much more worse. As if my environment and mind environment is just only being exacerbated into the worse ways possible, that there is nothing for growth, that I am only just the toxic person that is in my preview and realising that I am nothing but a character acting out something that I am not, it was only what I had picked up from my father who exacerbated things and never realised how things got worse and from other people as well. And in movies and tv shows, tv shows as movies, advertisements, propaganda pictures with words on it and people acting as if nothing is going great in their life and their all happy and shit, when in fact, that they are being delusional, and how I am being delusional myself not realising that I am only suppressing my ILL(lose)(shun)usion for the worst. And having the access to myself to have the per-mission of the reactive state to give myself the permission to DE(delete)(lose)(shun)lusion for myself and not realise that I am the one who is exacerbating my own life, and not others. I am the one to blame, but blaming myself is not the solution, if I just did it and try to blame others for what they’re doing and now I am just living and acting what I had witnessed and now I am imposing and was imprinted what others have exacerbated in their lives and didn’t even bother to notice what the hell they were doing in the first place. And now I am the one who is doing the exacerbation in my life, not realising that I am the one who has strings to whom is controlling me, when no one else is controlling me but me, no one else. And how i thought others were actually controlling me, some type of elite was doing the job, when in fact, it was me all along who was the one who is fucking with me. Not any person trying to make me do anything, it is just me accepting and allowing myself to exacerbate things as if I haven’t a clue of what the hell I am doing this whole time. And now not even come to barely realise up until right now that I am the person who can help me get out of my situation with support, and i can  not be supporting myself only, if I don’t ask for the help as if I haven’t a clue if I think that I’ve got it all, when in fact, I do not at all whatsoever.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that when I spend money and take care of my health and not research for the right thing and do the right thing, I am only exacerbating my opportunity to not realise that if anything doesn’t work or way I am doing the activity to get to what I want. Is not in my alignment to get to where I want to go, and how this has been with me all my life, going in circles and cycles like a psychopath, creating many paths into one, and it doesn’t break off and go somewhere else, and if it does break off to go somewhere else, then I don’t even know if it is the right direction or not, as if I haven’t gotten true self trust quite yet at all whatsoever. Even when it came to spending money and not realising that I am not making enough as i want to, because I have been so self dishonest, and self honest with myself, because I am denying the fact that I need to exacerbate what it is going in my life and just going off into the sunset going nowhere but just with myself and no help along the way, if I do end up getting lost for what I do have and don’t have yet in my possession for congruent teamwork and help. And how I am only being dishonest with myself and how I don’t even know what I am actually doing, I am just letting it happen as if things have yet to be coming to realise as a true actual result that can be used to fuel off of and be able to sky rocket into the right place of growth, instead the rocket only flew into the wrong direction and going on it’s own into no man’s land, where no one has traveled thus far, and is only another path to failure or either success. And how sometimes, I just don’t feel sure of myself if I am actually making the right decisions and actions towards what I want, when in fact, I am just doing this in the unconscious state and to the subconscious, and how I am not realising that in quantum time and physical space time, I am the one who is making myself much more worse and not supporting and getting and receiving and giving actual support to others and for myself. As if I have gotten all the cards that I am so happy to be dealt with, when in fact, those cards are not supposed to be in my hands, when in fact, they were given to me when I was little and even before I came into this world. Not realising that I am the one to realise that I was imprinted and imposed upon to act this way, and have yet to realise where even my life is going, and how I know where it is going and where I truly want to go. But in reality I am not actually doing it as I want to go to the place that I do want to go. And end up staring into space, as if things are actually in real moving physical quantum time in my head, instead of the physical and actually going. And if I did, I would actually be going so fast, and I wouldn't be able to handle it based on my current operating system, needs to be upgraded along the way and how I can’t go any faster and further if my current operating system and pre-programmed body and mind design of millions and trillions of cells have yet to be realised and how they fucked so many times, and was dragged and forced into wrong directions and all directions that went absolutely nowhere, as if I thought and itself thought it was going in the right direction, when in fact, nothing was actually moving in actual physical space time, it was only moving in my mind in quantum time of my mind, when participating more and more in my mind is not to actually move me very fast or in a moderate speed to where I want to go. Especially for my finances, and health and relationships have yet to realised to be changed and improved and cultivated, and how I am the one who is exacerbating that and neglecting that as if I’ve gotten a clue of truly where I am going in my life, and how in reality I am actually going in the wrong direction and where nothing has actually physically changed. When the actual physical quantum time change, has only happened in my mind, and nothing in my mind that’s going nowhere, is going to change my physical reality, if I don’t realise what I have now come to realise that I am the one who is doing such a thing unconsciously and subconsciously and how the conscious act is ever going in a loophole in space time, going so fast, but yet going nowhere. And how I have heard this saying to me and how I witnessed this from another person that told me this, and I never knew what it truly meant, I thought about it, but truly never got it up until right now.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as mother and father as parents and friend, society, random people, so called friend and associate, to tell this person that was little at the time or even recently or even a few years ago. To tell this person that if you go somewhere, and how you think you are actually going somewhere, you are in actuality, going nowhere, and what I meant by that, is that if you think you are going somewhere, you are going nowhere. And how if you continue to part take in the mind and how you are not making the decisions of what is here and then you will experience actual real physical change, when in fact, when I said that to this person. I never gave any more context and explanation to that, because this person never asked me, nor did I even bother to give any more context to that, because guess what?, I never knew what it truly meant for what I was trying to say. I only said it because another person or some type of media outlet, cartoon, video, tv show, tv show as movie, movie, or whatever, has said that, and how I thought I knew what it meant to me, but in reality and fact, I didn’t even know what the hell that meant just because I wanted to say it and never had any actual real physical context and how it could’ve been applied in real life. When I don't even know how to do anything, nor of how anything actually works in real life physical time, instead I only say it, because I was only actually doing the same thing, being in my head and mind as if  I’ve gotten a clue of how the mind actually works, when in fact, I don’t know anything, not even how the mind works, and how things and certain things could be applied into real life and how things actually work and what they work and the true understanding of what and how things work in physical space time. When in fact, I was also nothing but a deceiver as well, telling people things that I don’t have the meaning for, and how it actually works, I only said it, just to say it, because in my own context and viewpoint of my own meaning, and got it as an assumption from someone else, when in fact, I got someone else’s so called “Fact”, and made it as my truth, but I only made it i assumption, and how when I got it into my own assumption, I only fucked myself for saying that, and how I try to apply it in real life, but when I did, and tried to make decisions for actual real change. I went back to my old habits and how strong they were, no matter how hard I tried to change myself, it was all based on mind and long winded breath method, and tried the physical method as well, but nothing actually worked, because i only tried to change things in my mind, and it actually never worked out. And how I am and in this same position my whole life, so nothing has actually really changed for me in my life, like actual REAL physical change, and how I am talking about it, but I have no clue of what reality and how reality actually REALLY Works, when in fact, I was just delusional, to think that I know how reality really works and the mid, I only said because I wanted to make it my truth, when in fact i had made no physical actions in physical space time. To get the real results and see it for myself and prove to others that I have actually made and gotten the real physical change, and when and if i do get it, I will end up going back to my old habits and end up crashing out of nowhere. And when I do come back to growth again. It will never be the same, but in a lower tier of standard to what I thought I was doing to get actual real physical results to keep going with this, and if I do de-rail myself I am the one in reality, who has fucked myself and no one else, for accepting someone else’s truth and how they’ve gotten it, and did the same thing, however, their programming and pre-programming was quite different mines and me myself. And how me thinks this is the best way to go about anything, when it is not, I have only deluded myself for the worst, even when I do want things to go a little faster, and when in reality, I am only rushing myself to think that I want to have real physical change, and get so subtly anxious within myself as if I’ve got a clue of what I am not realising that I am feeling so subtly when I am wanting to have real physical change. When in my mind, there is change to be visualized, but if it is not in actual physical life and space time change, then nothing has truly changed for the better, even when I neglect myself and others for help. And support, thinking that I’ve got it all by myself. When in fact and reality, I do not have a single thing of results at all whatsoever. It was just all back and forth contradiction in quantum unconscious and subconscious bullshit that I thought in my mind that i was actually experiencing real physical change in real life, and how I don’t realise it, because my conscious is barely even realising what it is doing, therefore, nothing ever changes for the better, it is only ever being neglected for the worst. And trying to follow someone else’s path, and thinking that it is better, when in fact, my own path is actually at times derailing me, because I am the one who is just deliberately accepting and allowing it to be that way, without even trying to catch myself of what the hell I am doing going that direction for another door, when in fact there is another entrance to go into main building when I am that main building and when I try to access one of the doors. I do not fact have the key, therefore, I do think have the key, and when in fact, I do not know how it works and how to work it, therefore, I am only holding onto the key and then eventually getting tired of the key and and swallow it, and the eventually and presumptuously, I think that I’ve gotten the key to everything, when in fact, I only swallowed the solution, later going to the bathroom and pooping it out and then flush it down the toilet with tidy bowl man. And therefore, I have lost everything and have lost the key to fortune and an abundant life, and how I had the key the whole time, I just never knew how to make the right key to involve myself to see what higher life could really actually be truly, instead of what I have right now that is in front of me. And how nothing has actually really changed at all whatsoever. Nothing at all, not a single thing, no improved finances, no improved health, no improved relationships, no improved physical things to have and use, no physical actual things to enjoy, nothing to actually do that is in close proximity to ACTUALLY use, because it is not even there, and how it is so far to even use.

When and as I see myself exacerbating my opportunity to not realise that if I don’t have any physical change, I stop and breathe and realise where I am and move myself forward to do the next steps to move myself forward and ask for help if i don’t know about something and make a decision right here and right now to where I want to go for real living change. I realise that participating more and more in the mind, as if there was an actual physical change happening my life, is in reality me participating in quantum time mind space realty, when nothing in real life physical space time reality has yet to change, because this was imprinted and imposed upon me, even before I was born and now impulsed and pulsed into me. As life, when in fact, making something much more worse is not going to help me have real physical abundance that I’ve always wanted, but never got it, due to subconscious and unconscious acts, no matter how hard I tried of anything, nothing ever in real life physical space time, actually changed for REAL. It was just all being played out in my mind and neglecting what is here all along, and it was nowhere, else, but right in front of me this whole entire ACTUAL physical space time. And nowhere else, nothing anywhere, but me trying to participate more and more in my mind as if things have actually really physically changed. When in fact and reality, nothing has changed, my health, my finances, my relationships, my abilities and skills and actually real proximity change, and how this has taken me a long time to know what REAL proximity change really is. Is when it is in fact in my account, and bank account, of me and my physical movement to achieve what i want. When in fact, it is not here as I wanted it to be here, and how I am just fantasizing as if it were to be real right as I have it and able to actually use what I want to use. And how I have come to realise that I now know and realise what actual real proximity change REALLY ACTUALLY IS. and how this whole time, I NEVER knew what it was in actual physical achievement right in front of me, when in fact, I was only being delusional and illusional this whole time, no matter how much I tried to change myself and make the physical actions to get there, I just didn't know what I was doing that was holding me back this whole entire atrocious time at all whatsoever. Even when I wanted to move, nothing has changed yet thus far at all whatsoever, no matter what I did, and made effort for, I just didn’t know, and how it was there all along in my unconscious and subconscious mind and now to the conscious act as it is. And how being in a trance will not help me either to see if what in my mind is actual real physical change, when nothing in my mind is making real physical change for what it is, unless I act and move myself forward to where I want to go. Wherever it is that I do want to go, there must be actual physical effort and actual real proximity to realise that for what I don’t have and do not yet have, right now at this very moment and time.

When and as I see myself wanting to participate more and more in my mind as if real quantum quantum change has actually happened in real life, I stop and breathe. I realise that being in the mind ever so much longer, is not going to help, no matter how hard I try to wish things into existence, it must be provided with proximity of physical action and effort, not being the mind, thinking things have already changed, when in fact, nothing has actually been in proximity within and by me this whole entire time, when in fact and reality it has been this whole time. I just never knew what and how reality actually worked, not a thing at all whatsoever, even when it came to moving myself with real physical effort and breath and what is around me, and what is touching me and in my preview and point of view, I just never realised what I was doing and having in front of my possession this whole entire actual time. That I wanted and desired, was not in actual proximity in my possession, was in fact so far from reach, it was just me deluding myself that it is close to me and thinking that I will have what I want to have. When others have gotten me to believe and how I gotten myself to believe it as well, is not actual real physical space time of proximity and REAL possession. I was only possessing it in my mind, and how I was just trying to possess my mind and then eventually, pretty much got nowhere with it at all with anything, whatsoever. How my finances have yet to increase, the place I want to live is not here, the food I want is not here, the relationships, the connections is not here, physical skills that are to be so immaculate are not here, love for me and relationship agreement is not here, not anything of what I desire and want is here. And how it is only here in lack, not in abundance as I thought and wanted it to be, it is just in lack, that is it, no more than that. No one can be mad at me, but me and if I ever were to allow that, it would be just blame, and how I would never pretty much get anywhere with it, so yeah. And how I’ve never taken advantage of what I have here with me right now, and for what it is for actual real purposeful real physical use so I can be in proximity and step by step and breath by breath to get to where I want to go. And how I have come to realise, that I don’t actually know how physical reality really works, I only just abdicated it for participating more and more in my mind as if there was actual proximity change, when the delusional and illusional proximity change was in my mind, when nothing actually happened for me and I could do it. Because I do not have what I want in my life, and how nothing this whole time has ever changed for real actual proximity change. It was just never that way for me, within that, physical things and physical life and movement was here all along, and how I am now and just now coming to realise what I have not gotten what I wanted in proximity to me. And how I thought something from some divine energy source would come down and give me what I wanted, and how it does not work that way. It is me moving me and realising where I am and where I want to go, and I go do it, knowing exactly what I want and knowing exactly what to do to get real physical actual change that is within proximity to me. And how nothing was here and even here quite yet at all whatsoever. Nothing at all. No real physical change, no real money, no real relationships, I have just been living a fake life, that I thought was real proximity change, when in fact, it was not. And how I don’t know how reality really works, up until now right here at this very moment and physical space time and realisation as it is and for what it is at all.

I commit myself to know exactly where I am and know where I exactly want to be, and give and get and receive the actual real support from myself and with others to get actual real physical proximity change. And to understand more and more on how real physical reality works, and to understand what it is and how it is, and to know exactly what I need to do next in order to get to where I want to go in my life and with others. And help them be along with me as well to achieve greater heights and business and in life for the better. And to help others know what real physical proximity change really actually is, when you have something and it is in real close possession and touch and not in the mind, it is here and in our hands and possession, not somewhere else. And when we are ready to have it, it is always to help us psych ourselves up and get to do so, and when it comes to real physical proximity possession, that is what we know that is here right with us. Not in some divine energy source world, that is not even real. That I understand now truly, what real physical real reality really works and what is around me, and what is touching me and what I have and what I am doing and how I am doing and why I am doing. And what for as well, with an actual real purpose and purposeful act for the better, to see actual real physical life change and resonance as me as breath and life here as reality, for as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!

I commit myself to be here as breath and life awareness and understand that real physical proximity change and action is real living change and to help and show myself and present to myself of what real physical proximity change actually is. And to show this to others as well, with my directors, sales person’s employee’s, colleagues, business partners, senior partners, of what actual real proximity reality really ACTUALLY is, and how it works and what we and I need to do, to truly achieve what we want to do, that is best for all and all for the people that are around us for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness and resonance to improve proximity for the better!

I commit myself to challenge those who think that reality is not here and reality is only consciousness with love and light, that those who think reality and proximity change is within their mind, is not being real with themselves. Therefore, in fact they are just trying to make an excuse, like I did and used to do, and now come to realise that being in the mind is now how reality really works all the time. That reality is here, and what is around is, and what is around me, and what I am doing and want to achieve with others and for myself as well. That people will soon or later or probably never will realise how they have been not realising that physical change and proximity change is here, not in the mind, reality is here, and to help others who desire to see what and how reality really works, I would be glad to help, and if they resist, that is fine too, not everyone wants to have proximity change. Therefore it does not work in the mind, what air molecules and life and breath is here and what we see that is much more real than to the human eye and realisation as here. That we are nowhere else, but here, and realise to know what we need to do, and do it. For as I see myself as life and realisation and real proximity change, as breath and life awareness resonance as reality, and substance as here to improve and adapt for the better!

I commit myself to see and know what to do with real proximity change and see signs of things and take responsibility for it, and now what i need to do and do it for actual real life living change, and not in the mind. Because I know others will not realise this, if they are being so self interested and in the mind as if they’ve gotten some type of divine energy source to think that life isn’t here at all whatsoever. And I understand that if those who don’t want to change, that is fine, they will just experience consequences of their decisions, and mind space quantum time, instead of reality, sooner or later, or even never, they will need to realise what is here, and not somewhere else. And take care of what is here in reality and take TRUE real proximity actual physical change and RESPONSE-ABILITY(RESPONSIBILITY). To respond and have the ability to respond and do what is needed to do to HAVE actual REAL physical change and possession for what we want to do for our lives and with others and for our families for the better! For as I see myself as life and life physical change and awareness as reality, to know what to do and do it.

I commit myself to help others in my company to know what actual real physical results and change of proximity really is and how we can truly achieve much more as a company and corporation and family. And to realise what is HERE, and nowhere else,. And realise real reality is here, and what WE and I myself as all leaders of the company/corporation can together, to achieve something REALLY COOL and AWESOME. To study information and apply it, and read financial statements, and revenue statements and account receivables and know how things actually work and work it to make and have REAL physical proximity movement. And how amazing we truly are as human beings on this planet earth for the better! For as I see myself as real physical proximity changes as awareness and breath to improve and adapt for the better as here as reality.

I commit myself to write self forgiveness to forgive myself of what is not best within me, unconsciously and subconsciously and to the conscious act, and to realise them through realisation statements and breathing statements to stop and breathe and redirect to what is to be done different for real actual PHYSICAL PROXIMITY CHANGE! And within that, I commit myself to write self commitment statements and use TechnoTutor and the support of others and support myself as with and give support as well with real actual physical experience change that is proximity to me and with others as well. To re-correct myself to what is best for me and to realise what is here and in reality in our possession and life as awareness to take responsibility for what is here and see above and ahead and know exactly what the steps are needed to do next in order to get there to where and I want to go as individuals as EQUALITY and ONENESS. And to live the ACTUAL REAL PHYSICAL PROXIMITY CHANGE AS LIFE, reality physical movement and achievement as here and realise if I made some type of mistake, I will know what to do before it happens and see before, for what I have done in the past and before it actually happens and correct and redirect myself as life for real actual life. To rebirth myself truly for what is here, and nowhere else in the mind, for as I see myself as life and life awareness reality proximity physical change or the better! And to truly know and understand what real physical proximity changes really is and go do it as life resonance awareness for the better and to improve and adapt as life.

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