Specialized thinking?
(Read Aloud and Breathe)
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not release as a person and student and teacher and authority figure, to not even realise that when we go to school and we are trained to think about one thing and one thing only. To be brainwashed, I mean learn, although we are not effectively learning, it is only making into a specialized slave like everyone else, no matter how hard someone tries to do such a thing, it will always be hard to ever learn about anything much more effectively. On a broad perspective and way of being and expression and doing as well, and being able to process information like we were supposed to do, it just wasn’t the schools fault, it was also the main educator, at home, they are not the ones to blame. They just didn’t know any better, and only knew the best they could, which is an excuse, even when they do bring it up when a teacher or a principal has a meeting with the parents, at least they did when I was in the principal's office as well. Not realising that how stupid and my information processing ability was very low, due to specialized training to be a slave, I mean a student, to be within the school system and in the world as tiself. I was already intelligent, I just couldn’t process information that well and effectively, it’s as if I knew more than my own parents and how they only knew nothing to my own assumption and what I thought for myself and only thought as to be, and nothing else at all whatsoever.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that when I was learning within the slave box, I mean the school, and how I was going about all the classes and learning about various subjects that I thought at the time were really that beneficial to my knowledge and being. I just never knew, I was being dumbed down to the point where I didn't even know what I was even looking at and learning to be someone who I always wanted to be. Even when I remembered, my teacher, she was one of the best teachers I’ve ever had, but she never thought about helping us truly for the better to process information not like a slave, i mean a student, and how we were conjuring up some inventions for the world and what type of house we would want to live in one day. And how as we were making these things up, we were told that we can’t create the same thing that’s already existent, we had to create something creative and much more valuable for the world. And if it wasn’t what everyone wanted within the classroom as we all presented, then eventually obviously it would shitcanned. And no one would even end up using the invention, unless we could’ve really understood the actual vocabulary to even understand the industry we want to be in and go into and truly invent something that’s best for all, and including for ourselves. And now that years have passed by, and nothing of the inventions that have come to today, they were never revolutionary, except they were evolving in the wrong direction, because it never truly ever solved an actual real solution and problem for anyone and/or anything at all whatsoever. Even when we wanted to show what our houses someday would look like, it felt as if it would come true, due to our inventions and how we could bring our service to the world. I still understand and understood what I drew down and how overprotective that house and mansion was, it was all based on my self interest and how overprotective of specialized thinking I had for myself, no matter what I did and added to the actual drawing and someday type of dream. I just knew now looking back now more and more, that specialized thinking for everyone had made all of us forget what we wanted to make of us truly, and how I knew that my teacher at the time was only persuading us and giving us seeds planted within our heads to make something great in the world. Evidently, that never surfaced for only a few people and myself included, that people’s pre-programmed design were never going to make it, unless they were able to change their specialized thinking into many areas and various areas of one subject within the business and industry we were given a clue of. But at the time I was so blind to the fact, to what she was even bothering to teach us and give us an inclination of what was the particular idea of our inventions and what we wanted to do that could’ve been special and really change this world. However, our parents never wanted that for us, they wanted us to be another cog in the system, I mean a slave just like them, and how nothing will ever change, from being a slave and having specialized thinking and thinking about only one thing while many other millions of things are crashing and going to flames and how there is dirt being thrown all over our foundation from other people, no matter where we are. There is always someone saying something in the background gossiping and saying many things and other things, that you and I are not even picking up, just because we are so set on a specialized conversation with another person and how we are only talking about one subject and one subject only to not think about any other thing within the place of where we were. It was never an environment where it was set up for success, it was obviously set up for failure, that no one in the schools, that went up in grade levels, like we all day, was just based on how much and how good, we could remember and process information as memorization and no other way. Like a low ram computer, only able to process certain amounts of bits of information and taking that and using it, and soon as other things get intense within our lives and more responsibility to be taken along the way. Soon that foundation will fall and crumble, and no one will ever get out and make it out alive, and truly make something special in this world, and not some type of specialized one way, and only one way thinking that isn’t best for all, and how it is only crippling us and myself to when we try to imitate others and think that things will come to me and how no other way will surface to be for the better. Just because we were ini reality, didn’t mean we were also participating in our heads and minds either, and how we felt so troubled and trembling with the trouble of going nowhere, to the contrary to think where we were actually going. We thought we were going somewhere truly in the right direction, and to what we wanted to do, we were aware this whole time, but we were blind also, the-whole-entire-time, no matter how hard tried to do anything and perform anything and try to read and do anything that we wanted in our lives. It never changed, nor did we change. Because it was always one way based thinking and not on a broad focused perspective where other certain things need attention. That doesn't mean I’m saying you should be paying attention to many things and industries all at once, it takes time to really realise our starting point and why we are thinking that we are special. When we’re not, we’re just another cog in the system, and being another slave as we taught to and did not realise this whole time that we were only taught to be specialized people, whether it is one subject to be a doctor, a lawyer, a debater, whatever the fuck it was. And how and what people’s self interest was and what they wanted to do, many did not make it, and are now still working a job, like I used. And how I never knew this whole time, that I’ve had actual specialized thinking into only one area and one area only to where no matter how hard I wanted to expand, I got nowhere, because what I thought about most of the time of one thing only and not considering other things that need to happen before a certain event or achievement with the sequence needs to happen before this happens. So we and I can able to get further t where we wanted to go, we were told to read one book only and never read any further although the rest of the slaves, i mean students read books as well, but none of them actually wanted to read, it was never the schools fault, we were just there, because our parents never knew any better, so they had to bring us here and to be educated. By someone who doesn’t even know anything and give any inclination, however, I am grateful to experience from that particular teach to teach me one and one thing only, to plant that seed that was buried away as a memory of intention of inventing something truly worldwide and special for the world was locked away and never realised ever again, being long lost forever.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise as a teacher in the 4th grade with my students and how I never really realised when ever I gave an idea and inclination to create something that would’ve been special for the world later on and how most of the students. Are just there to get an education, which is obvious of course, but I knew none of them would be able to process information, so I had to do what I had to do, what was best for what I could best only know at that time. Was to give a desire of something to the students while they were there for 8 hours with me and what we did was to create something that's not already existent within the world. And if it is same, they were not able to use, I was only telling them, to think a little harder and creatively, and to do no other way than how i am teaching you this whole time and how what we were doing for all of us to even realise what we even actually learning about together. In fact, when all of the students were creating something, everyone presented, and showed what they all had, but I knew none of them would make it, because the slave thinking of their ways and mindsets and pre-programmed designs weren’t meant to be creators, as I was never meant to be a creator myself, but it was my passion to teach. That’s just what I wanted for myself and for others, I only did what I could know and best know about, and how all the students came about making things for themselves and for the world. At Least contrary to what they think would change, but none of them were actually billion dollar ideas at all, they were just creative of course to think one thing and one thing only to be a specialized thinking and not realise anything else to be done within the business of the invention itself to create something truly special for this world and for all. Then we had the idea of creating and making our own houses, many of the children were creating things to be of how protective or small their houses were. Many of them were okay looking and quite small, and some were big, and some were very protective, and how it all came to a mix, of what the children’s processing capabilities were and even their vocabulary was not in full effective effect, nor did it help them truly realise to see more and not just what’s in front of them only and how they can really see more. It was never that way, because I never thought of it either and only taught them to think of the one thing that could be a special idea, but one thing I did not know, was I was teaching them to be specialized thinkers and never be someone truly in this world, instead of being another part in the system. Of where they were living and thinking and living, because I know their environments were not or success, it was all for failure, I know that, no matter what I do and how hard I try, there is nothing i can do to help these kids and children become super successful, because i myself was not of a success, but someone to give them ideas and see what they could do. But no matter how hard the kds try of anything and what they do, they will never change, we only knew of changing our minds was to be suppressing our programming and learning just more extremely hard and never truly learn anything and understand and take it and use it for real, instead of just remembering something to think that this is the way the and the only to go about anything. And nothing was for actual real change for anyone, nor for me and myself. Because I could never tell what their future would’ve looked like, if I even had the processing capabilities and for them to have it as well, it was just never of anything to help them at the time that was to be of existence, because we never thought of it. The only way we knew how, was what we were taught and how Specifically, we were taught and no other way could’ve been the actual solution, because all of it was for good, but nothing for actual real effective change. And to truly be effective in this world at all whatsoever. It’s not that I wasn’t ill intent, I just only did the best I could know how with my own ideas and other people’s ideas, because my only life’s work was to teach and how I was not the one who ever even had the results for myself at all whatsoever. Nothing for that matter of any real change, but I just wanted the best for them and that was the best I could do and only know of that time and moment I spent with them. So yeah.
When and as I see myself being a specialized thinking and not a broad thinker to what other things of within my business/work or whatever it is, and how other things need certain attention and how I’m doing the attention to have other people do that for me as well and help me, i stop and breathe and redirect myself into what things really need change for and attention so it can be improved and how we can further ourselves for actual real living change as a company and corporation and family together. I realise that specialized thinking is not going to be what’s best, unless we hire someone for a particular department so a certain aspect of the business can be handled, and how it was only our starting point of what we and I were actually thinking about that we thought was best. And only felt at times something is wrong of how I am thinking, but we never truly realised it for the better, it was never of any way to help anyone and/or myself to really think for themselves and have actual true understanding and learning within real life participating in application. It was never out to be that way, it was only to be under control and how we were pretty much not taught effectively to be self sufficient in this world, it was only left for chance. And one day, something could be changed and things will change for the better. But no matter how hard we tried, our programming will always be the same, unless we had tools at the time through childhood up until now and can be sustained and actually usable and long lasting, instead of just breaking and having to buy something new. Just because of how we were being taught, was not sustainable, it was only being sustainable into the wrong extreme direction, that we all think that is best, but in reality it is not. It was never that way, and it never actually brought true real actual change and application and how effective all of the children and even myself could’ve been right now, if I had those particular things back when I was growing up. Nor did my parents were even that cognitive at the time either. They were only trying to be another slave just like me, because in reality and fact, they were and are already actual slaves, I mean workers, within the system and how no one is even bothering to question the position and why they think, and how they think, is the way it is, but no one ever questioned. And those do question and are still in the box and still thinking like they are not in the box and still accepting and allowing themselves to be another cog in the system. And if one dies or gets split in half of a cog like structure, another one will be to fill in, or either, if it was a big building full of cogs to be structured, and if one main cog was out of it and not able to perform. Then the whole structure would fall apart, because each and every cog and structure makes what is up the actual system is, no matter how major it is or not, depending upon its foundation and how it is built to run and how long it will be to last to run at all whatsoever.
When and as I see myself wanting to not focus on the things that need attention so I can able to succeed and do that with others, I stop and breathe and realise what I do need and if i don’t have that yet, i will be patient, and if it not here yet and not with me, I will go ask to whom has the advice and way of doing and how we can conjure something together so we can make the foundation much more strong as it is supposed to be. For more effective actual growth and sustainability for the better. I realise that the way we have always thought and no matter how hard we try of anything, it will never work, unless we truly Understand what we are reading and the actual real application of being a participant of what is to be and for the better and have for actual real improvement and no other way for it, unless it is considered for the better. That no one and even I have ever thought that certain things need and do need attention and certain people to be in those positions and also for myself to be able to take care of those things and direct and lead others to do what is best, but evindelty my programming did not let me, because I never knew how and what was to be for the better. Because the way I only knew was the way I’ve only ever thought and it was no other way for the better, it was always set out to be some type of failure, no matter how hard I tried for myself and kept spinning wheels. That now I realise that specialized thinking for the starting point of a doctor, lawyer, accountant or anyone, is a term for failure for the worst. Just because it is only needed for more ample supply and abundant supply being guided into the direction that was never best for anyone. It was only the blind leading the blind, and no one knew any other better way than what we only knew and thought of right now. It was only how we were brought up and thought to be of up until this very day and time. That maybe something will pop up some day, but it will be changed for the better, if we had something for truly actual real living change. In fact, it was there up until this realisation right now and where I am to realise this and how it has not been benefiting me at all whatsoever, it had to be me to realise so i can change for the better to make something really real and for the better. It was only up to my effort to be with others to make something of actual change, not some bozos out there, who know nothing and only want to party and drink and smoke. I know that is not a solution, it’s just polluting the body and the pre-programmed design and subconscious designs along the way for the worst, and it will go no further, unless we change for real for actual real living change, not changing with our minds, that's hard because it will come running back and biting us out of nowhere for the worst.
When and as i see myself only thinking for myself and for only for myself and to not even bother to get help, even though i think i know it and that I do and still not say anything about t, I stop and breathe, and realise that I need to get the help of something, even if I do know and/or not at all whatsoever, so I can truly go in the direction for help and for success with another and within the group for the better. I realise that not asking for help and thinking that my own specialized thinking is the best way to go about anything is not what’s best, even if i do know what I am doing, there are other things that do need attention from me and who I need to turn to, to get that help. And if I don’t, then I am just trying a little harder than usual, even if I do know the information that I know and becoming better within the tools that I have and am using for my betterment. That I know now that, nothing ever good or great and massive change in the world, was ever done by someone by themselves, it was always with others and going step by step and breath by breath with others, and improving and adapting and creating and innovating along the way. It was never alone, it was always with others and how I never understood for a long time, and how I see how big of things that I want to create and be creative and innovative with others, I just can’t do it all by myself. There must be people along the way, that see the vision and want to make this happen together, nothing ever great as the saying goes, Rome was not built in a day, how simple that is, but with great meaning as it is and for what it is. And how I never understood what that truly meant up until now, and how no one ever did the same thing either, but only made something to a certain degree for actual real change around their community and for themselves as well, nor for the world, nor for the state, nor for the nation and world at all whatsoever.
When and as I see myself not looking to pay attention to what is here at hand and/or anything else that needs attention for me to improve and take care of, I stop and breathe. I realise that many things need to be taken care of, and most importantly, the step that we are on and if it is not taken care of properly and effectively sooner or later the foundation that we’ve already and I’ve already built will go down and be for nothing as if there was nothing even set in place for actual true sustainable and super success to last long. And go for the long haul to make something truly amazing in this world and place, for where we are and are at. And how I was this whole time, ignoring the things that needed my attention for skills to be improved and foundations to be improved and how I articulate myself and how I interacted with others was not the way it was going out to be and turning out to be. My wheels were basically just spinning out of control and not being in the right direction as i thought it to to be, if I am presented with a roadblock, then I have that road block within me and how I am not even able to process t and be able to conjure a solution so we can get around faster to where we want to go. And evidently and in reality and fact, it was never that way, unless I got the support that is of Right effective support from myself and from others, and obviously that wasn’t the case for a long time, because i only avoided it. Because of my own specialized thinking that got me nowhere at all, whatsoever. I just thought it would get me far with my own support, but it had to be with others, so that I realise it, it’s something that is truly needed, for me to succeed and get where i want to go and for others to come along as well.
I commit myself to Understand and know certain things in my business and for myself as an individual and my team and people who work with me and for me, and who I am working with and who I am working alongside with. To understand and truly see for Real, of what needs attention and what needs to be improved in order to get where we want to go for real actual change and expansion for growth by starting where we are right now and starting with that. And taking the action in feaf, because once we take the first step, the fear and trembling will go away, because now we are here acting and participating in the real world, and realising what needs to be done for actual real freedom and true success. For what’s best for all and including ourselves along the way with our effective input and prepared input for an effective output for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance in reality to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to understand and know how to lead and recruit others for the company that i am building and invent what I want, make what I want and have it truly be understood with the tools that I have to articulate the vision and what it is that I see and how others can help along the way to see what I see. And how we can be creative and be creative and enjoy doing so, in the best pursuit for what’s best for all, so we can all truly create something meaningful and can have a great impact in this world for global expansion and actual growth and talent to be needed all over the world for the better. And that this needs more and more relationship building and building ourselves as people and being active participants in this world to create something truly for the better, and within the skill sets that need to be improved and information to be used and articulated in a way that is to be used for the best effectiveness possible for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to understand how to lead others and build relationships and understand how to build relationships much more effectively with others and the current network that i have and how I can expand to different individuals and to see what we can do as a team together for what we have and the resources later soon to be needed and along the way. For better things of resources, and capital to be needed for use and good use for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to understand scores and information in my business and talk with my accountants and team and lawyers and many other people who are able to help me and my whole company and team to truly understand what we need and where we’re going. And be able to Think different, and not for the way, we’ve always thought, because that way of thinking from the starting point will never work, depending on what it is to be at all whatsoever. And with the rest of the team and how we can bring attention and tactful execution and within the well thought out plan and ready to be executed and tested and improved and adapted along the way for true testing and how we can improve and adapt for the better. For as i see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to write self forgiveness of what is not best within me and to realise them through breathing statements if any of the things of reactions ever were to come up and/or patterns as well. To stop and breathe and redirect to what is best and realise what is here and what needs to be done for the better, and to realise them through realisation statements for what I have reacted to and had reacted to that was not best within me and how I am interacting and conducting with others in the near future and even peasant as well. Within that, I commit myself to write self commitment statements to re-correct myself and to live the living change and to act out the real living application for my life and to improve and adapt for the better. Within the tools of TechnoTutor, the group and support group and my people that I am working with, self forgiveness and the Desteni I Process and along with the Desteni blogs as well for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better for my and our super super super super success!
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