Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Day 58: I don't feel like doing it, but why haven't you done it anyway?

 I don’t feel like doing it?

(read aloud and breathe)

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to note that I have been realising but I’m not doing anything about it to forgive myself of what this atrocity is doing to me. And how I don’t feel like doing anything and how the internal conversation backchat is bothering me, and how I never knew that I got this from my father. Not even realising that he would always say to me, I don’t feel like doing it, and have to do everything on my own, instead of just sticking to principles and just doing it, no matter what. And How this affected me my whole life, in each and every decision that I’ve ever made in my life, and how it was the culmination from a deadbeat loser father, who never knew anything, but to lead me to places but to never know how to raise me, but he would always somehow always devalue me and hurt me and abuse me emotionally and physically, as if i was nothing to him. In fact I was not, and therefore, I never thought actually of true value to myself, not even of worthiness at all whatsoever either.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not feel like doing anything that I am setting myself out to do, and how it is urging me in every breath to stall my actions and never do anything with my life. No matter what it was, financial or not, activity or not, depending on whatever it was that I ever wanted to do, or what someone was telling me to do, without even showing me how to do it, but ordering me to do something that I was not willing to do. And how I was forever more losing my self trust for the long run for the worst, and in every part of my life, emotionally, financially, health, relationships, and my fulfillment was and were all empty to varying degrees, all in lack and limitation for the worst. Nothing ever was going to amount for me, because I was living my life in each and every breath and step, of not ‘feeling’ like doing anything. Just because I am ‘tired’ or ‘exhausted’ and not doing anything worthy with my life. And not even bothering to follow through on business matters,  life matters, study matters for my life and to be able to succeed and make it through to what i want to do and aspire to do in my life. And how i would always struggle even if I was feeling bad and making myself feel bad and manipulating myself and my emotions in a negative way that aren’t even me and how I was imprinted by abusive people who never anything about me and then have to immediately do the same thing to me to say they don’t feel like doing anything. And how I somehow came to copy their mechanism of behavior and copy that from the conscious mind from the eye retina and down within the connection to the socket and into the subconscious and my unconscious to take that and not do anything with my life. Not ever knowing why things aren't going my way, just because I had accepted and allowed someone’s bullshit and their lies and how I have made it my own and lived it, not ever knowing my life wasn’t ever changing, just because I didn’t feel like it, didn’t feel like doing it’, I’m too tired, too bored, too exhausted, I just don’t want to do it. Because of how laborious it was for me and how I did not want to do anything, because I was only forcing myself into complacency and latency in my efforts and how i was just complaining for ym limitation and lack, just because I did and was not aware someone else’s limitation and what they were expression that was and will to be detrimental for me to take on. Without even realising that I was taking on someone else’s bullshit and how I am living it as the flesh, which is not good for me, nor for the other person who wasn’t even aware to question and challenge themselves, nor did I even question and challenge another person’s limitation that they were putting on themselves and how I even mentioned that I wanted to go along with them and say I don’t feel like doing it either, so I’ll hang out with you and do nothing with my life and be with another loser. And therefore, I eventually became another loser with another loser, not even realising that I was abdicating responsibility by saying I don't feel like doing it, and to be conjure and conjoin with another for the utmost atrocious bullshit that doesn’t even truly matter. To why i wanted to be complacent with another person who had no purpose in their life, and how I came to join them within being so stupid and irrational and not rational to see why I was ever joining someone else just to be with them, and how I was just feeling so lonely. Even if it was just for me to not want to do something, because of how much effort and time it will take me and how I am not willing to do that to change and get the results that I want. And how if I don’t do it, then of course, I won’t get anything, and how my input is fucked from the starting point of lack and limitation and how it will be the very ending point and stumbling along the way, of the rocky path to success, or whatever you wanna call it.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a father to tell my son that I don’t feel like doing it , just because i am and how I don’t want to do anything, just because it is late, it’s dark outside, it’s raining, it’s cold or it’s hot or some stupid excuse that doesn’t even matter, and isn’t best for me to express to my son and even to myself.and how I am expressing so much dishonesty to the point where I don’t even know what I am talking about as if I need to express more of my limitations to my son and to myself when I don’t even have my own best interest, I don’t care about myself, nor do i love myself, nor do i respect myself, therefore, I never respected my son and nor even myself at all either whatsoever. And how I would always project my ugly and nasty opinions to my son and how I was essentially telling him to fuck off and leave me alone, just because i am tired and never bothered to question why i was ever tired and never wanted to ever question why I was doing something out of context of misunderstanding and full on dishonesty and stupidity for my own limitations. Just because i didn’t want to do something will also with ill intent to imprint and impose my son and myself for the worst, not ever considering that what I say, will impact him and how and what I do, will impact him for the rest of his life, no matter he does, he will eventually become nothing but a copy and automatic habitual automatic pattern like me. Not even doing anything with my life, just because i don’t feel like changing  myself, I don’t like change, and even if i do experience some type of change, i get very spiteful and ugly about it. And how I don’t want to do anything and have to ‘feel’ like doing something, just because I say this over and over and over and again and again, that tomorrow I will do it, and guess what, tomorrow never comes, and I never end up doing anything, not even cooking food for my son to eat, and how we are both left to start. And how i don’t care about me and him, nor if we eat or not, and how sometimes we go hungry to bed, not ever eating anything that’s healthy and nutritious, it’s always disgusting and greasy. And how whatever I do as well, with my say and misalignment and contradiction as an addiction to my limitations in contrast and how they do not match up at sometimes and sometimes do match up and how it is so detrimental for my son to experience my limitations and my own atrocity, that I am not qualified to be of a parent to him, I am nothing but a deadbeat and some guy gong around the house, saying stupid shit, and doing it mere dishonesty, not ever realising that i am hurting myself and hurting son and his future. And how no matter what he ever does of anything in his life, he will never get far, of doing anything to be real, and of value, and how i had imprinted and made him do those things and how long the way, he would also create his detriment and how  I am just too lazy to ever point that out for him, and when I do, I do it spitefully and ugly, and nasty ways to make him feel bad about himself, when I am the reflection of myself and my limitations that i have accepted and allowed for the worst. Not ever feeling like doing something but having to do something out of a feeling of abuse emotionally and physically as if i have a say over my son and even myself spitefully, in ways that are not best. How ugly and stupid I am to do such a thing to hurt someone that I don’t even the best interest in and even if i do say that i do, I am lying to myself and to my son and everyone that I ever knew to ever say that i don’t feel like doing anything. Because I have no true purpose and effect in my life, and for anyone and anything and everything, because I decided to ruin my health and do things that are not best and have to complain about bullshit that doesn’t even matter, like why?, for what?, what’s the reason? And how it all never made sense ever since at all whatsoever. Contrary to the fact of contradictions in contrast and how the contrast would imprint and impose upon my son and even myself more and more as I tell it to myself to live the living words of limitation to not ‘feel’ like doing anything, just because It will take too much of my time and effort, and how i won’t have enough time to delude myself and waste more time to do nothing and take frequent breaks and sometimes those breaks are very long than usual, even a few hours, o even a few days or weeks and then months and then years, to nothing ever being of creation and occurrence for actual value of anything. No matter my life is dirt poor and of poverty and how my son is that way as well, no matter how hard he tries to change himself, he never will make it in my own assumption. And because it is my own assumption as well, for myself, and how I am imposing the backchat upon him, when in fact and reality, I am as well, imposing and imprinting more and more of the detrimental sayings to myself as well, without even realising that I am telling myself lies and alibis to live, as if i even knew a thing at all about life. When in fact and reality, I know nothing. No wonder my life is not good and not the way I want it to be to riches and wealth, and how I am trying to buy lottery tickets and lottery fill in tickets to think if i’ll ever get some type of luck, when i don’t even know what i am doing with my life and my money. And how this would also affect my son and his life and  to whatever he will do in his life, nothing will be real, because I was not the actual role model to ever teach him truly about anything. No wonder he is not where he wants to be and aspire to be, and how I was the actual person to make him be another copy just like me, how sad and ugly that is to make my limitations be his limitations as well, and not make anything  and true of creation and value  for life, and how nothing was ever to be created for real in real life, at all whatsoever. And how he would live my limitations in every breath and step, just like I have and how no wonder I am broke and poor and on the verge of being dead within a year or two, to where I am and what I am doing right now with my life into street blinded oblivion. Much for the worst, to be long gone, of an unworthy life, for the worst.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a mother to say that I don't want  to do it and not feel like doing anything, just because I need to be expressing my limitations as well, and how I would forever enforce stupidity and to live a wasteful life of nothing. And doing nothing with my life and having to go back to sleep and to constantly be on my phone and do nothing and to never communicate with anyone but to be on something that isn’t even helping me at all whatsoever. To the contrary and fact of the utmost pure delusion for the worst. And how I whatever I did was not purposeful and how I would always get yelled at by my husband for doing what was best and how I was in actuality, being dishonest and have to converse and reserve and resolve back into my self interest and do nothing about giving food and health to the family, when in fact and reality, i don’t even know what I am doing with my life and having to constantly sleep in and not feel like doing anything with my actions. As if life isn’t even here, and how i am denying reality and even denying myself and where i am in my life, and how it is not good, for me to be experiencing myself and my life this way in lack and limitation with no communication of any sort and kind at all whatsoever. No wonder I am fueling myself interest and not ever helping anyone in the family and how no one ever deserves my help, they should know how to help themselves and how I was ever assuming the fact that they should know and be poor and have nothing while i have everything to and for me, so no one else should not have anything to be worthy of money itself and even especially my money, that no one should have and how I hide it in dishonesty and to never help anyone, but to help myself and to live in a pig stye and never realise why the home smells and how there are flies everywhere and how nothing is being  done about it at all whatsoever.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a friend to say that I don’t feel like doing ti and how I was ever persuading myself to live the living words of a detrimental way of living  just because  my parents as well, they were also deadbeats and losers as well, who never knew anything to teach me anything real. No wonder my life is not the way it is either, and how I have to constantly live my life on feeling instead out of principles and doing the thing anyway, no matter how I feel. And not ever considering the fact that I influenced my friend as well to come and join my complacency and latency and lack and limitation and how I imprinted and imposed him to be a loser just like me and do nothing with my life, as if something was going to be of actual true value for me, nor was it going to be of actual true value for him either. No wonder we’re both losers and how he never questioned me, nor did I ever question myself and stop myself and to challenge myself and my own limitations and how they aren’t even real. And how I just fucking made them up as if they were real, and how I lived a life of lies and made up bullshit and things that do’t even matter, as if i need to be proving my limitations ever more and how comfortable it is to be here and do nothing with my life. And how what I did and improved and imprinted upon and to my friend, that he will not have a good life just because he accepted and allowed my limitations and lack as well, as I have been accepting and allowing the same, not even considering the fact, that I will also be a forever loser to do nothing with my life either. Within that, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to lie to myself and to lie to my friend blatantly that i don’t feel like doing anything and how he joined me and didn’t want to do anything either, and to just hang out with me as well, and do nothing with my life and  his life either. I mean we were both kids and teenagers as well,  but we were losers, we didn’t know anything about business, making money, or anything, he and i only wanted to play and have fun together, but having fun together and hanging out and doing nothing with my life, will lead me down to separation with him and I. because of no purpose and no direction life, no wonder he  and  I are not where we are wanting to be in our lives, because of the compounding of decisions and unknown  habits of the breath and how each and every decision is lived through that breath and how detrimental it is in every step and breath, for the worst.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that i was hanging out with my friend and how he also accepted and allowed to hang out with each other and to do nothing to accept and allow to not realise. That we were stopping danger and complacency from entering our lives and to be complacent with it and do nothing and if we did anything out of our comfort zones, we would never make it, because of how we are thinking and how we were loving words that aren't and are not even best for us as the flesh and as breath and in each and every step of the way in our daily living and life. And how nothing is of worthiness to ever achieve, just because it is to be that lack and limitation is to prevent danger and just to chill out. Just because we don’t want to do anything real with our lives and just to chill out and do  nothing, as if danger wasn’t about any type of growth in lives, instead we are just avoiding it, and doing nothing with it and for our lives. And how we both accepted and allowed this pure atrocity that would affect each and  every decision, and even from our parents as well, and how they knew nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing. Nothing but deadbeats, and how in fact, when we grow up older and older, and to be much more older, what are the odd chances of us ever living a life of actual true purpose if we never even discovered what having a  true purpose really is?, no wonder we don’t and I don’t have anything and want to do anything with our lives. No matter how we felt about anything, we just didn't feel like doing it, because of how tired we were and didn’t want to affect each other and our lives, to do anything real and  active and proactive within our life. To financial freedom of any kind, and emotional stability was never there either. No wonder he is still unstable and how I am not where I want to be in my life and stuck in the same position of where and that i am about more than 4 years ago, not making a profit, because of how i thought about life and my life. And how no one ever had their best interest in me, nor did they have it in them either. No one had the fortitude and grit to achieve anything, I’ve always had that, but I would always fall and stand back up and fall again and stand back up again, but it was never constant until I finally did not want to do anything with my life. No matter what it is and what it was for myself, it was never of actual true value for anything to be real, no wonder I am not where I want to be. How sad and unfortunate that to not ‘feel’ like doing anything and how this affected echo done very deficiently that I’ve made in my life, breath by breath and step by step through all my life, form and of the very age of 8-9, in the middle of the year it was. When that very day, my father told me stupid shit and made me feel bad and worse about myself, and how i used to always be active and always want to do things and always with anything with my cousins and my aunt Memphis, Tennessee, and how ever since, I am not as active to do anything real with my life and to have fun with my life to make something of actual true and real of value in my life. Nothing to ever be real at all, whatsoever. The active days were gone and how this has affected each and everything and every decision that I have ever made in my life, no matter how  strong the resistances were, they always got the best of me, when in fact, I was the one who got the best of me, without even my own will of the backchat and internal conversations to take i place and to never have investigated it ever since, until right now. And now that I realise this, I can truly change for the better. And how there was always nonsense and preventing things to ever come into my life to somehow just to accept the complacency and latency of not doing anything with my life and to have no true purpose. But to prevent actual of some type of suffering entering to my life, when it could’ve been growth, but in fact I was allowing suffering of my complacency and contemplating whether if I should ever keep going to do something that I Should be doing that’s getting me into the direction of where I want to go in my life for the better. But in fact, I never did that ever since, because I never knew what it was like to do things no matter if I felt good about it or not. I never did truly ever act out of self principle and commitment ever at all. It was forever a fad and facade ever since to me, I just never knew what it was like ever, at all since my whole life, and that very day of age 8 or 9. It affected each and every decision of my life, no wonder I am not where I want to be,  emotionally, financially, and not even truly at all, self sufficient and independent to lead myself to do what is best. I just never knew, no matter how hard I tried, it was never to be of a success, ever.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not feel like speaking up and staying something just because I don’t feel like speaking up to say something that I need to put some type of input in. and how even if i know it is simple, I tend to make it difficult and over explain and to have to explain myself and to not even to do things in its simplified form, it was never that way ever since. Even if I didn’t feel like it, I wouldn't do it, because of the impulse and living breath and as the words as the flesh that I am living that are not good for me, nor for anyone, at all whatsoever either. How unfortunate. And how I was literally living my life on feeling as if I was going to do something or by feeling instead of principles and actual logic and common sense and being pragmatic about real life and what it is and how life was always here, it was never anywhere else, at all, whatsoever. And how I would unintentionally and impulsively lead myself into oblivion and delusion to things and places to where I did not want to go, and how I literally accepted and allowed the path to where I was going, that wasn’t going to be best for me to travel down to. But instead, I went anyway, because I was never truly ever away from the fact that I was deluding myself to do things that were not best for me, nor for anyone at all whatsoever. And how I was living in complacency and contemplation as if it were to be real and true, when in fact and reality, I was forever living a fake life and a lie.

When and as I see myself urging myself to say that I don't feel like doing anything in my life to achieve and focus on the taks i have at hand, I stop and breathe, and do the task anyway and finish it.

When and as I see myself accepting and allowing someone to say they don’t feel like doing it, I stop and breathe and persuade them to do it, and help them do so, and I Will do it myself as well, no matter what.

When and as I see myself having the backchat of saying I don’t feel like doing it, I stop and breathe, and do what I need to do at hand to complete what I am doing.

When and as I see myself attempting to accept any excuse and alibi to not do anything with my life and/or the focused task at hand, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself acting in fear as if nothing is going to happen to me and how I am stopping myself just because I am feeling somewhat tired and not feeling like doing anything, I stop and breathe, and do it in fear despite what it is with common sense and pragmatism.

When and as I see myself not being aware of what I need to do in my life and in my business, I stop and breathe, and take control and responsibility for my life.

When and as I see myself getting distracted by something that isn’t best for me to go to, and how I don’t feel like doing anything to complete whatever it  is that is at hand to complete for, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself wanting to do nothing about what is best and to leave it as is and not feel like doing it without any act of principle at all, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not intending to do something with intention for my super success of anything, and everything, in all ways and in every way, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself rushing myself to eat fast and then after to do nothing with what  I was about to do at hand, I stop and breathe, and do what I set out to simply do for myself.

When and as I see myself not improving my s standards and then to do nothing about  it, just because I don’t feel like it, I stop and breathe and do it anyway to do what is best and never settle for less at all.

I realise that I was living word that weren’t even best for me and how I was in actuality living delusion, each and eve time i was so far into a task and focus of something, i would utter at times in backchat and internal conversations, to say to myself that I don’t feel like doing it. When in it is a complete lie that I don’t know and did not know where it even came from. When in fact and in reality, the actual impudent lie came from my father and how he never said anything about me, nor himself to even be acting this way to say such a thing to me and make me feel bad and worse about  myself impractically and irrationally for the worst. And how I never knew why he was doing what he was doing so irrationally and spitefully and ugly and nasty about it, when he didn’t even bother to question why he would do such a thing to impulse and be so compulsive so spiteful and negative and so ugly about  it as well. And how when I did and would ask him to take me somewhere to some place to eat or do something and or go to the gym or buy something. He would spitefully tell me to that he didn’t feel like it and even when I did persist and negotiate with him, he would spitefully yell at me and tell me to fuck off in a sense, even though eh didn’t say literally to fuck off, but it affected me in each and every decision that i’ve ever made in my life. And how my friends were also the same, even when they were also the same way as their parents and how I acted the same way and wanted to participate in his de-leniency and complacency for the worst and not even bothering to ever question him, nor even myself, when it did ever occur to me that he was saying that he was bored and didn’t feel like doing anything and when Ii sat down next to him and wanted to do the same thing. Without even questioning why I would hang out with another loser, because even before, I was already a loser before I approached him and wanted to hang out with him and go do something to be active and have fun within the neighborhood. But instead that was never the fact, it was a matter of reversed opinion too soon to be fucked mathematically in prediction of the worst of all. Complacency in delusion for the utmost and absolute worst.
I realise that each and every time, I ever said that I don’t feel like doing it, i was ever more only living the delusion of what is not best for me and living and telling myself a lie of living words that wasn't even best for me, ever since that day of its inception of 8 or 9 years old, when my father told me that he doesn’t feel like doing anything, just because it’s late, it’s dark, it’s cold, some bullshit that wasn’t even true, he was only forever more protecting his self interest instead of helping me to do something and always would say no in such a ugly and fast shake head movement to say no to me. And how i didn’t like that and thought it was normal with every other person, but it was not, everyone else had a different context and feel and experience to the word no and it’s meaning and definition within the interaction with others and themselves and how they converse with others. And how it was not normal, it was a defect, it was false, it was fake, this whole entire, time for me to believe that someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about and tries to elude me and make me be imprinted and imposed to something that i was not aware of as if he was  exposing and expressing some unknown law and set in stone principle to me that wasn’t even real to me at all whatsoever. And how I was wanting to be curious and wanted to do more in my life, but someone who never had their best interest in me, nor even cared about me with affection and trust, and how that was never the case either, no trust, no care, nothing, zilch, nada, nil. Nothing.  How unfortunate for me to be experiencing someone who doesn’t even care and how I was so young and was not aware of what he would do and say to me to make me be imprinted and imposed by his instability and ugly gestures and expressions towards me as if I was some dog or somebody else that didn’t even matter to him. Therefore, ni fact, I never did matter to him, he never did really raise me, he only deluded me and devalued me, and his life is not any better than anyone else’s and how he decides to make his life much worse, and how i came to imprint and copy his actions and his statements into the flesh of my own flesh. And how I had to be just like him and live his words and other people's words that weren’t even best and how i lived most of it and create it subconsciously on my own, not ever realising why I never knew what was going in my head this whole time, many years later till today, right up until this very moment of this realisation. And how I now realise that no wonder I don’t have the life I want, just because I didn’t ‘feel like doing it and not changing it for the better at all, whatsoever. How disappointing and frustrating it is when I am so far into a task and end up falling off and not doing anything, and sometimes I do take a break for a couple minutes. And sometimes the break turns into an hour, and more hours and few hours and then a day, then a couple days, then a week, a few weeks, few months, 6 months, a year, then many years later of nothing ever created for the better. No matter how strong my persistence and fortitude ever was, I would always self sabotage my momentum somehow and how I would never realise what was going on within me. And even if I did know, and no matter how smart and clever and hard I tried to stop those patterns. They were within  me as the flesh and I lived them, no matter what I did and attempted at, nothing was ever a true  success for me, because I had as well, no true valid and valued purpose, either at all. Nothing for the better at all whatsoever. No wonder my life is the way it is, fortitude and persistence, all for nothing.

I realise that things never got done in the proper order, nor did i ever understand how to complete my tasks and they never were of efficiency, I would always somehow deviate onto something else that didn’t matter. And how it led me to one thing to another, and eventually I am so far out of where I first started, that I never got to complete what I was doing, no matter how far I was into the process of doing what I was doing. Even if it was best or not, there was no purpose within it, nothing at all, no self possession, no self direction, at all whatsoever, nothing for the better at all. And how my mom would do the same thing sleeping in and constantly being on her phone, never communicating and always buying things for herself, and always saying she doesn’t feel like it, when and if she’s tired or not, it was total bullshit to escape me and especially herself. And how nothing was ever good in the family to ever experience for the better, it was always some time of lack and limitation of some kind and, no matter what it is and was. It was always lack and limitation as if nothing is here in reality and how she would deny reality and do nothing about it. And how i was the same way and got that detrimental shit quality from a deadbeat as well as my father, who never knew anything either, the atrocity that was accepted and allowed for many years on end, with no questioning, and challenging if necessary to call out the bullshit that was occurring and how i never did anything about it. But just disregarded her and my father and eventually just did my own thing and did things whenever I felt like it, and never out of principle ever at all whatsoever. Not for my life, not for money, not for growth, nor for anything at all whatsoever at all whatsoever.

I realize that my life is the way it is in somewhat shambles and fucked, because I did things just because I felt like it and how feeling like it, never got me far, ever at all whatsoever. It got me nowhere, no matter what and how hard and fast I was going intelligently, I would end up living the words of I don’t feel like it and then I end up taking too long of breaks and end up not doing anything with real persistence and momentum to create something real of actual value, nothing at all. Ever at all.

I commit myself to be, do and have to live out of principle and strictly of Principle, no matter how I feel and what is going, and to do so with common sense and pragmatically to where I can truly achieve whatever it is that I want to do, within giving 100% and pacing to give 100% each and every time, no matter what. And to keep going, to will myself to keep persisting, to improve and adapt in situations and mastering myself more and more and being the executive of my fate and where I want to go in this life to create new heights of  super success. And to learn from everyone and challenge if necessary if someone tries to deviate and do something stupid and that is not best with respect and dignity for the individual and so as myself with integrity and self as life! For as I see myself as life and life resonance in as the living words as the flesh to improve and adapt for the better as directive principle as LIFE to give absolutely 100% to and as LIFE!

I commit myself to do things no matter how I feel and what is going on with practicality and common sense, and to see what i can do to truly achieve super success in my business and in my life for the better!, for as I see myself as directive principle as the living words to improve and adapt to give absolutely 100% and pacing it each and every time to new heights than ever before for and as LIFE!

I commit myself to encourage and teach my kids and encourage my wife to do the same to teach our kids to and help our kids to do things with reason and common sense and practicality and for what is best. And to talk with them directly and with stability and common sense and same thing to how I talk with my wife and encourage her to do the same with common sense and stability and practicality to help each other and our kids to grow and learn to become truly self sufficient for our and their super success as well! For as i see myself as a self directive principle as living words to improve and adapt for the better as resonance as LIFE!

I commit myself to direct and lead with commonsense and practicality and stability in how I grow my business and lead myself and others to do the same and how we can scale our skills and Will power to keep going, no matter what is going on, and do out of principle and to become better and effective as individuals of the corporation as a family and as a team for the better. To always follow the company principles and to do the same in their life, with health, wealth, relationships and fulfillment, and to keep going to grow to new heights to a new monopoly for what’s best for all and for the equal life party to control and put certain people in certain high places to do what is best and lead to a equal money system and party within economics, agriculture, and much more, media and etc. for as I see myself as life and life resonance as self directive principle to improve and adapt for the better as living words for and as LIFE!

I commit myself to challenge directly and with practicality and common sense to those who say they don’t feel like it, to persuade the person to get up to speed to do it anyway, and to gain the  self trust, no matter how they feel, to do it out of principle and for what is best for all life. And if they don’t do it, they will not like the place where they will end up for themselves and for their own decisions mathematically as it is predicted, that it is imperative that they do it with self trust and to get the result and they know they will feel much more confident to keep going and with the support as well. For as I see myself as life and as self directive principle as resonance as living words to improve and adapt for the better as and for LIFE!

I commit myself to write self forgiveness and self corrective application to forgive myself for what is not best within me and to realise them through stop and breathe statements to stop and breathe when and if a reaction were to ever come up. And take self directive principle in the moment and be here and take care of what is here and keep going no matter what, 100% of the way. Within that to write realisation statements to realise what had affected me and who was there and who was all in participation and what is not best for me and how it was of even a culmination and inception of anything to investigate and sum up what had happened. Therefore, I commit myself to write self corrective commitment statements to recorrect myself and within the tools of TechnoTutor, Desteni I Process, and self forgiveness and self corrective application to rebirth and reprogram myself to super success!, and along with the support from others and giving and receiving support and supporting myself and giving to myself as well as i would like to give to another as well. To become the best version of myself each and everyday, giving 100% and pacing to 100% each and every time with full awareness in reality as here, as breath, as life! For as I see myself as self directive principle as life and resonance as to improve and adapt for the better as living words to improve and adapt for and as LIFE!