Limitation?(Read aloud and Breathe)
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that when I accept and allow someone else’s limitation, I somehow begin to enact it out as a limited blind person and fool. To not even bother to notice what I had limited myself to, when I was already in limitation and growing in the right direction, but somehow I have accepted and allowed someone else’s limitation as if it were to be true, when in fact it was only a fake. That i had allowed and accepted for myself to be as truth, when in fact, it was only a portrayal of a lie that I had comet to enact, just because I am not noticing someone else is limited and how I am looking to be different than one another, but I somehow gained someone else’s limit and capability of even doing something. When I have realised that i am not as one as directive principle as equal and one as here as breath, I am only trying to live out someone else’s life and breath, when in reality it is not me, and how it feels as if I need to be making a commitment to someone else, when i know I need to be conservative to my time and my health. When in fact, I am not realising that even at times, I am limiting myself without even realising what I am doing specifically and doing so in the meantime. Because of the quantum reality physical participation that is happening, I suppose I was living in limitation my whole life. Not knowing if things will ever change in my environment, because my environment and sources right now are just limited to what I want to do in my life and have for my life. And how those things that I want are in lack and need for something that I don’t really need, unless it is somewhat of an unsure essentials to be in my life. Even my thinking, and environment and growth is at a limit and how I can even be able to not think in the best ways I can, because I am not even able to do what I want to do, I am only capable of what I can do and expand for, for right now. And how it feels as if nothing is going anywhere for me, things feel that they are at a standstill and no one will be able to get out, but for me to be in a position to be able to reach out for help and guidance to get to where I want to go with a game plan and tactic to do so. And it is on my part to do something about it, and if I don’t, then it is my loss and responsibility to take, no matter what limitation I am not aware of that I am setting myself in. without even realising the quantum time decision of letting myself be the inter-mission of my own mission to delude myself as if I haven’t gotten a clue of what real reality and how people really deal with things on a better level. Than the actual average person that doesn’t have the resources like I don’t either at all whatsoever. And how nothing is in my preview to use and be able to do, for whatever I want and wherever I want to go, without having to worry about money and having to think about it so constantly unconsciously, subconsciously to the conscious act. When in reality, I never had true actual real living principles for my life, no wonder I had never went so far for myself in life, of course I never had the actual right guidance and posture for myself to be able to make it in life and big in life and to do it with others, not just for myself. That if I do just try to do it by myself, I am only letting more limitations set in, without even realising how quick it is to set in and how I was always set in my own ways of actual limitation. And how I thought going the short way, was the best way, when actuality, sometimes the short way is the best way, but in reality, it is sometimes the way to failure, because I’m just trying to gain a gateway that I think that is quick to where I want to go, when in fact, it's only going short myself and limit myself. When in fact and reality, the long way and support way, is the best way and still the long way, to actual real abundance and opulence, when limitation and hope and love and light is in short supply, when life and support is in abundance. And how I never realise there is so much of life out there than where I am right now, of course it is best to accept where I am right now and move forward. But if I don’t, then I’ll just be limiting myself more and more being at a stand still halt as if life isn’t already here itself. And how people tend to have it better in comparison and contrary to the fact of my own contradictions of how far and close or how close and far it is to me, not realising that there is effective effort and focused effort with others and not just one individual by themselves. And how I never came to realise that at all whatsoever. Nothing at all.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as parents to limit my child, not realising that I was limited myself, and how for me to not realise that and how I am also in limitation, will make me also as well to have my child and my environment to be in ultimate detrimental limitation. No matter how good or bad, or whatever, people want to have an input on, it is only of contradiction and no sureness of what is true or not. And how I never knew of what an abundant life for my child and for myself would actually look like, because I never truly saw it from another person and actually seen and talked with another person that actually had some type of wealth and opulence. And how I never did that, I was only ever so comfortable in limitation and never in abundance and the creation of it, I was only in fact, creating in the wrong direction, and that wasn’t best and for what i only knew how and the best I could do, in limitation and excuses. Even when it came to food, nothing was ever there, because no one could think for themselves, nor could I even teach and educate myself and my child for the better of it. When it came to education, clothing, basic needs, it was all in limitation, because we never had the education for ourselves, no wonder we never had and never would have the things we could get and want due to our own self interest. We never considered another, so in fact, it was always in limitation, because we never knew how to give, we only thought we had to give in money, and our own things that we never even had that if were to be abundant, we could. But it was only in limitation and scarce supply, as we only had the scarcity mindset as well, and how money and things are so expensive to our way and thinking and ways of thinking because of a limited environment, and people as well. That also caused me to limit myself and how my parents and their parents and then their’s and then there's and then theirs and theirs again and their parents again and more and more and more. To ever even not realise that 7 generations of limitation of poor and lack and detrimental teachings and mindset and ways of thinking and genes could not be changed up until this very entire moment and time. Not realising that being in limitation is not just our decision and how much of a consequence it is, and how we are not even realising how much of a consequence it is, no matter good or bad, no matter if we had enough or not. We were grateful of course, by the starting point of limitation was always and always was Already there, before we even knew what limitation was and how everyone was plain angry of why there isn’t enough to go about for anyone. Even the clothes, certain foods, how one of the parents and children have more than one another, when there was only inequality and limitation being promoted without a word, it was only shown through thought and action. When you see a person's room and house and how they speak, it is obvious that the person is poor and ini limitation, no matter how good they sound or not. If things are piled up to the ceiling and taking up so much space in a room and you can’t and I can’t anywhere further than the position of where we are right now. Then that is limitation and lack, and that there is no abundance at all whatsoever, nothing too bad, for haves and have nots, the haves who have a lot but don’t have much, are in limitation as well. And for those who have not, who have, and still think they have a lot, but are still in actual reality and FACT, are STILL in limitation, no matter what anyone says. It is just the starting point and how it compiled and compounded this whole time, and none of us and/or anyone has gotten very far, nor for even our child as well. Because we were also living limitation and promoting it without even saying a word, it was just the environment and what in the news, tv advertisements, advertisements on the phone, computer, tv shows, commercials, movies, society, background conversations, backchat, friends, so called associates, associates, so called friends, and much more to whomever promoted limitation for something that we don’t even need if it was to be, and how we never knew to learn about anything that could’ve brought and allowed abundance. We would still obviously be in limitation, no matter how hard we tried and wanted to change, when we wanted to change, we could not let go of what we have, because of limitations and how it is even bothered to be essential. It is just junk and piles of crap that no one needs, nor do we even do it, and once it goes to waste, it’s there gathering dust, like no tomorrow at all whatsoever.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a parent to limit my child and myself, just because I never knew if there was even a way out. It was always in survival mode, no one noticing if there was an actual abundant life out there, and how I thought snobby rich people had it all, when in reality, they are not, just some. But when in reality, really, I am only being a snobby peasant poor person, not realising that I am poor and in limitation, not realising that i have put my child and myself, not realising that I have put myself in limitation, not knowing if there was any true actual abundance of anything at all whatsoever. And how we were always just trying to survive for the next buck and dollar, or whatever it was, food or not food, clothes, shoes or nothing at all. Nothing was ever handed to me, I only had to work hard as a slave, I mean worker. And how nothing was even better for me, I just had this weird ugly, distorted complaining attitude and victim mentality, as if that was the way to go about anything, but in fact, it was not, and it never was and never will be for success. It was always deemed and redeemed into failure over and over again, recycling my own emotions and prevailing into them and not even knowing if there was a way out, while i was good hope or goodness, or bad, or negativity or anything at all. Not knowing if there was actually a true way out, when in fact, there was another day, only in limitation once again and again and again. Not knowing if it were to be true at all whatsoever.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a cartoon to impose and express and imprint upon children to be in limitation and poor environments as if my creators didn't have a clue of how ruthless and so good jolly like people they are not. When they are in reality, but it’s just their limited self interest is only to expand the message of limitation through film and animated characters that aren’t even going anywhere in their lives. And how I am imposing the children and how my creators have created me to be in limitation, no matter how hard I tried for anything, nothing was ever working, I could not speak that well or couldn’t speak at all. How I was always running into trouble, finance, health, relationships, the whole nine yards, everything and every single thing was at a limit, and how i was always being bombarded and how I am imposing others and imprinting others to go in be limitation into their unconscious minds and subconscious minds as they grew up to be older in life. And as the school system and their parents teach them, everything will be at a stand still and deeply ingrained into the psyche or unconscious mind, where no matter what they do, they will always be in limitation. Whether they be alive, in jail, in poverty, bad relationships, struck emotions, no matter what it is, they will always be in limitation, and/or if they’re dead, too bad to see and witness, because I was only controlled to control others and how others will imprint me and impose me to act out as me, and how I am not me, i am only fiction as contradiction. Being a diction into addiction as a fiction, that was never there in the first place, the starting point of it, was to be for all into limitation and for no one to even go anywhere and make it big in their lives. Society can truly achieve more, but we don’t want them, because it will cause too much competition, while others are in limitation, while I am being imposed and manipulated to show what limitation is, and soon as the children grow up in life, they will do nothing no matter what they do, they will always be ini limitation. Never of abundance, never of growth, no matter how hard they try to make it out, at some point, they will come crashing down in fear and spitefulness and begrudging others, no matter how much they have or not at all. Good character or not, the ego of the unconscious mind and subconscious mind, is that they’ll be creating more of their detriment throughout life as they have watched me on an old tv screen of a new one, no matter how good of quality or not. They will never make it out alive, and soon the whole nation will go to shit, and will go poor into limitation, not thinking and realising that their pre-programmed design will always be there. And if they do change, limit themselves while it piles on, and be suppressed, not knowing if it will ever be in abundance or not, no matter what they do, they’ll limit themselves into fear and self sabotaging acts and judgements for the worst. No matter how hard they work at something, they will never make it out. Because of the limitation and limited environment and their mindsets of growth going at a negative down the chart as an invisible line graph going down and off the charts. Into no man’s land and down with the tidy bowl man and into truly obvious detrimental oblivion for the worst. My creators never had their best interest in me at heart, although I was just only fiction, but was only showing a fun and go lucky type of expression and portrayal since the youth were being brainwashed by me and how the parents will never know what is even Going On at all whatsoever. And sooner or later, their lives will go down in detriment and/or will go at a plateau and soon one or all will lose everything, one or all will die of a disease, one or all will leave and/or be kicked out. One or all, will die of cancer, one or all will be of poverty, one or all will die in some way of a car accident, murder, shooting, anything at all whatsoever, suicide or not at all whatsoever. One or all will never make it, no matter how hard they try, if it is not prioritized and managed and well thought to be led by, then things will never make it out to be for the better for the family or individual at all, whatsoever, nothing for the better.
When and as I see myself limiting myself and not growing and creating something and not asking for cooperation and help with it and not even bothering to figure it out, I stop and breathe. I realise that it is my mindset and genes and habits and environment that is for me to not even realise that I am at a limitation and how I am limiting myself in every way and every aspect, financial, emotional, food, water, clothes, shoes, essential things of books, computer, phone, internet, etc. Was all at a limitation and stood still for so long, that I never thought of what true actual abundance and opulence really truly actually was from another person, because in reality, I never asked, I only researched and saw it from others. I only saw glimpses of it, seeing so much money on a piece of paper that was classified and was trusted with. Only ever saw nothing else, but actual limitation in my way and way of living, was to never be in abundance, it was ALWAYS in lack. I just never did know and/or even have an inclination to think of something that could’ve been of growth and abundance for me, when everything that was presented was unconsciously and subconsciously along the way of my own creation at a limitation and limit that I never had actual true care and attention and people having my best interest at heart. Because in fact, I never did for myself, so no one showed it to me, because I never had it within me to express it, so I never did. And things never changed, because I never made the decision to do something about it, i just thought I had it all in some type of way and was so comfortable with what I had, money, clothes, or whatever it was and anything that it was to be, for that matter. Nothing was ever in my possession to have more, it was always lacking, I just never knew what was really to be out there for real at all whatsoever. Nothing.
When and as I see myself being close minded and not open and trying to be in limitation and limited in my own ways and not considering what is on the outside for true abundance, I stop and breathe. I realise that my thinking and WAY of thinking and environmental thinking as well, was always at a still stand and limitation for the worst. That i never knew what was really on the outside and how other people were dealing with things at a different level than the actual average person to be at, because I know they don’t worry about money, they're always thinking about growth and expansion and things being delegated for them in the best effective ways possible and how it is all just automated in that way.
When and as I see myself limiting myself in my own environment and not growing and doing something to create and be creative, I stop and breathe. I realise that it is not just my environment, it is also who i think about things and how they are to me unconsciously and subconsciously to me, and how no matter how hard I ever tried at something, it was always at some type of limitation, because I could never see above and beyond of where i was and where I wanted to be, even if it was some type of short to quick stretch to get there. When in reality, I never knew the actual long way and effective ways were the best ways to get there, and how there are no shortcuts in life, there is always processes to everything and how effective it is for people to get along and get to what and where they’ve gotten up until now. And how I now understand that people have gotten there, and how fast they’ve gotten there, due to childhood circumstances and encouragements of all kinds, good or bad, manipulation or not. Anting could’ve happened for a person to get there so fast, because of foundations and how they were growing up very early and what they were exposed to and heard all around in their environment that was setting the children up for success. No matter if it was some high level discussion of business, or anything, or whomever was around for a meeting or not, any high level people or anything for that matter. And how many of the super successful today, all had great to somewhat great environments, and also it was their fortitude and determination along the way as well. No matter who they were around, of successful people or mid to successful people or whomever it was they were around. They always got the better end of the stick and could control their life for the better, and now I can have that as well, and it is possible to be there. It just takes a process and into the right direction and opportunity to see and catch for the better.
I commit myself to understand and move myself forward to be in abundance and actual opulence and growth with others, and i know that, i can not just do this by myself, I want to also enjoy the abundance and growth with others for the better. And how we can truly grow together as people, and if that is not possible, then there is something within us and/or what we need to do on the outside as well as participants in the physical world that needs to be done to get there together for the better. I commit myself to truly understand and how acquire an opulent and affluent life with others by doing what is best for all and for myself and for those around me and realise what it is that needs to be on the momentum track to be able to get to where we and I need and want to go for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to understand and know how to create an environment for success and always for success and how it will have emotional stability and financial stability with needs and basic needs to be met. For all and for what’s best for all around and who may be around in the meantime and how we can help that person in the best ways possible as I am also helping myself and caring for myself and supporting myself and others as well. And how we are also improving and adapting to what is to be for the better of everyone and for ourselves as well, because no one can save us, but us, and it is our duty to do so to make something truly special and meaningful for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to challenge those with respect and dignity if anyone tries to put themselves at a limit, I will always persuade and encourage another and myself to get out of the situation and be at a place of growth and abundance and opulence together. No one should be left behind, and people should be helped if they want to help themselves and to show that I do care, but not that much if they don’t care for themselves, as if it shows or not. And if anyone continues to be in limitation and not grow as a person and in their environment to get out and move out and be where they want to be, and refuse, then so be it. I’ll just help the ones who want to be helped, as I want to help myself be where I want to be by getting the support and living the support as well. So people can truly make it for the better, because life was meant to be simple and better, the mind just fucked up, so we need to realise that life and reality is pretty cool, the mind is just cluttered and in limitation. That is why we need people and most importantly we need ourselves and for and with others to do something and achieve something truly great for the better, for as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance in reality to improve and adapt for the better for my super super super super success!
I commit myself to encourage my kids and my wife to be in abundance and help my children with my wife to be self sufficient for themselves for the better. And to truly have an abundant and well lived and needs met, with education, food, clothing, emotional stability and financial stability early on in life and how they can have it better than we did, as we are making it bigger and bigger in life and in business for the better. To help them truly understand what abundance truly is and how things will be understood with stability and common sense and practicality for all and what’s best for all, and how many people should have a very stable life and an abundant life and to learn to love your neighbor as you would love yourself. I mean it is basic common sense, as it is being taught to do what is best for all, because I never had that, so I had to change my starting point and adapt and innovate it along the way, to truly understand in reality and how it can be for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to keep going and to improve my environment to get to a place where I want and look forward to being at everyday and creating for true abundance for the better. And to research and look and talk with people who have the things that I do seek for and desire to have the goals and objectives for in life and how they did it and made it in life. That I know nothing great can be done all alone, the mind must be stretched and grown, within the physical as well, and physical participation and acting it out in physical reality. And to create and improve and adapt our skills and see what needs to be done in order to go to the next level of life and in business, there must be a new level of understanding, each and every time, no matter what for the better of super super super success! For as i see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to write self forgiveness to forgive myself of what is not best within me, and realise them through breathing statements if a reaction were to ever come up again to stop and breathe and redirect into what is best for me and how I conduct my life and interact with others. Within that, to write realisation statements to realise what I had reacted to and have reacted to that was not best within me and for me at all whatsoever. Within that, I commit myself to write self commitment statements to re-correct myself into what is best for me and how i conduct and interact in life and in business with others for the better. And to live the living change as life awareness and life resonance to improve and adapt for the better! Along with using the tools and support groups of and of TechnoTutor, and other particular groups as well that are of encouragement and reality based like for success. And self forgiveness and the Desteni I Process, creations to journey to life and heavens journey to life blogs to rebirth each and every time to life, breath by breath and step by step to become the best version of myself each and every day for the better! For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
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