Snoozing alarm? (Read aloud and breathe)
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that when I snooze the alarm, that I know unconsciously subconsciously that to the conscious act that I will be much more tired later on than once I have woken up from the dead of my own rest. And how i yet to realise what sleep is supposed to be and when to wake up and not when to go to sleep, and how i have come to realise row that I have been abusing my own sleep and own alarm. As if the alarm should be abused and not to be used as a tool to help me become awake and realise my day and not try to in attempt to leave it to my own abuse just because I value sleep more than the life of becoming awake and ruling my day and seeing what life can offer me and how I can redirect it to my favor and other’s favor that for those who want to work with me in the meantime. And future relationships to come and realise, and if I keep snoozing the alarm, who I will meet?, who will I not be able to meet?, depending on how long I want to snooze the alarm any longer and keep pressing that button as if should be abused, as how I am abusing my own life and to be awake be the sun and at the beginning of my heels to touch the ground and be out of that bed and onto the ground and be ready to walk my day and process it throughout. And if I just dare to be kept in bed a little longer, I am in actuality, postponing being truly awake and seeing what is bright in my eyes of my own alarm as if it is fucking with me, when in fact and reality, I am the one who is fucking with myself as if my sleep is much more important, when in fact, it is, every time I snooze the alarm by pressing the button or multiple buttons to turn it off and within the brightness of it is and as is. I am abusing the light of day upon what it shines to me and what it is saying to me, to get up you lazy fuck, you’ve done a lot, but you’ve been snoozing your day and days and weeks and months away, as if you want to be creating a world that is best for all. And you try to stay in bed a little longer, just because the body and mind is trying to deter you, when in fact, it is my mind and how I think about sleeping in still. As if it is nothing but a fad, and should avoided, when in fact, I am still doing it and being dishonest with myself, no matter how hard I am trying to be awake at a certain time of 4-5-6 am or 7 am or 8 am or 9 or 10 and how i try yo wake up. But I end up justifying to be awake at a time of at 4-5-6-7 and end up going back to sleep within the morning and then when the sun shines in my eyes, it is like a slap in the face of what was presented to me and what I was presenting to myself as if I haven’t a clue that I have disobeyed my own command for what I wanted. Instead I deviated from it and wanted my own rest for the night, as it was still dark in the morning as it was, this morning and every morning, and how I know this is not helping me, but I still do it anyway, because I have yet to forgive myself of still wanting to be asleep until the sun shines and slaps me in the eyes. To wake up finally and still be in a very tired, begrudging like dreading state as if my own energy doesn’t matter for me and myself for the day, and how it was so hard for me to even do it, because i was only being dishonest as if sleep only mattered more than creating a world and life that’s better for me and for others around me and who I am working right now and in the meantime for now. As things will expand, however, if I stay in bed much more longer things will never expand than for what I could be able see further, it will merely be impossible if I don’t walk through this point and when in reality, it is just a small, point, I’m just making it bigger than it already isn’t. Devouring a point and leaving it as is, as if it is big, when in fact the point is not so big, it same like every other point, just certain aspects to be extensive or not depending how long it has been advocated for so long, up until this very moment and time as i am writing and reading this.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as an actor in a movie to keep snoozing my alarm and how my directors and myself including is telling me to snooze my alarm much more and once more. Just because my day will end up like everyone else’s and how it is telling my viewers and self interested viewers to see what sleeping in is like and how stupid this can be, like for you and I. And how I am going throughout my day as if sleep isn’t worth for creating a world that is best for all life and how my own world is not best right now, as if I need to impose upon my views and readers to reading the transcript or book or whatever has came from the movie to put on a front to be much more asleep and to be what it is to be and what it is like to be much more tired and wanting to sleep just a little longer. And how I am abdicating my responsibility for myself and for my wife and kids and everyone as if nothing else truly mattered, but being a deadbeat mother, father, or woman or man or whomever, or child or whatever the fuck. And how it is imprinting upon my views to be just like me and further this habit and never to realise what I have been doing and have done to myself and how my parents and their parents and then theirs and theirs again and much more again and then theirs again, and it is nothing but a detrimental pattern that has been accepted and allowed from the get-go, because no one was bothered to even be active within the family as if this point was made bigger than it wasn’t at all whatsoever. We just decided to put more value unconsciously, subconsciously and to the conscious act, we decide to make up an excuse just to make up some type of thing so we can stay in bed, just a litttttllleee more longer, when in reality and fact, it does not work that way, we have only come to believe and live this excuse, because our parents slept a just a littttleeeee more longer, just because they were tired and wanted to drink and smoke and eat bad the day before and stay up a little longer the day before. And to continuously snooze the alarm. And fucked everything that had legs and moves, as if wasn't even bothered to be respected at all whatsoever. As if polygamy was a thing, when in fact, it is no pure self respect for poly instructions that we have given to ourselves and to sleep a little longer as if we didn’t even matter to wake up right away and be up. And if we have children, we still do it , as if they didn’t matter, and our rest mattered the most, and how their attention didn’t matter but our interest mattered more. And soon enough they will try to rebel us, as we have rebelled our parents into wanting to sleep a little more as when he/she tried to wake me and us up to do something and be somewhere at a certain time or random time of being awake at moment and time as if being woken up just to be yelled at. Whether it was a high phone bill, wrecked car, drunk, smoking, or whatever, we did a lot of things and were made tired, because we decided to do things with other people, that we thought was best, when in fact, it was not at all whatsoever. Nothing was in our best interest to begin with from the starting point, as we and I have yet to realise what true responsibility of being awake before the sun shines and begins the day, and when it does shine after waking up or before or just never, we have truly abdicated what just blinded to the fact that we could’ve had a better future, if didn’t accept and allow such a thing that we have yet to realise and investigated this whole time up until this very moment at all whatsoever.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a disney character to be sleeping in a little longer and smash my alarm with my hand and grab something up of a bad or a paddle or whatever it was to smash my alarm. And have to go back to sleep, just because I thought that being an old grumpy little character with a beard and having to make all of these grumpy noises and sounds from myself as if I needed all of my youth views to see how my creators had fucked with me and it imposed me to fuck with you. As if sleeping in is much more important than being awake and seeing my day and what it has to offer instead of being in the bed a little longer as if it truly ever mattered. And how warm and cozy it is and cold as well, and how I need to show that I am nothing but a grumpy old man loser to think that I have no purpose to show for when there is a lot of things to do in the day and having to be so amazed and flabbergasted as if all the things I have yet to abdicate on the farm was nothing but a fad and had to be left behind and how all of these things needed to be taken care of but it was left to rot and left on the place. Until eventually I would lose everything just because I favored my sleep much more than my life and my own farm and place that I had around me and how nothing was ever to be developed and only to be left behind. Because nothing ever truly mattered because my sleep mattered the most and how cold it was in my little tree dome as it was and is still to this in fantasy, as if I am preaching about sleep being a philosopher and filling more of the loss further as if my day didn’t matter. And how i’m preaching about sleep and not wanting to be awake for the day and have to impose and imprint lies o f what it is to be further asleep instead of being awake for life really is and how when in reality my creators never knew any better, but wanted me to be imposed and imprint upon all of the youth and now adults today of the world. And how they are all abdicating their responsibility to everything like how i was created to not create a world that’s best for all life, and instead wanted all humans and little kids and humans of all kinds to be abdicate and live in a dream world of stupidity and complain about how things are yet to be in my life. And how i need to complain further of why what I don’t have in my life is at stake right now as it is, as therefore, I have yet to realise that I am also a deadbeat as well, from what the cartoon of disney and how I was created to be within this way and never change and always be this way. And when the end of my life comes, I am truly ever fucked for the worst. And my how my life will go down with the tidy bowl man losing his job due to sleep as if his and my life, and everyone’s life, didn’t matter. Just because my creators wanted to be ruthless and delusional with me and to me and at me, as if I wasn’t created to show what other kids and life could’ve been to be awake and truly awake and attack my day to see what life could offer within my input to do what is best for me. And for others around me, evidently, it was never that way, unfortunately.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that being in bed is fueling more of my self interest, just because I think it is better and how my responsibility doesn't matter and how others’ responsibility matters. And that being in bed a little longer, just because I don’t want to be awake and fear of being a little tired and probably too tired and have to feel that it will be much of a bigger deal to me than when in reality it is not. It is only further of me to abdicate what I am not even realizing that life is ahead of me and I am in the back of the pack, when in fact, and reality, I am at the back of my own reality not realising what the hell I have done up until this very starting point was the true further of ending points that is not what’s best for me and/or anyone in this world and with me as well. Sleeping in, will never help, if I try to desire it anymore, trying to think it is the best way to abdicate my own success and others success as well, and abdicating my own support to myself and with myself and with others as well. Whether it is in business or not, with my employees, directors, customers, clients, senior partners, team of lawyers and accountants, sales persons, wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, whomever, so you get the idea now, because I do too. Great.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as media, movies, cartoons, society, random people, friends, so called friends, associates, so called associates, tv shows, movies, tv shows as movies, the news and much more to show that sleep and sleeping is much more important than taking care of ourselves. And to continue to tell our viewers unconsciously and subconsciously to the conscious to abdicate your life, because your and my life doesn’t matter, and how sleeping is much more better scrupulously being blind to the fact that it is to be that way forever. And you can do nothing about it, unless you try to question us and soon we will become so forever desperate to create excuses to make you watch more with you on autopilot as how everyone will soon be crashing into the ground and going after food rations, supply rations, survival of things that don’t even help us in life for that and ration for that too. And soon eventually everyone will be in fear and survival and then soon want to sleep it away, and sooner or later, the day has gone by and nothing has been done. Nothing was looked forward to, it was always abdicated in irresponsibility as if our lives and your life didn’t matter, because we helped, not give a fuck anymore, and if you were in our position, you would probably do the same thing, without even realising you are being bribed like how we are to bribe you into giving up our and my life. For nonsense and instability and irresponsibility and to further fuel the fire of self disrespect for the worst.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that when I eat a lot of food and bad food, I will have to snooze myself and go to sleep. Just because I never realised how my health is much more important as well as and how others yet to have to realise what life could really be like if we just woke up and stopped eating the chemically laced food and fast food, other restaurants and realise that the forgiveness along the way of writing to self application of correct to see where we can go with this and truly stick to it. And not try to attempt into abdicate that we have no life to begin with as eating and drinking and smoking, or whatever the fuck that we do, to stop the abuse once and for all. Because if we keep at it, then we will end as a race and humanity. No matter poor, middle class, or rich, or whomever. Take responsibility, abdicate responsibility and realise that your and my life mattress here, nowhere else, it begins now, wake up.
When and as I see myself wanting to snooze the alarm and back myself into the bed and my head back on the pillow, I stop and breathe, and redirect myself to be up at once and out the door with my bed fixed and made. I realise that staying asleep a little longer and back to sleep a little longer is not what’s best for me as if I need to go back to sleep and abdicate the rest of my day and not realise what I can truly create as productivity, instead of irresponsibility and self disrespect as if how I wanted to wake up a certain time and I don’t do it. As the first notion, I have given up my commitment and therefore, I didn’t commit myself completely step by step along the way to realise what my days and weeks and months and years could really be if i made the effort to be awake and be productively focused. And change my nutrition along the way and what I am consuming in food, supplements, water or any type of beverage that is and was from previously as soda, alcohol and/or anything of that matter at all whatsoever.
When and as I see myself wanting to not wake up as soon as the alarm sounds or even wake up on my own late, I stop and breathe and redirect to wake up at once and get out of bed and make my bed and be out the door to freshen up. I realise that staying asleep just a little longer and wanting to hit that snooze button and lay my head back onto the pillow. Is going back into dreamland where nothing really happens but participating in mind and how things are thought to be mattered within my head on that pillow, when in reality, i am just trying to favor sleep a little much more longer and better than being up for my day and not having to begrudge my day and dread it, just because my sleep supposedly matters thee most instead of getting up at once the alarm sounds and being up on my own right away and not trying to go back to sleep, no matter tired I am. And if I do, it is only me not taking care of me, properly and effectively and with no proper support at all whatsoever.
When and as I see myself wanting to abdicate my day and how I feel that I have nothing scheduled and to look forward to, I stop and breathe and find something to do for the better of productivity and for myself. I realise that abdicating my day for irresponsibility and how nothing is even scheduled or whatever to do, is realising that I want to go back to sleep and how I am just trying to give myself another backdoor as if this were to be a real thing, when i am just trying to shut down my brain and go back to sleep snoozing the button once again as if it were to be another thing without even realising what the hell I am doing as an automatic pattern, just because nothing is there for the day and how my parents did the same thing and other people did as well. And how that wasn’t in my best interest, nor was it for theirs at all either, whatsoever. Nothing was practical, nothing was good, nothing out of it, no result, no good input, no good output, nothing, ZILCH, NADA, NEITTTT, OKAY?!, OKAY! Cool.
I commit myself to become aware and focused in my sleep at rest and wake up at once and see my day for the better, and make my bed immediately and at once with calmness and stability. That therefore, i am here as breath and woken up to see the bright light of my alarm and loudness of it, and realise that I have woken up before the sun arises, so it doesn’t sleep me or anyone in the eyes with a sharp turn away, but to redirect myself as directive principle to my commitments to myself and for myself and for others as well for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better.
I commit myself to become to realise that supplements and healthy foods that are organic and of good nutrition and actually read the labels and see if it is good or not, and investigate these things and realise that my health and nutrition is very important to my success and for my day to realise that i am here. To create a business of world wide international connection and national connection and even local connection to help others realise what we are doing that is best for the nation and for the better of the world. Doing it one by one, step by step, breath by breath for the better, for as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to schedule my day and the night before and the week starting and before, the month, year , quarter, year, etc, to become better at it and realise my commitment to it and develop the actual living change and to live the living change. To develop the better self trust within myself to commit to really see and actualise that I am going to need the support along the way as well and to support myself in this process to whatever it is that I am doing for all and all around me, and including myself especially for the better. For as I see myself as awareness and resonance to improve and adapt for the better of my super super super super success!
I commit myself to notify my senior partners, directors, salesperson’s, employees and customers and clients, to not go back to sleep, and don’t bother going to sleep when you get home or even before. Be active for you and your life as you are working beside me and with me, and with and by yourself as well, that we are in this together, and if you subside, I will challenge you and your dishonesty to become self honesty and to make the real self living change through writing self forgiveness, self correction application and to live the living change. By score and for themselves and not just for me, that I am continuing to get better, and I want you and them to get better as well, because I have to and will be the living example and living change to create something and build something that is meaningful to me and to all, no matter what they think of it. It will be the solution as we are participating in a new light within the system and continue to change it step by step for the way and for ourselves for the better. So we can truly become effective and efficient and proficient within ourselves and how we and I conduct our days and ourselves and how we interact with each other for the better, for our super super super super success! For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to live the living change for the better for my and our super super super success!
I commit myself to be active and help my kids and wife, know what it is like to be active and healthy and within fitness as well, and help them understand what it is like to be active and see what the world is and how, why and what we can do to make things much more better than it is and improve upon it and so on for the better of all! Helping them understand the commonsense and stability and of understanding where they’re at and how he/she can also understand the simplicity of explanation and simplicity of it and as it is to improve and adapt for the better with true commitment for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to live the living change to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to challenge one another if they think sleeping in is the best way to go about anything, unless you stayed up all night, then yes, and if you want to stay awake after that, that’s fine too. Just be aware of how it affects the body and mind, and to help those and myself to be aware to be awake and realise my day for the better and start it at once and for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to live the living change to improve and adapt for the better!
I commit myself to write self forgiveness to forgive myself of what is not best within me and how I have realised long living patterns and habits and mannerism that are not best within me. And to realise them through breathing flag point stations and statements and realise them through self realisation statements, and to use the self forgiveness and self application process to realise where I want to truly be for the better with others and for myself. Within that, I commit myself to write self commitment statements to re-correct myself to live the living change in what is best for me and how I conduct and interact with others and be able to support with others as well, for the better. Within the tools as well, of TechnoTutor, journey’s life blogs and heavens’ life as well, and to live this living change with true development to ultimate commitment as life. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better to live the living change for my and our super super super super success!!!
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