Sunday, November 15, 2020

Day 10: Small minds have no place in this world for Bickering, are you that person?




(Read aloud and breathe)

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that as a friend who likes to bicker about petty little things and not even bother to listen to him/her and how I have to have my own ideology as if it were to be real. When it is not real, it is only something I have fed energy to and fuel to the fire that wasn’t even supposed to be lit and how I put it into the wrong fire and have to deal with it for now and how I have no other chance to set up a better effective fire. Just because I have been settled in my own ways not realising that I am blind to the fact that I am just a petty person as if i’ve haven’t a clue of what it is truly like to listen to someone instead of being a petty pawn peasant. And how I have yet to realise what I’ve doing this whole time, and how I am nothing but a petty person who is arguing and wanting to quarrel over some petty subject that I don’t disagree with and have yet to question anything, no wonder I have nothing in my life and how I have to make others realise that they are wrong and I am right. And how I need to be right and need to be proved right. To constantly bring assurance and reassurance of deeming to redeem the lies that I have been believing this whole time, no matter how hard I even bother to try. It will always come back to me and how I want to argue in my head as i fI am talking with the other person and showing them a piece of mind as a parasite in that one area. When in reality, it is nothing there, but an empty site of paranormal, beyond normal, when it is beyond stupid, if you think about it.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that as a friend and how I think my opinion is much more stronger to the point that my ego has taken its revenge upon me in mid conversation to immediately and be so quick to deny a subject. That i am nothing but a pre-program designed, and no matter how hard I try to change and redirect my ways of communication and beLIEf(s) as if they were true to my own id(identity)oloy as my own psychology, cycling back and forth, in cycles in a circle, thinking that this conversation is going nowhere, when I was the one who also made it as a participate to go nowhere with it and only make this conversation go my way, and not anyone else’s way. And how I think that no matter what, that my dishonesty and spite is the best way to go about anything as if it were to be right, and how I will never even bother to consider another’s option to be able to have another speak their mind and how I have to constantly bicker back and forth and be a petty moron. As I always was, that I truly don’t know what true etiquette really is, no matter how educated I am in any industry, and that the more I do this, my pre-programmed design is getting stronger and stronger to the point, where i will be blinded by my own OP(opposition)INION, upon a rack and shelf where it is left alone and nobody even wants to see it for the light of day as it deserves to be seen. When in reality, that is my own ideology and way of living and how I think I will be making the world a better place with my opinion and to think this is the best way, and no other way makes sense. Even if justification sets in to change it, I will end up as a pattern going back to where I first started from my starting point, as the starting point is the end point, and it was fucked to begin with.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a friend and past friend to be arguing with each other and how I needed to bicker with him in the very past and having to go at it until our voices got very small. And how we acted like little girls and didn’t even have the balls to stand up and not waste our breath and conclude this idiotic uncommon sense, and how common sense was made more uncommon sense by the people who have no common sense. And have to be so petty and for someone to step in and say, you guys are acting like little girls. What are you doing?, and how we have both yet to realise what we were even arguing about, that we didn’t even know what we were arguing about, so at that moment, we didn’t realise that we were both small minded to begin with, as we had no common sense, because evidently, and obviously as it is, we have made it uncommon for our egos to get in the way and not see the bigger picture at large. Because we never really saw it that way, and never did ever since we departed and went our own ways.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a father to not realise that I have been bickering with my wife and having to do all of these petty little arguments of both small minds that have yet to see the picture. And how soon my son will be doing the same thing as well, and how I have yet to realise that I will be doing the same thing with him and how eventually this will be passed on for him to do such a thing. That is not best, that is not right, and that is small minded talk, for something to be imprinted and imposed as truth, when in fact, it is a lie, and how fact to lie and lie to fact, is just another way to contradict and assume both points to be mixed together, when and then, it ultimately becomes a stupidity of lies to be fed and held more value on as if we needed to put it on a shelf for the public to buy. And how putting to the public of our own eyes and have to put our own ideologies on it and having to put more fuel to the fire of a fire being set up at the wrong time of day and then we end up losing our own supply and have a wasted day. And a dark night, to even bother to see what could’ve been forgiven and redirected to see for a better light of day, evidently, we could never do that for ourselves, because we thought being set in our own ways. Was and only and one and only, the BEST way to do and go about anything, when in fact and reality, it was not at all, whatsoever. So we never talked again and still talk every now and then with my son and with my wife, that I really have nothing better to say than just tease and bicker about bullshit that’s not what’s best for all and only for my own self interest and greed of my mind. As my mind means nothing, if I can not see another way into anything or out of something or seeing from another way and viewpoint and point of view, as there was, no point, because I had no point. I only made it go through a spiral into being flushed down with the tidy bowl man, and guess what we got?, fuck all. Fucking nothing, zilch, NADA, NEIT! Exceptionally stupidity at its finest. It was all what we had and could never see anything of any other way, because our vocabulary was out of remission and was never there in the first place. Therefore, were just too stupid to realise what could’ve been for the better and how we could never process information at all, up until this day to even realise, what the heck we were even doing. Isn’t it funny?, in fact it is not, stupidity is not funny, when it is done for nonsense.

When and as I see myself wanting to bicker with another for some small minded matter, I stop and breathe, and redirect to stability, that I know if what I say is not best to move on a conversation, and/or if it is to be so, then I will challenge another for their nonsense respectfully and with dignity. I realise that those people who try to bicker with me or anyone, are just small minded people who have no solution and commonsense, as they have attempted to make common sense, much more uncommon to even bother to realise the bigger picture. Because guess what?, small minded people don’t and can not see the bigger picture of ANYTHING. Because they’re too blind to the fact of their own (IDEA)(identity)IDEOLOGY(ology) of their own psychopathic ways of going into a circle of no man’s land and nowhere to be real with themselves, when they are nothing but a pre-program design to immediately and be so quick to deny anything. As I used to be there as well. And how it made no sense at all whatsoever, to be seeing and participating in something that wasn’t best for me, nor was it for the other person at all whatsoever.

When and as I see myself wanting to get irritated and agitated with another for nonsense of theirs, when in reality, it is not mine to be participating in emotions that are not me, I stop and breathe. I realise that participating in someone’s lies and to be of conjuring energy within me and to want to stop another, I stop and breathe and realise that this person knows nothing or something at all, when and if they do or not. Or if I don’t know anything, then I’ll listen, but if it is not something that I don’t agree with, I’ll challenge it and object it, that if it is a lie, then I will challenge. And if this or any person tries, then they are just pure abuse, even if they don’t even realise it. And to breathe and be here as awareness.

I commit myself to help my kids and wife, senior partners, directors, employees, salespersons, customers, clients, understand the commonsense to truly understand where we are and with understanding and cooperation and collaboration for the better. It is much better to learn from someone and discern the information that one another is saying and to make it to the point where they can understand where this person or they are at right now. And where he/she can understand right now, and bring it down to simplicity and commonsense. It is okay to have disagreements, however, it is best to come to have the same information in the best ways possible, to make something truly workout for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better for my and our super super super success!

I commit myself to challenge another if one tries to bicker with me, they are nothing but abuse and spitefulness, to not even bother to see another bigger picture. And that is okay, because not all people can see the bigger picture, because we learn from everyone, no matter what, and if it not best to listen to some small minded person, then I will disregard them respectfully and with dignity, as I see them, no more than me, no less than me, as one and equal respect. And to handle situations of any kind and any class in the best ways possible to a conclusion that is best for all, for as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!

I commit myself to write self forgiveness to forgive myself of what is not best within me and from others, and to realise them through breathing statements and realisation statements. To realise what I had reacted to was not best for me to experience again and resurface what I had to forgive myself of and truly be aware of it in the physical as I see myself. Within that, I commit myself to write self commitment statements to re-correct myself into what is best for all and for myself and how I conduct myself on a daily basis and interactions with others for the better. And to live the living change as life and breath by breath, for as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better within he tools of self forgiveness, self correction application, TechnoTutor, Desteni I Process, and journey’s life and heaven’s life blogs to become life again for what is best. Of stability and development, and when there is stability we can not forget about development and when there is development, there is stability to handle and redirect into becoming to realise that it is best to become effective in the best and self honest ways possible, for as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better!

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