Sunday, November 15, 2020

Day 47: Not Qualified for Interest!

  Not qualified for interest

(Read aloud and Breathe)

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that when I am not qualifying myself to be of interest, I am dishonest, I am not doing what’s best for all, no matter what is the fact of me saying to myself, I am not interested. In my growth, in my impatience to be cured, in my articulation, in my ways of living, and in my ways of living that is not best for me in any way whatsoever. And how some of the interest that I do, is not getting me very far, even when I feel that there is some progress going on and how I am getting more farther and farther in my process for what I am doing for my business and my life. And how i never realised that when someone tells me, I’m not interested, I feel as if I need to quickly disregard myself and not say anything to why they’re not interested, why another doesn’t seem to care, because I am saying too much in difficulty and not of any thing of any sort of simplicity, instead I mix up my message and explain too much in draining my purpose and passion for something that was getting me far. But when I do a project and present my message, it is not clear, it is not simple for another to do it just like anyone would do it, whenI haven’t realised, everyone is different to a varying and certain degree of what one will be able to see. And if it is in fact a blind way of expression, then I will not and no one will be interested in what is best from me and how I am articulating my message, as if I am not getting anywhere, when I am, just not very far in the way I’m expressing myself to others and how it is not clear, and all muffled up, in a sense. To the point where the message depicts a smoke screen, coming out of the blue and gray to meet one another, and to then be turned right around with my tail between my legs and walking away in subtle to no disappointment at all whatsoever. Because of how I am articulating myself to see what my life could’ve been if I had taken the interest in my life to be of interest to myself, when in and fact and reality, I realised my parents never truly took an interest in me, they always disregarded me, they never cared and showed their love, when in fact, it was always abuse at each and every corner of my life. Nothing was ever being done for me for the better, and how I realised that each and every step of the way, there was always some type of depicting image of someone saying they're not interested, when no one is here, when I realised I am not truly here for myself, I was never taught how to, I was only taught to make it quick or I’ll be disregarded for the worst. And how I never did anything in my life for any worthy purpose of making something really meaningful for me, I just never cared, because my parents never cared, so I never showed the care and leadership for myself and for others, because they never showed it to me either at all whatsoever. No wonder my life is the way it is to a certain and varying degree right now.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as parents as mother and father, to quickly disregard our son and child and show him that we’re not interested, and how it made him also be not interested in himself and his growth and for what he wants to do with his life. Because he never knew, because we never knew either, of what to do, and make it purposeful, instead everything we did was based on no purpose, no respect, no honor, no trust, just blanked out emotion that’s it. Doing things blindly, with no interest to make things in whatever we did, with purpose and specificity of our purpose to make our future and our son’s future for the better. But evidently, we never did that, because we never knew any better, so we never took an interest in ourselves to do what is best for all, instead it was only for self interest, greed, sadness, being so alone, with nobody around, as if we didn’t even know what to do and to leave everyone out of our lives. And how we did the same thing with our son when we did give him away and finally got him back a few years later or more, because he wanted to come home. Not realising that he felt his cousins weren’t really taking an interest in him, and when we did receive a call from him on that late afternoon, as we talked with him for a bit, and left him on the phone without anyone to speak with. Even when we were speaking to and with ourselves and to each other. We never knew if our son wanted to ever speak with us ever again, because we knew we never cared for him, and how that led to him not ever caring for himself, as if we truly abandoned the interest that was never qualified in the first place to ever see the light of day for anyone and anything at all whatsoever. And how it made him sad, and depressed all the time, and how we never knew why he was always sad and saying he’s lonely. And how he wants to go out drinking and smoking with his friends, and how we would try to hold him back and not let him do anything fun with his life, even if it was late at night. Just because we said that, it meant that we both never did anything with our lives either, at night, day, or whenever, nothing was ever done in a qualified interest, it was always done just to make it be done. Never for a purpose, off anything, it was always vague, never specific, no wonder our family has gone nowhere, no one has achieved anything, nor did we ourselves, because we never cared about ourselves, therefore, we never cared about our son, and how that led him to getting so many objections from so many people saying they’re not interested in what he has and to do with his life. Even if he was persistent and enthusiastic about what he wanted to do, but when and if a person said it many more times than the usual, from different individuals, he would easily get discouraged and not know what to do and/or how to correct his mistake for what he is doing with his purpose in his life. Therefore, he never made it ever since in his life for anything that he ever wanted to do, it was always some type of hard trying achievement, and how along the way, it destined himself esteem to drop even more and more. Because we were the ones who also destroyed his self esteem and foundation for the worst.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to argue with myself for my own limitation and how I am degrading myself and destroying more of my self esteem, not knowing why I am doing such a thing, when in reality my parents and friends did the same thing to me, without me ever questioning why they ever did hat to me, and how others had the same thing from themselves as well, as deadbeats, who never had an interest in themselves, because deep down, they never truly cared for anyone, nor even for me, nor for themselves at all. And how I would always get in some type of way discouraged when people would say they’re nit interested and if they say it too many times from different people and many people, I would get too discouraged and not say anything, because I just didn’t know what to do, and say to overcome such an objection that i have myself, and how i realised that no one really cares, if I didn’t truly care and have a purpose for what i am doing and to show that i do care, just because someone is expressing to me that they have something way better, when in fact i couldn’t even articulate my message and present it effectively and articulately, therefore, nothing ever emerged as a success. It was always some failure, I always had someone tell me to go away, bicker at me, tell me to fuck off, all sorts of ugly things that I didn’t like. Because people were ugly and stupid in their characters and how I never overcame that ever since, because this effected each and every decision that i ever made, and how I did take an interest in all that I did and do in my life. But somehow I was suppressing the not qualified type of interest truly and with integrity for myself, therefore, nothing ever emerged as a result for what was best for me, because it felt like it was the end of the world and so much failure was imploding within me and how I never did overcome anything and preserve and persist. Therefore, my life never was a big success, it was always in some type of complacent, failure, being a loser, being a nobody, being a fake to myself, suppressing myself and how I’m not much of a qualified candidate to have enough interest in myself as I would do for another to take care and help for another. And how I never did any of that truly, because my parents as I watched them and lived with them, they never did ever care for me, they always disregarded me in some way, and in some way of all sorts of varying degrees of abuse for the worst.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get discouraged by others saying to me I’m not interested, and how in fact and reality, I never could get my message clear and across and presented, because in fact, I never took truly an actual interest in making myself interesting for myself and an actual true interest to and for others for what I have and am presenting to one another and/or even a group of people. And how I felt that no one ever truly wanted to support me, because I never supported myself, I never truly cared for myself, I never had the utmost self trust for myself, therefore, nothing ever accumulated into a result that would’ve been of actual success for me. Instead it wasn’t what was best for me, when it was supposed to be best for me, and how I realized that no one ever truly cared, so I never did, no one ever encouraged me to keep going and persevering, it was always me giving up so easily in some way or varying degree. And how I’m just letting it affect me, and not going forth to improve and adapt myself myself in the field of life and it’s abundance, when in fact and reality, I only made life limited and with a lack of interest and encouragement, and how everything was always in some way discouraging to me if I couldn’t get a success. Because I was always so used to things being given to me, I was never taught how to ask and get things in the best ways possible, therefore, it was always given to me, because no one ever knew how to be self sufficient for themselves, because they never had the resonance and words to explain to me, they only did it in their secret mind and had to say it to themselves, instead of me. Because they don’t know how to support and teach and help me understand what it is that I need to learn, because no one else ever knew how to teach themselves anything. They always followed other people, because they never could lead themselves, and how I never could lead myself truly and other people, because my parents as mother and father, never could lead themselves, they were just followers of their own mind and other people and what is being given to them from the system and life itself in limitation. And how I found myself in that limitation, not ever knowing why, whatever I tried to do, and go for as a pursuing of purpose and creation, I would always stop myself and discourage myself easily due to what someone had said to me, because they didn’t know they were also discouraging themselves as well, and how they never encouraged themselves nor anyone at all whatsoever. And how I did the same, not ever questioning and challenging why I ever would do such a thing like that to myself, and how nothing ever came up for the better for me, it was always in some type of discouragement, lack and limitation and some stupid limiting insult, that another person was saying to me. When in fact, it was just something that was from them, and how another would not ever question why they would ever project something like that to me, and how I never had any positive encouragement, no one pushed me to further and encourage me a bit further and never give up. I was always taught in some type of way to fall back and do something mediocre, just because another was doing something mediocre with their lives and how others would usually and always encourage and discourage me in contradiction to do what the status quo was, to go to school, be a slave at job, work there, get paid check by check from a job that I don’t like and how i’ve gone there for the wrong purpose. And ended up not ever succeeding, because I was only ever operating of my foundation, and how I would never get out truly, because I was also formulating those excuses and foundational issues within me and discouraging myself, therefore, I was living them as breath and resonance, and how no matter what and how hard i tried at anything, I would never make it, because I never did anything I wanted to do, with the right purpose, it was always vague, never specific, not for the right reasons. It was only for some delusional purpose that was vague and that what wasn’t best for me, and how ever since that late afternoon day, I never did anything in the best interest of and for myself, therefore I always did everything and anything with no purpose, suppressing it all through all these years that were wasted. And how I also wasted it as well, in oblivion, delusion and illusion practices so many of the decisions were gone into the direction of what was not best for me, therefore, I never truly learned and always was discouraged in some type of way. Not ever realising what was going on and why i felt like I didn’t even want to go further for myself, because i never knew what true self encouragement and encouragement from others truly was. I only knew the terms of discouragement and limitation, lack, failure, vagueness, and no interest in anything and anything at all whatsoever. I never knew anything that could’ve been best for me, it was always as a 8-9 negative ratio to 1-2 positives, and how I never did anything about true achievement and purpose. Because it was never instilled within me and how I never realised that this whole time, no matter how hard I ever tried at anything, it always felt to me in some type of way of pure discouragement and failure inducement for true and the utmost mediocrity of life and achievement and self esteem itself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as parents as father and mother to not ever show interest and encouragement to our  son and how we always showed him in some type of way of discouragement and never any sort and type of encouragement of any degree and caliber at all whatsoever. It was always some way and type of ignoring and not ever showing any attention to the person that was of our blood and creation, and how we did the same in return as well to ourselves, not ever showing attention and trust and affection and intimacy with ourselves at all whatsoever. Therefore, it led him to not ever have the proper attention to him and for himself, because we never did know how to show it to ourselves as he was watching us and doing whatever we did at times, and when he did witness us. We were doing things that weren't really in our own best interest at all whatsoever, because we only did it, just to do it, but with no purpose and actual meaning to do what we were looking to achieve, therefore, it was always in contemplation and contradiction and always thinking before making a decision and never focusing on what could’ve been improved, therefore it was always left out and disregarded, for whatever we wanted to do. Gardening or not, life excursions or whatever it was, it was never enjoyable, it was dreadful and drudgery, and how we always gave excuses of why we never had an interest in ourselves and always wanted to do things tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, and evidently, tomorrow never came. Because we never knew the principle of starting now and where we are, it was always done some other time, and some other time, never came, next week never came, next month never came, next year never came, and how this whole entire time, many years have passed by, within lack and limitation of showing no interest for our lives and how we never had actual true meaning for life. As if we were just in some type of trance, never questioning why we were doing things with no purpose, no specificity to it, it was never for what was best, it was always for what was not best at all. Not a true care in the world for anything, not a true care for ourselves, not a true care for our son, not a true care for life, not a true care of love and affection, not a true care of any type of encouragement that was positive. It was always for a negative, and discouragement that was so negative, that it ruined our self esteem even more and how we never knew why we also discouraged our son as well, not ever knowing why and questioning and challenging why we never did show any encouragement. Because we truly never actually cared, we only lived a life of mediocrity, never for a purpose of anything, never for any type of encouragement at all whatsoever.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not develop and realise that I have never developed any true purpose and specificity of my direction to achieve for, that was never clear within myself. Because I also saw and witnessed within my parents, that it was never clear within them, it was always smokey and dark and grey, it was never clear and bright to go after, no true self esteem was even developed within me, and how i have now realised that i have been operating on my foundation ever since the age of 9, and how this affected each and every decision and purpose that I ever wanted to go after for, was always holding me back. I never could overcome it, no matter how far I was getting, there wasn’t much progress to my life from my own perseverance and persistence, no matter what anyone said to me. But the farther I got, the more unclear I got, therefore, there was no specificity of any purpose I wanted to set for myself, because I never knew what purpose and the specificity of it was at all whatsoever. Therefore consequently, nothing ever truly amounted in my life, everything was being suppressed and how I was trying so hard for anything that I ever wanted to do, any business, any hobby it ever was, I just wasn’t getting far, I was only ever backtracking myself into square one again. It was never up to step by step and breath by breath up to square 50, and I could’ve been far by now, if I had been clear and purposeful and had meaning for what I was doing with focus, within that, it was always vague, it was never real, it was never purposeful, there no was meaning at all whatsoever to my life and what I did. No matter what it was, sport, business or nothing of any of those things, school and life itself, learning reading, so much more, was all vague and for no true purpose at all whatsoever. And if I had someone to encourage me early on, I wouldn’t be in this position in my life and where it is now, with so much struggle, and how that one day, affected me so badly for each and every decision that  I ever made, for whatever I wanted to do, it was so hard, I swear, nothing ever truly amounted for me. And how I got up to meeting higher levels of life dealings, and somehow, I never went through with it, because i easily gave up. Because I never had a purpose for what i wanted to do and achieve for with right meaningful and purposeful focus, it was always vague, and even when things got hard, and how I was never able to fill in for what was missing, because it felt as if I made my effort so well, but the cause and effect of what I wanted to create, all fell apart, nothing ever was kept together. Even when I wanted to build a team, it never lasted, because of me, not just my parents, I just never knew. And how I saw other people in videos saying how much they struggled as well, when in fact and reality, they were also operating on their foundation as well, with no support, nothing, no encouragement of any kind, no self esteem truly, not even for the self esteem they have right now. Because at any moment, anything and everything can and will fall apart for them, just like for me, when i was building a team at the time of high caliber people, and how I never knew why I ever gave up. Because I never did take an interest in myself to keep going, and how no one else did either, especially my parents, for the worst. Ever since then, I never took an interest in myself, nor for anyone, nor for myself, and whatever I wanted to do, it was all so vague and never clear within me, it was blindsided by something I never truly saw for the better, at all whatsoever.

When and as i see myself not taking any purposeful and specific meaningful interest in myself, and to show that to others as well, i stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not having the right focus and meaning for it, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself urging and feeling as if I need to be giving up, just because I am not yet clear or even trying to be clear within my purpose to achieve something meaningful, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not persisting and persevering and feeling some type of  discouragement, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself struggling just because I am not yet actually truly clear within myself truly, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not taking an interest to be clean within myself of what I want to focus on and achieve, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself slowing down just because I am not getting the results I want, that is to be a success for me, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself getting too many objections from other people because I am not clear within myself and for what I want to get out of something for a result to become better, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself asking for help with no specificity and purpose and meaning, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself easily giving up and not going forward with whatI am doing, just because when things are getting a little more hard and difficult for me, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself feeling some type of way of being affected if someone or anything in the world is going wrong and how I am not wanting to create anything to be of success and achievement for myself and with others, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself witnessing someone giving me an excuse to not do something because of what’s going on in the world or just their own unnecessary concession and/or excuse, I stop and breathe, and reiterate to challenge that respectfully and with dignity.

When and asI see myself thinking that things are getting a bit more difficult for me and how I am struggling, I stop and breathe and realise what it is that I am doing that isn’t getting me far.

When and as I see myself experiencing when things are getting hard, and wanting to easily give up and not have an interest to fix and refocus on what I should be doing to have success and/or more, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself wanting to buy something just so I can feel better, just because things are so called ‘getting difficult and struggling like’ for me, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself having a lack of interest in myself and how I am not expressing it, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself having a lack of interest in the way I am presenting my message across to another person and how it is not clear and how I am getting some harsh objection from a fool, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself doing things and feeling like I’m doing it for nothing, I stop and breathe.

When And as Insee myself lacking interest in my own purpose and just disregarding it, just because I am tired and/or if I am struggling on something, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself being vague in my message and how something is being left out and/or just not being said in practical order, and common sense and practicality, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself lacking interest and having to go do something else to distract myself just because things are getting a little hard and difficult for me, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself over explaining myself and not being clear in my message and how I am urging myself to do so, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not having fun in what I am doing and making it difficult and hard for myself in the moment and process, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not overcoming any objections that I have yet to forgive myself of and/or have forgiven myself for, and how I'm not even bothering to say what I need to say specifically with purpose and simplicity for, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not caring to make things happen in the best ways possible and to persist and persevere and to improve and adapt, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself stopping for anything, and discouraging myself and/or witnessing someone else trying to discourage me, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not cooperating and getting help for myself, and having to constantly do things on my own that I am not realising that I am struggling on, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself looking to over indulge on something that is not best for me, whether it is eating past 18:00/6:00HRS, and how things seem to not be going on and/or things seem to be getting difficult and hard for me for whatever I am doing specifically, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself feeling like I am doing my business or anything and not getting the results and doing it for nothing, as if by some assumption, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not having any meaning and purpose for whatI I am doing, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not conveying my message clear and purposeful and meaningful across, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not performing for not I want to do as an individual, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself not doing what I am doing with the right purpose and how it is not specific and meaningful, I stop and breathe.

When and as I see myself pressuring someone to do what I want them to do with no purpose and meaning to it, that isn’t best for all, I stop and breathe.

I realised that ever since that day I called my parents and when they picked up, and talked with me for a little bit and put the phone down as if I hung up or something or they didn’t know who it was. And how they never cared for me and never truly took an interest for me as if i wasn’t an one and equal to them, when in fact and reality, they only saw me as some inferior child, which I was and didn't realise and know at the time, because i was pretty much blind to the fact that no one truly ever cared for me. No one encouraged me, no one said I can do it, and do what I wanted to do, and to support me, because other people only cared about themselves, and never truly have an interest to encourage me and uplift me. Therefore, it was always hard for me all my life no matter what i did and no matter how hard i tried at anything, it was always redeeming out to myself to witness that when things got hard, and difficult and struggling, I immediately gave up, not ever considering what perseverance and encouragement even was. Because it was not in my vocabulary, nor was it in my resonance, nor was it taught to me, because in fact and reality, no one I ever knew in the beginning of my life and early childhood years said I could do it and be great and to encourage me along the way. Consequently, no one ever did and could do it, because they never had the encouragement, the positive notions and sayings to them, because I realised that I never got them, because deep down, everyone was abusive around me, no matter who it was, parent, relative, friend or not, didn’t matter, it was anyone I ever knew. It wasn’t true genuine care, it was fake, all fake. And how i never realised that I never knew how to truly show interest in myself and to keep going, because no one around me, ever had it for themselves, at all whatsoever.

I realised that my parents never gave me any affection and care and love and how they never bothered to even show it, through their actions, they never could express themselves effectively, it was always ineffective deficiency in all that they did, no matter what it is was, work or not life or not, nothing ever at all. Even when things got hard for me, they never knew why something was ever wrong, because I always suppressed it, they only cared for themselves, and even when they did witness me that i didn’t want to express it, they never cared and persisted to help me, they never preserved for me, so I never did for myself, not  even realising that my parents and friends and relatives, never truly cared. So I never did truly ever care for myself at all whatsoever, and how it affected me all my life, no matter what i tried to go for and preserved for, no matter how far I got into what I wanted to do, i didn’t realise why I was so easy to give up something and worrying about the wrong things that i could not ever figure out for myself. Therefore, my life was always in some type of limitation and lack and full of mediocre results and inferior results, along with my efforts as well that didn’t show for themselves as me as breath. It never was expressed from myself in the best ways possible, it was always done in mediocrity. And how I realised it in my speech as well, I wasn’t very clear in my message, and how it was always unclear, never for any specificity, focus, detail simplicity, nothing of it. It was all muffled up in a seat type of varying degree and disregarded even if I tried to improve, nothing was ever kept to be consistent with me at all whatsoever. Nothing at all, not much. No wonder I never got paid for my efforts, not one single success at all, it was always in some failure and never for the better and how my life has ended up where it is today, just because my parents never showed a true interest in me, when i made that phone call to them. Now I know they never truly cared and they still don’t, they’re nobodies, and so was I, a nobody.

I realized that everyone else wanted to do their own thing and never wanted to help me, even when I did ask for the help, but I never was specific in what I  wanted and never persisted  and preserved for it. Because I was afraid  I might get yelled at and never again to have an interest in being curious for myself and to see whatI can do to learn about something, not even realizing that my thoughts and mind files were all screwed up. Because of that day and ever since, the age of 9 for the worst, and how that day and so on ever since, affected my life, in so many detrimental ways for what was not best for all for me, nor for anyone else at all whatsoever. Each and every potential success, was always a failure, being laughed at, scolded, made fun of, insulted, destroying my self esteem, punishment and abuse, yelled at, beaten, grabbed by the arm and arms and legs and beaten. So much abuse, reward, manipulation, threats of all kinds to call law enforcement on me, hitting me on all areas of my body. My self esteem was constantly being destroyed, by myself and by my parents and friends and teachers, wow, what fucking losers and so was I.

I realised that I was never taught to persevere and improved and adapted my  approach along the way, I had to do everything on my own, not ever knowing if one day, I might destroy what I have built that didn’t truly ever have a meaningful purpose. At all whatsoever.

I realised I never knew how to present my message to be of interest, therefore, no one ever paid attention to me, because it wasn’t that clear within me and to the other person at all whatsoever. And how  I truly never got the support for it, because I never knew how to ask for it, nor did I have the inclination to even ask, because I was so insecure to do so to get help. And how I got yelled at, so I never did ever since ask for help confidently, it was always insecurity type like approach, of nothing more than just a loser, that was it, nothing more.

I realised that I was always distracting myself in some type of way just because when things got hard, I had to resolve back to what was not best for me to have my attention on. And sooner or later,I never focused on what was and is best for me to complete and achieve for, it was always disregarded to some varying degree and for so long it has never ever truly changed for me, at all whatsoever. Being in the same place for more than 5 years, wanting to do what I wanted to do for business or any hobby, sport or whatever, and events of all of my life, nothing ever amounted for me, for the better, at all whatsoever.

I realised that things got more worse, it never got better. It just never did, no one ever pointed it for me, nor did I even  know, i didn’t even know what to do, I was just clueless at the time, so I never did have any inclination to question why and challenge myself, therefore, no one I knew around me eve did that either, because they also never knew how either. Nothing at all whatsoever.

I realised that I never cared to make things happen, so no one ever I knew cared to make things happen at all either, and how I realised this came from my parents as well and how i was acting it and living it as the flesh and resonance. Not ever knowing why it ever was at all.

I realise that not many people truly ever cared because I never showed my actual genuine care, by that, it never felt actually real, it felt so fake and something subtle that wasn’t real at all whatsoever. And how I saw that from my parents, and how they would do one thing and do the other instead, in contradiction, impulsing me to live the contradictory pulse that isn’t what’s best for me, and how I came to live that today, without even realising that I am a hypocrite of my own false nature.

I commit myself to understand and live the living expression as being clear and focused on what is specific and how to help myself with purpose and meaning in what I do for business and for anything that I do in my life. To have a purpose of doing so, and have the proper effective meaning in doing so, and when things are clear and purposeful to me, things will be easy along the way to see and how I can improve and adapt as I am helping others and persuading others, leading others as well, for the better. For as I see myself as life and life resonance in awareness and in reality, to improve and adapt for the better, within living the self corrective application change as LIFE!

I commit myself to encourage myself, uplift myself, and keep pushing myself and leading myself and to help others with this as well, as I am getting and becoming better for myself, and how others will be inspired by my purposeful encouragement. And how I am also showing it through my actions and daily routines in business and in life, to see what context I can understand so I am able to move much more further to the next level of my business and my life. For whatever it is that I am doing and to do so with my employees, salespersons, engineers, accountants, lawyers, chemists, senior partners, directors. To lead them and encourage them, to have a culture of encouragement and uplift everyone and keep pushing and leading other and ourselves, and if someone is doing what’s not best, to challenge them with respect and dignity for the individual, to help them realise to stop their deceiving and investigate it through the tools and training that we provide to all people within the organization itself. To encourage and help everyone succeed, and including myself most importantly, so I can truly have this for myself, and how I can also show this to others much more better and becoming much more effective in the way I express and convey my messages and ideas to execute and implement and scale with others in what we do, as our actions must become like our breathing, to always keep moving. And if anyone needs any sort of help, encourage everyone to ask and ask for themselves, and if they cannot find the answer, then get the help, no one will ever be left out, we are a family, and a corporation, we will do this together and keep going to new heights than ever before!, for as I see myself as life and life resonance in awareness and in reality to improve and adapt for the better, within living the self corrective application change as LIFE!

I commit myself to encourage and uplift my kids and my wife, and how I will encourage her to do the same with the kids and how we can do that for each for the better. And to encourage the kids in a way of telling them they’re amazing and that they can do it, no matter what and to help them understand how things work, and to apply it and see what we need to do while applying yourselves in this life, as they grow up more and more and older and older. And to help them enjoy life and what we are doing here in this reality for the better. For as I see myself as life and life resonance in awareness and in reality to improve and adapt for the better, within living the self corrective application change as LIFE!

I commit myself to mean what I say and do what I say, and to be a leading example of purpose that I have set out for myself and within the right focus and objective to achieve for and to truly do all things with the right purpose and meaning in all that I do, no matter what it is, business, cooking, expressing myself, communicating, writing, exercising, eating, moving and applying myself and much more for my ultimate and super success! For as I see myself as life and life resonance in awareness and in reality to improve and adapt for the better, within living the self corrective application change as LIFE!

I commit myself to write self forgiveness to forgive myself of what is not best within and how it has been affecting me in some type of way, and within the breathing statements to stop and breathe when and if a reaction ever comes, I will take the self directive principle to be clear within myself and my purpose for what I am doing in my life, no matter what it is. Then onto self realisation statements to realise what I had and have reacted to that was not in my best interest and what has happened to me and for what I have accepted and allowed. Within that, I commit myself to write self commitment and self corrective application change as life along with the tools of TechnoTutor, Desteni I Process, the Journey to Life blogs to recorrect myself into what is best for me and how I can truly improve and adapt for the better for my ultimate super success! Within the support groups, giving and receiving support, and encouragement and upliftment as well, for as I see myself as life and life resonance in reality to improve and adapt for the better within living the self corrective application change as LIFE!

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