Sunday, November 15, 2020

Day 22: Straight Outta Being Brainwashed From FastFood


 Fast food(Read Aloud and Breathe)

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise as parents as mother and father to give and impulse my child with fast food restaurants from McDonalds and other near restaurants. Such whataburger, chick-fil-a, Wendy’s or any other restaurant out there, just because i only bought it, because of it being majority cheap and very convenient, in fact, I never had enough money to truly cook at home and make something at home, instead I have to go out and buy something for my child. And instead of learning how to cook and make excuses and sometimes the food we cook at home, is not good for us, nor is it good for body and mind and how we operate as human beings. And when we try to eat too much of what is not good for us in a repetitive way and constant way, it upsets the stomach and mind and body, therefore, no one, and including myself as a father and mother as parents even know what truly parenting really even is. When in fact, it was only telling my child unconsciously and subconsciously that I am not making enough money, having to buy something cheap and nasty and inconvenient that there is no responsibility being taken, but irresponsibility for something that isn’t good for the body and mind. And when in reality, it is also only telling me as well that I am an irresponsible parent who doesn’t know what he/she is even doing, and having to go out to buy something just to have the excuse of really knowing what it is like to actually cook. And read the ingredients of actual healthy recipes, when sometimes those “healthy” recipes, are sometimes not that healthy and how I only have to consider myself and not others, and only have to consider me and me only for my retribution of hunger to be fulfilled just because I think the fast food route, even if it is chemicals at all whatsoever, that I am not aware of me and myself only. That I am not aware that I am feeding myself chemicals and chemically laced food, no matter if organic or not, and how I am also feeding it to myself and my child as well. And endorsing other people to do the same just because I think it is “good”. When in fact, I am only saying it is good, because it is good to me and how unhealthy I am to promote something that I think is good, when in fact, it is just an opinion that is not even real, when it comes to food preference and my own ways and liking as it is, for what it is. Instead of even trying to question why i like what I like, as if diversity is not in my cook, and only I(interest)versity is an individual of self interest for me as if I haven’t gotten a clue of what it is even to consider another. As I would like to be considered, because I’ve been fed and always been fed chemically laced food as if if was the actual natural casualty, when all my life, I’ve been so fragile and have not been able to exercise on a daily basis, because of the foods I have been feeding myself and feeding my child as if I don’t even know what’s in there, no matter if it a bottle of sauce or not. And how I don’t know and have yet to realise what chemically laced food, sauces, candy, and many other things that are not so good for the body and mind processes and operation throughout my life and including others lives and my child’s life either. And how it has been nothing but a disaster in my performance due to how my life is now, because of a lack of education and malnutrition, even from my own parents. And then theirs, and then theirs again, and more and more and more and more, and generation after generation of responsibility and also no sort of etiquette at all whatsoever, when it comes to eating and talking with others, as if I haven’t a clue of what it is like to clunk my dish and eat like a pig and chow down into something and smack my mouth and lips as i eat.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as parents as mother and father, to exclude what we could’ve even have investigated, instead just wanted a quick fix in order to make our child shut up with fast food. Because we didn’t realise he was being impulsed by commercials and what other people were actually even prompting to promote and promoting that wasn’t and isn’t even good for the body. Especially when it comes to alcohol and eating and drinking it down along with the food. When in fact, alcohol is not meant for and with any food at all whatsoever, no matter what anyone says, just because I thought this was the best way to go about anything, when in fact and reality, nothing has really improved for me thus far and so far, for what I have been eating so far and have yet to investigate what true actual health really even is to begin with.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to take my child to McDonnell’s just because it was always there and how others would eat it as well, and not even question how good it is or how bad it is. Just because it was nearby and convenient, when in fact, I was also impulsed and pulsed to live out the fast food mantra to love something that is chemically laced to think that this is the best way to go about anything and not even bother to cook. Just because I don’t feel like it today and have to buy some “so called home cooking”, when in fact, it is “factory cooking”, with chemically laced food, and toxic employees who don’t even know why they are still in a job, being there and working there, as if getting paid by a corporation to sell and sell themselves as who they are and what they are. And who they have become in consequence of their decisions and what has happened up until this very moment, as if I'm lovin’ it, is I’m not taking responsibility to take love on a piece of food or multiple things on a tray with emotion for something that is not even good for me. When I’m lovin’ it, is in fact, manipulation to get you and I myself, as adults and parenting our child and children, if more than one. To not even in fact question why a commercial is airing and also why in the world are we even putting up television for myself and my child and the nation to watch this and all over the world as well to impulse you and I. just to be brainwashed into something we don’t even need, just because in the late 50’s to 60’s, even the McDonnell’s commercials said, why cook when you come around the corner and get a home cooked meal at neighborhood restaurant. When at every corner and street and road and state highway and neighborhood distance, or even a couple miles near a belt way or anywhere for that matter. For you and I to be impulsed by this big yellow M, that has control over your life, no matter what you and i do, we have to equate everything with I’m lovin’ it, as emotion of irresponsibility to what we do as an abdication to what we thought was just out no principle and just feeling, because of the convenience and how cheap it is to follow our feelings for some food that isn’t even good for us and nor for our child or children either at all whatsoever. And how I never questioned, because they were impulsing me and my child to have to WANT McDonnell’s and how cheap it is, and how something is being endorsed by themselves with help and with celebrities or whomever is promoting and endorsing cheap convenient meals as responsibility to not even bother to cook at home. Just because we decided to not go out and shop for the right things, because we just uneducated of our choice, and how we and I were all brought up, no matter what we do and did, we were always being impulsed by something that wasn’t even in our best interest at all, no matter whatsoever. Nothing for the greater good, it was all for power and greed, no wonder there is obese in America and all over the world, even they might be near you, and I could’ve been that person as well, if i just didn’t question why I was eating what I was eating, if it were to be good or not for the sake of convenience and the cheap quality of irresponsibility and emotion without any sort of principle. Because in fact, I never had principles of life and for my life, I’ve always gone through motions and always let my emotions that weren’t even me, they are just a mix of corporations to be the fast food version of me. Taking advantage of myself and not even realising what kind of shit I’ve been accepting and allowing for me, myself and others to impulse each other and let ourselves go to waste and evidently, do nothing about it. And later to let it implode upon us, and be lethargic, no matter the food, no matter the spice, no matter the type of meat, whether if it is good, or not, where it was bought, where it was imported, and exported, what was the process of it being made, and how it was being made. And what was the agenda of it being shipped out to do so, whether good or bad, it’s good to know, no matter what. And how it has led me to take advantage of my own self as if I haven’t gotten a directive principle and act over myself, as if something else is controlling me, when in fact, I am letting many impulses as a corporation of fast as convenient and cheap and as food. How my emotions are so fast to act and react negatively and I feed it on and indulge in it and not even question why what I am thinking and how I am thinking it and where it even came from in the first place. Just because I am following everything the cheapness and it’s convenience as if fast food, and fast emotions actually mix and soon go to waste. Just because the inner corporation of fast emotional food has taken advantage of me, I have never truly taken advantage of what life can even bother to for, because I was so blind to the fact that fast emotional food, as my emotions, and fast food as food as quick convenience and the cheap quality as it is, is only hurting me ever more. As if I haven't gotten a reality of what real quality really even is, because in fact and reality, I never knew, because i was always blind to the fact that this is what life is and how it will become, no matter what we try to do. Because our fast emotional patterns as food that we feed to ourselves on a constant daily basis, of an abscess that gets me and you nowhere for the worst, even if it hurts and upsets us being on the toilet all day long, abusing the toilet, as we have abused our body, to abuse our own restroom and toilet itself. Soon things will get flushed down the toilet, as if not caring to take care of our bodies’ with the right food and nutrition, is like flushing our life and resonance and presence away. And sooner or later, long enough as we keep this up, no matter with food, alcohol, drugs, or anything, that chemically laced, no matter what it is without even reading the damn label for what it is or what it isn’t. We are flushing our life away into oblivion because we and I were and are still naive to the point of what true investigation ought to be for what true nutrition and actual responsibility really even is. Instead of just trying to in an attempt as an excuse to buy something quick, and unhealthy, not even in consideration for others and ourselves and myself either. To abdicate our responsibility to a healthy life, instead we’ve only led it down an unhealthy, worn path to oblivion, and soon death being flushed down with tidy bowl man, that fucked himself too, because he was as well, so blind to the fact, that food from another place has yet to be questioned even if it was thought to be “good” or not at all. Because we were impulsed to “think” that it is good, when in fact, fast emotional food from ourselves and from others and restaurants nearby and around the neighborhood that have yet to be questioned and within their commercials and media time and outlet. Has yet to be investigated and derailed from view, to the public masses, even if it is for our own selves as a starting point. And to realise that going out for ANY type of fast food is irresponsibility and not considering one's health, one's mind and body, not others, not my own children, not anyone, no one at all. Even if others try to promote it with all their life, and even the shitty music they call “music”. That’s spewing out fast emotional food, that's full of programming from wherever it even came from in the first place, as outdated things that are not even what’s best for all, even if it comes from a starting point of theft, money, women, and sex. That is all it’s about, and no more than that. And how much of it has been endorsed and promoted and impulsed throughout the nation and the world itself for the worst.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a friend, society, associate, random person, whomever, background conversation, tv or wherever it was to be promoting fast food and fast emotional food as if it were to even be a thing. When in fact, I am only vomiting out to promoting lies and irresponsibility as if quick fast food ought to be the choice for everything when in fact if is not healthy ad coming from a restaurant with a big M and it’s yellow, and every little child and person in the world and adult no matter of age. Recognize that it is, then you and I are brainwashed, especially the children who are being impulsed to pulse the manipulation of getting and acquiring what is not best for me, nor for anyone. Because of how convenient and much of bad quality of food that it is for all, no matter who tries to eat it, basically everyday, in assumptions and automatic patterns, just because, everyone else is doing, and how I did the same thing when i was partying and drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana and doing all of these things just to look cool. And get something in my body, so I can feel like I don’t need to be taking responsibility here in the physical realm, that we were in this whole ACTUAL ENTIRE TIME, and how it has been blind to me and to others for the worst. Because we only wanted our impulsed self interested wants, needs and diseased desires as if they were the actual solution, no matter toxic or not, no matter questioned or not. And having to do this, is also me not realising even at the time when I was partying and drinking every weekend with my friends from school, martial arts, wherever, is not going to do what’s best for me. And no matter how hard I try to go back to a healthy diet, I will always end up disputing my fast emotional food options to think I have changed, now I go back to what is not best for me?, that's the unrealized irresponsibility of automatic robotic patterns to think something has changed. When in fact, my patterns that are ingrained within me are never going to change, unless I realise what true self forgiveness really even is. That self forgiveness in the form of fast emotional food, no matter how hard and intense I feel, I am trying to permit my sins to be forgiven, when in fact, it is like me throwing a boomerang out there, and waiting a little while, maybe a day, or even less than a day, a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, yeas and so on, and something comes up in my life. To make myself sabotage myself again into the wrong eating habits that will lead me down a path that is worn and not a path of most growth and resistance towards and later life will be great. And instead I have to go for the fast food route, just because my emotional needs were not met when I was a child and a young little baby that was and even was before the get go and starting point was malnutrition, even before I was born. That going for the fast food route, is in reality being afraid and being much more afraid while going in thinking things will be all okay, is in reality, not taking actual real responsibility for what real nutrition life is actually meant to be for humanity. Evidently, it was never that way, even when it tarnished for others when power and greed and self interest of evil came to take over. They are no the ones to blame, no one is to blame, but irresponsibility adopted as itself is, nothing else

When and as I see myself wanting to get some type of fast food that is cheap and convenient, I stop and breathe and redirect to get something else as a healthy alternative that is good for me and my body and/or for whomever I am with for the better. I realise that buying fast food and fast emotional food is actually irresponsible just, because I was never in realisation of how to cook for myself and/or even to investigate things that are of a healthy route that would’ve been better for my health in the first place. If I had truly realised what I was even doing, when in fact, I was just in a trance of what food was supposed to be like in an instant and have no other alternative than just chemically laced food, and how I can never taste it. But the effects and affects on me are not at all what’s so good for me, it makes my thinking and processing ability and doing what I need and want to do for business or anything to get done in the best ways possible.

When and as I see myself not wanting a healthy alternative and have an urge to go back to the fast food alternative, I stop and breathe and redirect to  what is best and healthy and vibrant for me and in consideration with others as well. I realise that having a back and forth urge of fast food and fast emotional food is just an excuse to want to try to go back to something that I “think” is best for me and trying to introduce it to myself again, and/or if someone tries to introduce it to me again, as if it were to be “thought” as “good”, when in fact, it is only nothing but an abdication of going into loserville with another person who “thinks” this is good as well, when they’ve eating unhealthy their whole entire lives, no matter what they ate, whether they “thought” it was “good” or not.

When and as I see myself trying to get impulsed and/or impulsed by some sign, or commercial or whatever it is for fast food, or any other type of alternative for quick responsibility, I stop and breathe and redirect to here as breath for what I have already forgiven myself of. I realise that being impulsed and/or impulsing myself again to accept and allow something that is not good for me, no matter where i am in the world, state, country, or wherever, is just realising that people are wanting me to be impulsed to something that is not best for me. And also how I am accepting and allowing it from me, when i know it is not me, and not good for me, and have to have something quick and greasy and convenient, when in fact and reality it is only another trap to go back into oblivion and back besides the tidy bowl man and abuse my body and that toilet where I am in the world, in my home, or anywhere for that matter. And how it is only making me and my body very much more unhealthy and not able to think clearly and to be able to process information and my thoughts and for what I have here with me and for others, no matter what is and place for the time and moment being, and anywhere for that matter at all whatsoever.

I commit myself to always turn to a healthy alternative, no matter what anyone says and is being presented, and to give it as a consideration, as it is the best route to actual real life living. And to be able to process information clearly and to be able to operate my day much more effectively and efficiently, whether it is actual fresh ingredients of a salad, wheat, or any organic ingredient that will of course be investigated for what it is and how it is. And how it can help me for the better and for others to be able to really know and Feel what a true healthy lifestyle is really like, instead of an unhealthy state. And to actually go to grocery stores that are of quality and not just the quantity itself as it is and for what it is, to realise what is to be picked out and seen and what others have also experienced as well as for these particular alternatives that are good an elixir for life. No matter if it is a bowl, a wrap, or anything, for as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better, and to live the living change as life for my super super super super success!

I commit myself to feed my children and be aware and cognizant of what healthy foods that are best for them, as they would also be best for me, even if it is just a little amount to eat from and be truly nourished for the better. And to understand how our health, of body and mind works and how we can truly improve and adapt for the better with it. And to help my children and my wife as well, to be informed about this and to do this together as a family to be able to be and have everything 100% organic, and even if we want to grow our own food as well, and truly make things a better alternative to gain Actual True health back that we never had once before as an individual, and now that we have it, it is for the better, for as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better to live the living change!

I commit myself to always eat the healthy way and organic way, and if anyone tries to in attempt, which is okay, I’ll respectfully not accept and allow what isn’t good of fast food and/or fast emotional food that isn’t much of a good alternative for me, nor is it for anyone, now that I have come to this actual real realisation as it is and for what it is for the better. For as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better to live the actual real living change for the better!

I commit myself to write self forgiveness to forgive myself of what is not best within me and realise what it has been doing for me and question why that even is and do so, and realise them through breathing statements and to redirect myself into what is best. And within that, to write self realisation statements to realise what I had reacted to and have reacted from impulse to pulse that wasn’t best for me at all. Now within that, I commit myself to write self commitment statements to re-correct myself into what is best for me and how I conduct myself and interact with others for the better, and to improve how I work with people and for myself and my business as well for the better. And to use the tools of self forgiveness and self corrective application and to live the actual living change to move myself forward and realise what is here at hand and do it, “If I fear it, I must do it”, so I can truly become free with common sense and actual practicality for the better. And within TechnoTutor as well, for as I see myself as life and life awareness resonance to improve and adapt for the better to live the living change of my super and ULTIMATE success for the better!

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