Giving up so easily
(Read Aloud and breathe)
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that when things that are so insignificant and little and how small and inconceivable that it may be to be. That no matter how a situation will ever turn out, and if it may be tough or not tough, or just some type over reactive bullshit that doesn’t even matter from another person and how I wasn’t even aware of what I was saying and doing and how it caused me to easily give up on myself and how my parents and how no one ever in my childhood, ever helped me overcome what that which was always possible and how when things got tough, I would easily give up on myself, not realising that it would’ve been much more easier for me to overcome if someone was there to help me overcome that which was always possible for me and how i was not in actual realization that something would have been overcome for the better. Instead, no one was there for me and let me deal with it and not realise that I was supposed to get the support to be able to confront that which I easily had given up on and how I never knew that it was just a mistake and let it get to me. Not realising that I was as well impulsing myself, from what was foreign to me that i couldn’t even handle at first glance. Within that, even my parents were not able to see anything and just let me devour in the reaction crying and not realising that I was sad and not realising that which was bothering me to be depressed and so sad easily and even when I remembered, that when my father was in the hospital, I was working at a job, and how when i was hit so easily or something like that, I would easily cry and no one ever knew why I was sad internally and would easily let out the floodgates of the salt in my eyes and water that was coming out from within me. And how even in childhood, this had also affected me and it made me angry, even when I was 3, 4 or 5 or around those ages that I would easily cry and give up on what I wanted to do. And how things seemed so tough for me to actually go past and do something for real with my life and no one had ever encouraged me, but abandoned me to the point of no return for any possible support. Because every fucker that I ever lived with, was blinded, by their own vices and stupidity to let me experience toughness as a kid, and how i wasn’t supporting, thinking that such a little thing was easy to overcome by others, but if others told me that it doesn't matter, just get over it. And how that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be giving up on me that which your parents gave up on you, and how now you are the delusional fucking piece of shit to do the same thing. And how I didn’t realise that i was the one to be doing the same thing, blinding myself as if I couldn’t even truly see what was going on within me and how i was so easily giving up on things that could’ve been easily overcome for the better, and how no one was able to help me understand and to help me go through that unknown energetic fear that i wasn’t able to process within me and how I was fearing over something that was dangerous to me, even if it was such a little insignificant emotional turmoil or whatever t was. And how i didn’t even realise that my parents truly abandoned me to make me be off on my own to figure it all out and do what it is that i need to do, and figure my life out, and never get the support. Like they never got the support either, because that which in fact, they never did. No wonder they are teaching me the same thing ways, and no wonder my life is the way it is, and how i am doing the same thing to myself at times to abandon my own support and life vest of life within caring words and of stability and practical common sense, that wasn’t even there at all whatsoever. It was always tarnished and thrown out the window, no wonder my life is the way, it is for me to be abandoning my life and support for me and how I do this to myself, and not even bother to reach for any possible support for me to overcome things. Even when a situation for me gets tough, I just want to talk with someone, but if I do end up spilling my bullshit onto them, I fear I might be fucking with someone into the wrong way of the conversation, compromising myself and compromising the other person. No matter how hard things become for me. I will end up giving up on myself easily and pitying myself in pain and harsh tears, no wonder i am doing the abandoned support to myself, as my parents have done that to me, and how i am doing it ever so often even when things d get tough for me and even in conversations as they do get heated for some type of impractical irrationality that doesn’t even matter from my father and how I don’t like that when he tries to argue and bicker with me for his misunderstanding to fuck with me as well. Putting his fears and insecurities and projecting his unnecessary unstable and irrational bullshit onto me, not knowing that he is tarnishing my future, no wonder he is broke and stupid, and how i have become just like him, to never have any money, to always eat shit food, always do things that aren’t best for me, even when I am alone and with others. Not realising that my impulsive ego as the energetic energy that is within me as the flesh and mind of strings and strands of information of disrupted and erupted electrical charges that explode when the first memory comes up within an event or circumstance of any kind, that would cause me to experience such a possession, no matter how subtle it may be. And how when things do get tough for me, to a certain point and breaking point. I would easily break and give up, no matter what the other person thought of me and no matter what i was thinking within the backchat participation that was going on and occurring within me as strong negative energetic currents that go on within me. Not realising that has affected me and in each and every decision that I’ve made and done. No matter how much I am patient and as well persevere and persist in what I am doing in my reality, no wonder I am not where I want to be in my life and how things are not the way I want it to be practically. And how I get sad sometimes when I start to compare myself to others and with others with the jealous and envious comparison that isn’t even best for me to participate in as that negative energetic strand and string of information and how intense or subtle or even both that is.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a father to easily give up on my son, thinking that he will go through the toughness of whatever he is going through and how I was not even wanting to support him, and just to let him experience the pain and never overcome what he was afraid and depressed or sad or whatever t was to him. And how I was literally abandoning him and abandoning the support and leaving him to do everything in his life, no wonder my life was the same way, and how I never got the support either, and when I did get beat up in P.O.W. camps (Prison of War), and got beat up and never supported myself, but to cry like a little bitch, and how i was doing the same thing to let my son be tough and never explain to him to ever overcome anything, no matter how insignificant or ancient or even bother that it was to be. And how I couldn’t even understand why he was afraid and sad and wanted to give him emotional support and energetic support, and how that wasn’t going to benefit him, because if I did, he would always be wanting that energy like support that isn’t of stability and of common sense and practicality, no wonder his life is just like mine. Irresponsible and bullshit, poor, broke, no money, not creating anything to be real, and always easily giving up when something or from someone in his life that he is dealing with, would be an unstable occurrence, and how he would easily give up in the first initial contact of opposition and a learning lesson to be learned. And how he will never learn due to me abandoning him and not supporting him, because in face, my parents, never supported me, whenever got things got tough for me as well, no wonder, I am now doing the same thing, not realising that i am imprisoning my son when opposition sets in, even if it is yet to simple and simplistic to overcome and how i automatically disregarded that and let him deal with it. Automatically assuming that he will understand and know how to overcome it, but that in fact, he will never understand, no wonder he is not able to have a self sufficient and independent life. No wonder he is always trying to be dependent on us and never do anything for himself and always having to ask help and to always be constantly doing it and never understanding how to do anything, because I don’t know how to do anything either. And when things got tough as he was growing up older and wanted to do it on his own, I would yell at him, spitefully and in a fucking ugly static like tone that would change so abruptly and be screaming in fear and insecurity. And how I would threaten him with all kinds of things to call the police on him and make the cops to get him out and never have him dangerous destroying my house in my own assumption and how I am afraid of misunderstanding. And how I would project this onto him, not realising that I am fucking myself, not knowing why I was automatically going into the possession to screw myself over thinking that he is not capable. Because I was never able to teach him anything, therefore the result, was jack shit. Like fucking nothing, no wonder i am a dishonest deadbeat, and had created my son to be a dishonest little shit and deadbeat as well, no wonder my life is just like the same as his, just different and tarnished for the worst. Just like how my parents had done the same thing to me, not realising that they were as well, unstable and stupid just like me, and how they created me to be this way, and how I have accepted and allowed myself to become to Be this way as well, not being in actual realisation that i am not here fully, and having to participate in some bullshit that isn’t even real of the a character that I have become and come to be for the worst. That which is detrimental to all life, and even my life, stealing each and opportunity from myself, and even my son and wife, no wonder I stolen so many opportunities from myself, and how I am now stealing it from son and making him unstable that which he did not deserve to have, but I gave it to him anyway, disabling him and to help me be responsible and self sufficient in his life. No wonder he is not able to take care of himself, in wealth and health and relationships wise, and fulfillment, no wonder he isolates himself a lot from me and from my wife, and how I would always do the same. And even when he would feel bad, he doesn’t even know that he is participating in a program that isn’t even real, but is energetically charged negatively or positively or whatever the fuck it may be. That is affecting his life, and he doesn’t even know that he is participating in the bullshit program, that which came from me, and how i had imposed that and imprinted that onto him, because I have this forsaken detrimental life to ruin another life and abuse it and tarnish it and even for my own offspring child as a boy, to ruin his life as if i have no life either. No common sense, impracticality, living life in theory, nothing ever to be for the better, no wonder my life is not the way I want to be either, no wonder my son’s life is not the way he wants it to be either. Because I destroyed it and most importantly, I destroyed his foundation, and he along the way, had destroyed it for himself as well. Not even bothering to teach him anything and just letting him live his life blindly and not knowing anything of any basic skills of communication and influencing, and persuading. It was never any of that, it was always of some type of manipulation negatively, and spitefully doing so, when things never went his way, and how I did the same fucking thing, not realising that he was doing the same thing, pushing and confronting me to buy him things that he wants, and when I finally cut him off from the toys and other things that he wanted such as books and other materialistic things. He would become spiteful, therefore, he was never truly self sufficient to get anything on his own and how he had to steal and gather information and much of other things to get so he can get more information to make his life and business better. But he was never able to apply anything, because he couldn't process the information, nor even implement as well, and how I wasn't able to read either, and wasn’t to possess information and apply it easily in my life to get such results. Therefore, nothing ever truly occurred in my life, for the better, nor has anything good for my son at all either for the better at all, it was nothing but detrimental results, nothing ever was a real result for him, no wonder he wasn’t able to make any real money from anything for it to be sustainable and how he wasn’t able to retain his money. Because I taught him to do the same thing, and how my wife was doing the same thing to herself as well, not even able to retain and grow her money either. No wonder I couldn't even do the same thing and teach him as well as parents mother and father to become a consumption slave to the materialistic things that are outside of him and consuming the consumption of the pest that is his head, that I had projected and imprinted and imposed onto him. And how he is hurting others, just because I was hurt and wanted to hurt him, and had no one else to hurt but myself and the people in my environment and how there was so much havoc beyond belief. No wonder life wasn’t that good at all, at home, no matter where he went, even when we had sent him to another place far away, and that which was in another state. And how he was experiencing trouble as well, and my sister as his aunt would hurt him and how I would over exaggerate things and how she would assume those things. And want to easily hurt my own son, because I never truly cared for him, therefore, I never truly cared for myself either. And how the bitch never cared for her own nephew either, that’s some shit, and how when I do over exaggerate things, it gets worse for me, and not just for my son, and how I am only accumulating so much ammo to release onto my son when things do get worse and have to get the law enforcement involved, just because I can not handle the instability that I have created for myself. No wonder i am calling the police, not just on him, but calling the police on myself, to get the thought police to come and congregate at my home, just because of the instability that i have created and to present a non self sufficient loser son of mine, as I am a loser father as well, to present my own instability. Therefore, I can not handle my own bullshit and have to accuse him and also as well myself and to have some cops come over and interject and say stupid shit that doesn’t even fucking matter.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a cop woman to speak out and say nonsense bullshit that isn’t even real and have to want to say something and how I wanted to participate and could not even bother to hold back my ego to not say something really stupid and fuck myself over like a moron that I was even before we came to the place. Not realising that i am only forever more making up assumptions for my own stupidity, and assuming my own ways of solutions, no wonder my own solution has come to being a slave and to help others get out of trouble and enslavement that i am in myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a mother to easily give up on my son, when and as things would also get tough for my son as well, and how I would never support him and think and assume that he is able to do it on his own. And if he needs any help, he can come to me, and therefore, I will never come to him, and how now he is doing the same thing to others, even when others need help and how he is able to do the and perform the assistance. However when certain people needed help, he would easily and automatically disregard them and how he would do the same thing to us, not realising that he has learned the disregarding of support to us, as we have done the same thing to him, and even when we would go traveling to some place, he would never want to help anyone and let them figure it out it all on their own, just like we did to him, not realising that he is doing the same thing that we have done to him, being so obvious the fact that he is a blinded copy of us, for the absolute worst. And when things got tough for us, he would never be there for us, because he didn’t want to deal with our own instability that we have given to him, and that he doesn't want to participate in our bullshit either, because we didn’t want to impose and imprint out instability onto him. No wonder we isolated ourselves and wanted to deal with it ourselves only. And how we have done the same thing to ourselves and to our son, unconsciously and subconsciously with no true real actual care for another fucking human being just like us, no wonder we are possessed idiotic failures that have ruined our sons’ foundation and how his life and as well as our life is not the way it is to be. No wonder he is doing the same thing that we have done to resolve our own instability, thinking that there is nothing to resolve and talk about, therefore, life was never for the better, ever since he was 3 or 4, or 5 years old. And how this detrimental act and treatment has affected each and every decision in his life, no matter how much he persisted with his and how he was living his life in a detrimental abandoned support and always having to do things on his own and never get any type of support. No matter how tough or insignificant it even was. Because he was forever more living his life and wanting things in spitefulness and resentfulness and being nasty with it, when he didn’t get what he wanted, because he was never able to, because in reality, we have not actuality truly raise a real man, we have raised a boy, a boy into a boy, not a real man. Therefore, we are not a real woman, nor man either, we are de-manned, demanding for life’s instability and irrationality that was always there and how we never sought to realise that we were deluding our son to the point of no true real abundance and return to for real actual support. Because we never knew anything, therefore, we would isolate ourselves when things were tough and got more tough for us, and how he was doing the same thing, just like we were doing. And that we were not able to communicate at all whatsoever, and no wonder our son was not able to do the same either, no wonder he is not a great communicator, because we know nothing, therefore, we couldn’t teach him anything for real for his life, no wonder when we threaten him to stop what he is doing and say that he doesn’t know how to do it and yell at him spitefully and resentfully and in such a nasty ugly way. That he would yell back at us to tell us to shut the fuck up and not speak anymore, because of our stupidity and irrationality, that which we could not even handle and having to say things out of impulsive need when we couldn’t even handle the intense confrontation from him, therefore, we were dishonest to even truly admit our dishonesty and wanted to keep our lies to ourselves and never to want to experience the painful truth that which w as always there, no matter what we did. This as well had affected each and every decision that we have ever made, and how our son is doing the same thing, when he gets confronted for his own self dishonesty as well, no wonder we taught him dishonesty, because we were fucking dishonest as well, no wonder we didn’t actually truly raise a man, we raised a boy, to a boy, not a real man. Because I was not a real woman, I was not a real man, I am still an irresponsible girl, I am still an irresponsible boy, in a woman’s and man’s body, therefore, my life is fucked and so is my son’s life as well. Even his friends as well, because they don’t even know this, either at all, whatsoever. How detrimental that is, how sad, and depressing, disappointed in fact.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as an aunt to this boy to accept and allow the over exaggerated assumptive stories and having to consume my anger as the consumption for assumptions that are not even fucking real. Therefore, I have also caused havoc and danger into this little boy, no wonder he is not where he wants to be in his life. Not able to learn, not able to be self sufficient and understand the basics of life, no wonder I damaged him in my brother's over exaggerated stories and assumptions that which was not even real, and how much years later, i am now dead to my consumption and consuming of my own thoughts that were pre-existent even before my husband died and could not handle the depression that was eating my flesh as the true and real me, letting something that which was not real, to affect me and how I have accepted and allowed it to truly become me, and therefore, I let the living lies to kill me. Therefore, I am nothing but a living lie to easily give up and never be free, because, therefore, I was never free, even before I got my own home and came to America, at all, whatsoever.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to easily give up and never overcome anything that was intense and how significant and/or insignificant it ever was, and how I was not able to truly ask for the support and had to abandon myself and have to isolate myself as my parents did. When shit hit the fan for them, and how I replied no, that I was finding myself to be doing the same thing, no matter if I was with people at their home or whatever place I was in public, or private within the public space. And how i never asked anyone for support, because I thought they would never understand me, because in fact, I couldn’t even understand me, in my own assumptions and how my parents did the same thing, even when they would experience their instability, they would as well isolate themselves and sometimes explode it onto me when I would confront them and make them feel like shit for the frauds they were and how they were never able to support themselves, nor for me either, no wonder i would have to always ask them for things, and that I was never able to truly support myself on my own, no wonder my father got angry at me when I wanted to use his money to buy everything and anything that I’ve ever wanted. And when I got cut off from the support, I got really spiteful and resentful towards him and my mother, no wonder I did the same thing to others and even myself. No wonder my life is not self sufficient because of them as well, and how i was not in actual true realisation that I have done this for myself as well, and how i ma just blaming them, when in fact, i was as well, blaming myself for my own oblivious responsibilities as well. No wonder i was not able to truly take responsibility, because I was blaming myself in dishonesty and complacency, and to never truly realise that i am creator and that i must take responsibility, no matter whether it is good or bad, to take 100% responsibility and to never give into the delusion. And how the past, I would always do this, and not realise how this was affecting my whole life, financially especially, health, relationships, communication, my own fulfillment that i was as well tarnishing and living from my parents for that which i saw and witnessed these deadbeats doing as i was doing the same thing. Not realising that I am pestering my own opportunity and blinding myself to participate in such possessions that I have accepted and allowed to become AS ME, that which is a lie, that I have become for the worst. No wonder my life is not the way it is to be for the better, in abundance, and prosperity, and abundance, because I was living the living words, of giving up so easily and how this was in my life and affected each and everything hat I‘ve ever wanted and wanted to create in my life for the better. Because I was giving up something for nothing, not realising that I wasn’t able to truly direct myself, because I never raised myself to direct and support. Because my parents couldn’t even do the same, and how I had witnessed and observed each and every detrimental move they made and had done all the time, and how I was doing the same detrimental things and how I was not true in realisation that I was mis-directing myself and being oblivious to that was possible, but I Was so blind to the fact that I couldn’t even process my reality and make it better, because i never knew how to support myself, because no one ever truly taught me, nor did I ever figure it out. And had to depend on others, being dependent and sufficient in dishonesty of that. No wonder I have lived the detrimental living words, as the flesh, from my parents and how I was never supported and abandoned of the support that I never truly got, and even abandoned my own support and even isolated myself, and how this was the culminating point of isolation and where it truly came from. No wonder I isolated myself all the time and never did anything for the better even if I was around other people in public and/or even by myself, no wonder I easily gave up when opposition of any kind had set in.
When and as I see myself isolating myself from not bothering to ask for any type of support at all whatsoever, I stop and breathe and realise that I am here, to ask and get the support by conveying myself clearly and articulately for the help and assistance that I need.
When and as I see myself easily giving up on some type of opposition, no matter how intense, significant and/or insignificant it may be, I stop and breathe and patiently persevere through the situation and take control as self directive principle as here, as breath.
When and as I see myself easily giving up on anything and not immediately trying to understand what I had just done to take self directive principle, even if it is simple to do, and take responsibility for, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself not speaking up to ask for any help of any kind and assistance of anything, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself isolating myself in public for any place, and even at home, and not supporting myself either, I stop and breathe and realise what I need to do to get out of this possession for the better.
When and as I see myself not truly learning how to become self-sufficient and learn from others as well, to do so that are self sufficient and know how to do things and are stable as well, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself not persevering in the first initial moment of opposition of any kind, no matter how subtle or intense, or subtly to intensity, I stop and breathe.
I realise that i was never truly self sufficient of myself, no matter how hard of anything I tried at, nothing was ever a true success, and profit as well. And how no matter what I do, anything of a small opposition to big, or whatever it may be, i was never truly able to overcome anything, no wonder I wasn’t able to be supported, because my parents let me be alone and to think I will learn through and disregard my parents, because I knew if next time they tried to support me, I will disregard them and push them away from any sort of assistance to my life. No wonder I did the same thing, that my parents were doing to themselves and how I as well, have created the pushing away and using my depression to control others, just for my own happiness, that I never had and for that which i was always trying to go after, no wonder my life is the way it is. That i couldn’t even be truly self sufficient and supportive to myself at all whatsoever. Nor could I even do anything for actual real true authentic and genuine support of stability and practicality within common sense. Because I never had practicality truly, I never had common sense truly, I never had stability and support truly, therefore, I always lived my life and in my words and expressions and communications of my own life, was a matter of dishonesty in every breath, step, and expression and articulation to my own meaning for my own life. No wonder I was not able to truly create a life for the better for me, at all whatsoever. Because I have as well, accepted and allowed the bullshit as well, and to never get the support and always have to isolate myself, just because I Thought no one would understand me, therefore, I couldn’t even understand myself, therefore I would isolate myself and deal with it myself. And how i was doing exactly the same thing as my parents and other kids and adults were doing. Not speaking up for any kind of support for the problem that I've of any kind, no matter how significant or insignificant it was. It was always some type of detrimental aspect, as always. Nothing for any true understanding at all whatsoever. No my wonder my life is the way it is, for the worst. And how I was never truly able to take actual real responsibility of 100% for anything for my life, ever, at all. And even when I did get abused I never knew what to do and was clueless to the abuse that was about to occur and that I couldn’t even stop it, because it was already too late in its effect and the outcome of the result was tarnished for the worst. As my input, = my output that was not even serving me best for anything that I’ve ever wanted to do, it was always an ineffective result, therefore, nothing was ever for a true learning lesson at all. No wonder I couldn’t even learn from anything, therefore, I would easily give up in the face of a small roadblock or even a big one. Even that which was so simple to go around and gather certain things to overcome and develop along the way to overcome truly for real for the better. But in fact and reality, it was never that way at all whatsoever. It was just an over reaction of the possession that was irrational and impractical in theory of misunderstanding, for the worst.
I realise that ever since, I was never truly able to give 100% of myself, because I was living the dishonest living words of easily giving up, no wonder my life is the way it is. And it has been like this for many years, with no true real change, but spiraling into the same cognition each and every time, not realising that i was living the dishonest patterns that i have accepted and allowed to become as me, not realising that i was living in a very very very unstable family, that which two morons were unstable, and how i became the third unstable and have rightfully destroyed my life along the way within the foundation that I was given and that tarnished for me to live and take on. Without even realising that I was handed irresponsibility and dishonesty and instability of all varying degrees and levels. And no matter how intense things got in my life, I would easily give up to a certain extensive degree, no matter how much I’ve persisted and preserved within my patience for myself that I have learned along the way. That I never truly learned from any situation and never made any sort of corrections, even when it came to business deals of any kind, I never could learn for real, therefore, I experienced the consequences of my misunderstanding and responsibility to truly overcome that which was simple and always possible to solve and resolve for the better, for much more better results down the line of any endeavor that I was in. nothing was ever for the better ever since, because I was experiencing and living these detrimental ways of giving up so easily and never learning from it. Because even when I did isolate myself, to either go to sleep or ponder over it, meditate over it, nothing was ever learned and came to an irrational and impractical and irresponsible solution that I thought was right and never had wanted to ask anyone. Because I thought I knew it all to serve myself, and to never ask for help and easily give up on myself as I have done to others, no matter how much I persisted and preserved to create something to be of value and for what is best for me and for all in my assumptions. Therefore, nothing ever since, was created for real, at all.
I realise that I haven't truly created a better life for me ever since, due to what had happened at the age of 3, 4 or 5. And how that significant time period of my life was going to affect each and every decision and emotional reaction that will ever occur in my life, how devastating that is to this astounding truth for me to truly forgive and realise for myself. That I have lived a dishonest and irresponsible life for the worst.
I commit myself to become more and more patient and persevere and persist with grace and power, and whenever I do need support, I will support myself and to Speak Up and ask for the help from those who I am working with and dealing with. And even for those are stable and financially well off and still creating much more for the better. By my own personal colleagues by physically reaching for my phone and looking at my contacts and looking for the specific name, and clicking on the specific option of text or call and convey my message and need for assistance for me that which I am seeking for. And when the call or text comes, I will convey and see what the other person has done when and if he/she has as well experienced this type of thing and what they did to overcome it. And realise what they've done and what I can do differently and immediately implement that advice into my life, if it be applicable for the better, and to make it so in the best ways possible for my life for the better. For as I see myself as life and life resonance in self aware living and self directive principle as breath and living words, for and as LIFE!
I commit myself to support myself when and if something comes into some type of opposition, I will lead myself and those around me to do what is best and immediately implement what we have learned practically and with common sense. To see what we can achieve for the better, with learning how to do the activity, tactic of any kind with the right strategy and execution with the people that are around me and who I am working with for the better. And to keep going, no matter what happens and to move myself physically breath by breath, step by step in directive principle as becoming that which I must become in life and it’s full expression. And to keep going and how I will begin to conceive that which i was not purview, to that which was always possible and immaculate for me to achieve, for the better, than ever. For as I see myself as life and life resonance in living breath by breath, step by step, in self aware living, and self directive principle as LIFE!
I commit myself to be able to support my colleagues when and if something were to happen, I will help them stabilize as I have done the same for myself, and to give as I would like to receive for the best support from those and to those that are stable and financially well off so far. And are still creating no matter what to true abundance and prosperity in their lives. And that as I work more and more with them, I can and Will truly create for the better and the same much better for myself as well, with the right support and assistance, into a better life and reality for the better. For as I see myself breath by breath and step by step living words as the resonance as the flesh as self aware living and self directive principle!
I commit myself to support myself as well and give and receive support from others from those that are effective individuals. And as well as those to understand and learn from those who are doing what’s not best and not do it, and learn from those who are doing what’s best and do that, and always be careful of who i listen to and get advice from and the assistance as well for the better. For as I see myself as breath by breath and step by step as living words as the flesh, as self aware living, and self directive principled living as life!
I commit myself to truly be aware of the thought energy and to stop and breathe, when and if a reaction w ere to ever come up, I will be here and take self directive principle and take care of what is here and implement what is best immediately for what i learn and begin to conceive that which was always possible for me to achieve for my ultimate super success. To create wealth and a prosperous life of stability, communication of clear articulation in business and in life, handling and cultivating my relationship with myself and others, to truly create a life worth living and creating a life of true abundance and opulence and of stability and practicality and common sense. Within patience and perseverance and steadfastness when things do arise in my life and for those which I am working with for the better. For as I see myself breath by breath, step by step, as living words, as expression as self aware living and self directive principle living as LIFE!
I commit myself to support my kids and my wife, when and as they would experience some type of misunderstanding and to help give them understanding and of practicality and direct stable communication to where he/she will be able to understand with common sense for the better. Giving the proper context to the situation and what is going and occurring, to give the proper assistance and support in the best ways possible, and understand why that is for them and so for myself as well. And to do the same for my wife, and to help her in her process while supporting the kids and the maids at the home. And to create the environment for super success, and learning and abundance and fun to be around as they are growing up for the better. And to truly create a stable family and household for the better, for as I see myself as life and breath by breath, step by step as living words adapt and improve for the better, as self ware living, within self directive principled living for the better.
I commit myself to support my employees, salespersons, engineers, scientists, chemical engineers, electrical, mechanical, software, lawyers and accountants, senior partners, directors, to overcome and learn and apply immediately what they have learned and supporting them to always overcome anything and everything in the best ways possible. And to help those that are asking for the help and do so, for those that are in need. And when and if a person that is working with me is not speaking up, I say something and be able to find out and help and support he/she to overcome what they are going through. By asking simple questions of what and how, and when, where, who when necessary for the better, within why when necessary as well. And when and as if the person is experiencing a possession, I will support and assist him/her to stop participating in the delusion and give it up and practice self forgiveness right there, and support the individual to live step by step and breath by breath to life for the better. For as I see myself as self aware living, and self directive principled living for the better, as life and living words, and expression for the better!
I commit myself to become ultimately super wealthy and to create a life of stability and abundance for the better, reading and obtaining information and immediately applying/implementing what I learn and that which I become to conceive that which was always possible for me to achieve for and as LIFE! Within that, to work with others and do the same with them for the better in my company that i own for the better and even in life! For as I see myself as living words and breath by breath, step by step, as living words to adapt and improve for, as self aware living within self directive principle living for and as LIFE!
I commit myself to write self forgiveness and self corrective application writing to forgive myself of what is not best within me and for what I am experiencing and living that is not best for me. And to stop myself and breathe, when and as a reaction were to ever come up and be here as breath and take self aware living and self directive principle to take care of what is here as life and implement it immediately with power and grace and strength and gentleness. Within that, to realise statements to realise what which had affected me and what I was participating in which was not best for me and had seen in others as well, and how it has correlated to my life. And within that, I commit myself to write self commitment statements to recorrect myself and to live the living change as the words as the flesh become to conceive that which was always possible to achieve for the better. And to live the living change as life, and within using the tools of TechnoTutor to live the living words as life and become effective individuals and businessmen, within self forgiveness and self corrective application. Within the Desteni I Process, and as well as congregating with those are effective and stable and becoming to create more and more in their lives for the better as well. And that I will be doing the same to truly create a prosperous and wealthy life for the better!, for as I see myself as life step by step, breath by breath as living words as the flesh, as self aware living and self directive principled living as LIFE!
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