Given money?
(Read aloud and breathe)
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that when i am given money as a child, I will never know what it is like to truly ever take responsibility and create to make money for myself, no wonder i am not able to transcend myself and be able to create to make something to actually be real for the better. No wonder I am not able to build a business and understand and know how to do it. And how I remember my parents and relatives, aunts, uncles, grandma, grandpa, other people who were friends and relatives of my parents all gave me money. And how I never this would fuck me up, and not being able to ever to truly create something to be real for the better, no wonder I am not able to create a business and make money for myself, and how it has been so elusively hard for me to ever make something actually real and for what’s best for all. Instead of trying so hard and not able to make anything of actual reality. No wonder this has as well affected me and my w(hole) entire life, no wonder, whatever business that I ever wanted to create, nothing ever truly ever worked out and how nothing ever happened for me. Because of this concept that I was conceived to and presented and realised to, just because they gave me money for my birthday, doesn’t mean I will be able to understand and know how to create something that will be best for me, no wonder when I am given money, and not able to create it, I will just plainly accept it and had the wrong starting point and even spited myself, even when times are hard and how I never actually made any real money and wanted to create real money, instead of being just at a job all day, psyching myself, to say let’s get this bread/money or some bullshit like that, and how my actions and accumulation of them were not in alignment with my thoughts but in delusion, therefore, I could even direct myself to be able to create something to be for real and that is actually best for me, and how it wasn’t even best for others at all whatsoever either. No wonder I do not have the money that I actually want in my life for true abundance. And how I am seeing others have true abundance and I am not, and how I was always as well comparing myself in comparison to how others had and have way much more than I and my parents and how my parents would just give me money. And even would threaten me to that if I don’t do a certain thing, I will not be “Rewarded” with money, and how they abused that with me and to and at me, as if I didn’t even deserve money and wanted to manipulate me to do what they wanted me to do, and how I was not willing to do that. However in the past, I was willing to do it, because I thought they were authority, but in fact and reality, they were just abusers and pieces of shits, no wonder, they fucked me up by giving me and threatening to not give me money, if I don’t do a certain thing for what they wanted or what i wanted, and how the whole polarity thing fucked me over and how nothing was ever to be of capability for me, to actually truly achieve something for real. And how this had affected each and every decision that I've ever made in trying to build any business venture that I’ve been wanting to create and how my pre-programmed life wasn’t going to let me do it, and how I wasn’t able to do anything for real. No wonder nothing is of actual creation for me, and how I wasn’t able to make anything real, and how no matter how hard I tried to make any sort of money, I would always be frustrated and all my efforts were done for nothing, because, I was unconsciously expecting to have a job, and/or have someone give me money, just so I don’t have to do anything and make of anything valuable and what’s best for all, and how I wasn’t able to do any of those things to make at least some type of 5 figures income, 6 figures, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and so on and how I dreamed of doing that and how I wasn’t able to make any sort of money to be real and in abundance for myself. No wonder i was not able to create anything to be real and how my life has been the same ever since I wanted to strike out on my own and to create a business. Even before I had jobs that i worked at, and even to the point of the actual realisation, that this was already within me, and how IT was always operating in the fact of my own delusional and tarnished reality, that i was expecting myself to be given money, instead of creating a service or product to make of it valuable for the marketplace and for what is best and how nothing ever since was actually created for real. No matter any business, real estate, sales of any kind, corporate business of mergers and acquisitions, selling products and digital products of electricity, energy, cable, internet, health products and the whole bullshit thing that of these things that I’ve been wanting to create and make real of. And how i was never able to make anything real, because I was expecting the person to give me money, instead of me helping them, in order for them to give me money, by buying my product, instead of giving it to me directly, without doing anything actually real of service or product. And how this was always the case and how my life was never in actual effect to create something real and of abundance for actual real physical reality of its manifestation. Within taking action to accumulate such funds and to be in the financial situation that I’ve always wanted to be in and how my actions were not in alignment with what i wanted to create in my life, of abundance and living in the high places of the elite and how my thoughts and actions were not able to transcend and manifest in the physical reality, they were always playing out in my mind positively, but I was never able to create it, because I did not have the true meaning of how and what it is like to create a business and/or a service to serve and promote to the humanity as the local, as the national, and as the international. And how it was never for the better, no wonder I was not able to make any money ever since, even when my grandma would give me a $100 USD, and even my parents would sometimes give me $10, $20, $30, 40, 50 and 60 and even a 100 or a couple hundred if I wanted to travel to some place and was not able to have the necessary funds and always asked of them to give me money to make it to a place that I couldn’t even afford. And even when I was there, I had a great time, but I never knew that in actual true realisation that I should be creating to make real money and sell myself as a person within my product or service within how it will be able to help one another and then one another and soon people will want what I am selling to others and what I believe in and have trust in myself to present and sell what I am selling for a profit. And however since, I was not able to create a true real profit for real. No wonder my life hasn’t been for actual real abundance ever since I wanted to make a business of my own, and how I was never able to create a business for real. Even when others doing this and making huge amounts of profit and making something real for themselves that I thought was good and big, but in fact and reality, I was never able to do it for myself, no wonder I was only operating in a way that I was expecting someone to give me something, instead of actually helping the person to help them with the product or service. And how it was never that way ever since at all, even before I got a job, looking to go into Entrepreneurship and to create a business with a product/service, and how nothing has ever been created for real. No wonder my life has never been actually abundant and profitable for myself and for what I wanted to truly create. Nothing was ever for the better, ever since that day my parents, uncles and aunts, relatives, gave me money, and how it fucked me up ever since to the point of no return. As it felt like that way and how I was never able to create to make a true real profit in any business, no matter what I wanted to do, I was always expecting someone just to give me something for nothing, instead of creating money myself, and making my own life’s work meaningful. And how it has never been actually truly been meaningful for me at all whatsoever. Even if I was given money, I wasn’t actually real and honest with myself. And how i been operating in any sort of business that I wanted to start and same with the job market and getting a job, and how i was literally and deliberately screwing myself over spending on stupid shit that didn’t even matter to my life, and how it was not clearly helping me advance to create to make any sort of amount of money, not even a single dollar, and how i would end up spiting myself, just because I hadn’t made a true real profit and how I felt like my dreams and aspirations were not going to happen for me. And how i was really really fucking wasting my time. And I was wasting my time and how nothing was ever being created, but to be a slave and do nothing with my life, even though I was driven and go getter to make something happen and happen for real. And how IT was never able to truly create any sort of money, but to earn money from a job that was GIVEN to me, I did not actually make it, it was already predetermined for me and how I wasn’t able to create anything to be real, but to earn it and not be able to transcend to create to make anything to be of real actual manifestation in its actual reality of mine. Nor was it for anyone else, and how a lot of other people that were making ti and some just struggling just so horribly, and how i was experiencing the same thing, and how i was not able to realise that i was as well in that moment viewing others as competition and how there was no equality, but inequality, as the interested internal quality that i wanted for me and not for the other person, no matter who it was and is to be, nothing was actually of real genuine and authenticity to be created for real. And how I was not able to create anything to be actual real reality, no wonder ever since that day my parents and relatives and uncles and aunts, grandma, other people’s kids and older adults, gave me envelopes of money on my birthday and how I was grateful for it. And how I was being showered with given money in envelopes and red envelopes to me and how nothing was ever for the better for me ever since and how when my dad collected all of my money when i wanted a laptop. I never knew that he was stealing from me when he spent the money on the laptop but never told me anything about how much the laptop actually was in price and cost for. Therefore, he knew nothing but to obey to my commands and how I wanted something and how he was being a slave to himself, and even how I trusted a person who took all of my fucking money and spent it all, without even telling me how to do anything for real. No wonder I was not able to create anything for real and let other people steal from me. And how i was as well, stealing myself, letting people ruin my own opportunity as well as i was as well ruining it for me. Because i didn't even know how to communicate and articulate myself clearly and compellingly. No wonder I was not able to make anything to be of an actual real reality, and how there was not even a single profit for me. Because I never truly trusted myself, to make anything to be real and of an actual physical manifestation and reality of it to be for the better. No matter what I wanted to do, in sales, business of any kind, whether it be real estate or mergers and acquisitions, buying and selling businesses, corporate structures of business and how I was not able to create any sort of an abundant life for myself. And how it w as always at a limitation and lacking way, and how I was always operating from the starting point of people giving me money, and how I never knew that that would fuck me for a long time, no wonder i was not able to create any sort of profit to be real, and manifested and doubled and multiplied for myself and how I was always working for money, and never knew ever since how to make money work for me, therefore, I was always a slave to people giving me money for the wrong starting point that was not best for me to experience and witness realise. And how my life was always expecting me to be given money and not be able to make it. And dream and visualize a luxurious life. Within watching videos and how I was not able to live those people’s lives because I was only not realising that i was living the living words of given money, instead of creating money for the right starting point. And how that fucked me u for my whole entire fucking life, and how i was never able to make anything real of any service or product to be sold. And no matter if I had a job that was dealt with selling, I was still not able to sell for real. To be able Create money for Real, and how nothing in my life, especially money, was ever to be created for real, and how I was only ever operating on the detrimental living words as given money with the wrong starting point. Without even having to take responsibility for the worst.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as parents to give my son and our son and child money and to not take responsibility for it. And how we had also as well threatened him even to the point of how it would turn into a reward to the starting point of all creation and making of anything to be lost and for the worst and not ever for the better at all whatsoever. No matter what he does with his life, us giving him money is making his life an irresponsible detrimental way of living and not to take responsibility to create anything to be real, no wonder when we gave him money, he was not able to create anything for real, and not take any sort of responsibility to lead himself, nor as well lead anybody to create a real business and make of something to be real and sustaining and large and huge. And how everything he has ever done, all fell apart, due to him operating as the detrimental principle as the false principle of expecting people to give him money. And how we would do the same thing, even when he asked to be given money to go travel to places that he couldn't even afford, no wonder this has been going on for quite some time and how when we finally had it and gave up on him, that even fucked him more. And how we would give him money and give up on him and threatened him at times with reward, to how if he were to do something that we wanted or he wanted ins some type of way and how we were so manipulative and negative within the starting point of a threatening reward to the way of making him do things that we wanted and if he didn’t he wouldn’t eat anything and not ever make any jack shit worth of actual real true abundance. Because guess what?We were the ones to fuck him over and how we never knew how to create any sort of money, and how we told him to get a job and not be self sufficient to be able to create anything to be an actual real reality. No wonder I was not able to teach my son anything for real, and how I would complain and yell at him, that when he wanted to move out and didn’t have anything created and sustainable and to be supported for, I would yell and complain and scream in fear that he doesn’t know how to do it and to yell at him that to not do it, and don’t do it, because you don’t how to d it. And how I was projecting fear and pure insecurity as a father, no wonder i was not able to make my son self sufficient and be a dependent slave dumbass fuck just like me. No wonder my son is a detrimental copy and of a detrimental quality just like me, no wonder my life has never been the same ever since I had actually given him money and how my wife had done the same thing. Without any consideration that was messing him up with giving him money instead of truly teaching him how to create a business to create money for a product or service. And how in fact and reality, we never knew how to create a business, nor did we have a product or service to sell and promote and market to the masses and how nothing was ever to be created for real. Because we only wanted our son to be a slave just like us, to be a loser and a dumbass and fucking liar and have an impetus like effect that was already operating within us as limitation and lack, even tot he starting point of no actual real return to what is best for all, until it has and is being forgiven as I speak and write this to myself and to all to whom may be experiencing this detrimental way of living as expecting to be given money, instead of creating it and making it for themselves and for others, even if it is some type of conviction that all competition shall be wiped out for the better, so I can have everything to myself and never make any true real money for the better at all whatsoever no wonder I am poor and broke and stupid, just lie my wife, and my husband as one and equal, and how that has been abused that women and me are not of equal, and how we are not seen as the same to make of a reality and for what life should’ve been with the woman being at home and the husband creating money and sustainability and stability and practical abundance for the family. No wonder I was not able to do that and how I was not able to teach that to my child, no wonder he codependent on us, and not truly independent of himself to make something to be real for himself. And now nothing ever since, was created for real form ourselves, not even from our son and for himself for what he wanted to create, nothing was actually ever created for real from us, nor did we ever have witnessed it from our son either. No matter how hard he tried to do anything to achieve a productive result to make any money and call people and set up meetings and make it work out with the funds ad structure, and how nothing was ever truly culminated from that point on, and how it was the starting point and as well as the ending point to always be expecting to be given money, instead of creating it with a product or service within the business to be created. And how we attempted at doing that. But nothing ever worked out ever since, no wonder we were not able to create anything for real. And always had money problems and struggles and harsh struggles as well. And even health problems as well, and how we and I were not able to create to make anything to be for real and how on one ever appreciated being given something, as if it was food or not, even if it was money, our son would be grateful for it. But I as a mother was not in actual realisation that i was fucking my son up to the point where he will never be able to create anything o be real of anything for any business that he wants to do in his life or job or anything, to be a slave to money and never make anything to be real of creation for the better at all whatsoever. And how this has affected each and every decision of my life and my son’s life as well, and how he was not ever able to have any sort of influence, and power and control to help others. And how nothing was ever to be created for real, but to be a slave and a pawn like peon to never wonder why he was not able to create anything for aeons to be for Real, at all whatsoever. No wonder he is poor just like me, just because when I gave him money, just to ‘give’ him money, and expect him and make him not realise that he should not be taking responsibility and how when we got tired of giving him money, we told him to get a job and make money and how we never realised that we were demoralizing his true potential ways of actual true real creation of anything to be real and for the better. No wonder his life was not able to be of anything of actual value for the better at all whatsoever. Therefore, we were never able to help him do anything of what he wanted to do for real, and how he is a slave to himself and to money and to never make any real money for real to be able to communicate for real, and how we are never able to teach and do that for him. Because in fact, we were never able to communicate and to create to make actual real money within a business of our own within a product and/service, and that we will never be able to do that, therefore, we were and will always and forever will be slaves to money and to ourselves and to never be free to make anything be real. No wonder we stuttered and tripped over our own words and couldn’t even articulate ourselves in the best clear expression that was meaningful and purposeful and how our words were not able to be of actual alignment with what we were saying, in fact it was contradictory. For the worst.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a homeless person to come to this gentleman to ask him for money and to tell him, can you go get it?, and how he wasn’t going to help me, because I was in reality as well, only operating from the starting point of expecting to be given money so I go fuck myself and do something other than crating something to be real for the better. But no matter what i do, I will always be asking for money and be poor and stupid a fucking loser forever. No wonder i am not able to make anything to be real and have made myself mathematically and within my own equations and laws that has happened fro childhood as well, and how I never knew either as well, that people who give their children money without teaching their children to take responsibility in order to create money and to be given money for the right propose within their effort to make something to be real for the better, and how nothing was ever created from me for real. No wonder I came to this man to ask for money and to tell him in a cringing insecure and not confident at all whatsoever, tone of saying “can you go get it?” and how he wasn’t truly going to help me, because I was only expecting to be given money, instead of creating something to be real for a service while I was on the streets beginning for money like a dumbass, and a loser and who was never going to make it of anything to be for real for the better, at all whatsoever. And how nothing ever at all in my own life has ever been created for actual reality for the better at all, ever since. No wonder my life is the way it is due to me expecting to be given money, instead of working to creating it with anything of service of anything, no product of anything, because I didn't even have the resources, to make it a true reality, no wonder i was not able to create to make anything to be real for the better and how my life is going to be shit forever. How sad and depressing, delusional in fact, for the worst.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as relatives and friends to this boy’s parents and friends to give him money and how our kids were surrounding him and wanted some of his money and how they were expecting to be given money as well. And how being given money for the wrong starting point and how they will never be able to create anything for real, and when they are so used to be given money, and once it stops, they will spite us and eventually start to steal from us and how we never knew later in the years that this little boy who we were giving money to, was not going to be of actual influence due to what we've done to him and have given him something so he won’t be able to take any sort of responsibility, no wonder he wasn’t able to make anything to be real for his life and to create real money, instead of being given counterfeit money, for counterfeit responsibility, that isn't even be to be real to the better at all whatsoever. No wonder when I had given him money, I was only expecting him to be grateful and bow down to me and be my own slave and do what I say and expect him to do what I say. And how that was never going to bed or the better for him, because if we keep giving him more and more money, each and every year for the holidays and even for his birthday, he will not be able to take any true responsibility, even if he does ask money from other people begging to make ends meet, and he does do it, will he able to pay us back?, when in fact and reality, we couldn't even pay ourselves back either, to make something real for us for the better. No wonder when we gave him money, he was soon going to be able to beg money from others, when and if he would be struggling at some point in his life, mathematically and in equations like laws and rules that are going to be fake for him. And how we never knew that our decisions were going to be at a great detriment for him, as he grows up and to be older to make anything to be an actual true reality of creation for the better, at all, whatsoever. No wonder we did and made to create a great negative consequence like situation and detrimental path to his life, and how we are not broke and poor as well, not realising that giving someone money and not helping them to take responsibility to create to make anything to be for real, especially financially, and along with other areas of his life that will be affected as well, for the absolute worst and to be tarnished forever, until he ever possibly realizes why his life is not the way it is to be for the better, at all whatsoever.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be begging for money from others and have to struggle so hard just because i was only forever operating on the foundation of being given money and not to create anything to be real within a business of mine and a product or service. And how nothing of that was eve to be created fo real and how I was never able to create any real money to be in abundance, in large to huge and giants of amounts of money and how nothing is ever going to be for the better for me, no wonder I was not ever able to make anything to be of actual true creation for real, no wonder i am not able to make any real creation of money within my own efforts and communication. Because I was only expecting to be given money, instead of doing it for the right starting point of creating something to be valuable to and to be sought after to influence and persuade and negotiate for real and for the better, at all whatsoever. And how nothing was ever to be created for real. And how no wonder when as I was struggling for money, I would have to ask it from others in a worrisome way and be of some type of expectation to be given money, instead of creating something of a business to be actually of real value to be presenting value in order for person to buy something from me and how he/she or the group sees a benefit from what I am doing and presenting and how the family or he/she or any individual will be able to benefit for real, and to make something be for real in its manifestation and physical creation at all whatsoever. No wonder my life has not been of actual true opulence and wealth like I’ve always wanted it to be, but I wanted it in lack and limitation in such a positive way of seeing and visualizing what i truly wanted, but my skills and actions nd my thoughts as well, were not in actual real alignment to create for what is best for me and for all, how nothing ever since, was ever created to be for real for the better ever since, just because I was only operating from being given money to soon being cut off from it, and to soon begging for it, and to sons struggling and too soon being broke and doing hard things that were so out of reach for me. And how i was notable to transcend myself to create anything of a business and within a product or service to make any real actual big and giant huge and large like financial gains by doing what was truly best, at al whatsoever and how I never knew at all what to do what was best, and how I was just doing it from a starting point for self interest and pure struggle for just expecting to be given money and not to create anything to be real for the better at all. And how this has affected each and every fucking decision that I have ever made for and about money to be created for myself and with others, and how I was never able to make any sort of real money at all, whatsoever. No wonder I do not have the money and the life that I’ve always wanted in my life, and how my skills and actions and actions and skills were not able to be sufficient, no wonder I was not truly able to create anything to be real for the better, at all whatsoever, ever since. No wonder I was not able to create and make anything to be abundant and real for my life from the very basic starting point of what’s best to take responsibility and to create, instead of being given something as currency just so I can use it. Instead of investing it and making it bigger for myself, no wonder my life is not the way it should be for the better at all whatsoever, ever since, at all whatsoever. And how no wonder I was operating a life of whenever I wasn’t realising that I wasn’t making money, I never knew why I was feeling that way and frustrated at why I wasn’t creating to make money. Because I was living the living words and actions of being given money and to never take responsibility for my life, my financial situation and business, my health, my relationships, my fulfillment, nor anything that I’ve ever wanted. And always bought useless shit, books, and many other things, clothes and much more. And how I never truly ever used those books, and other clothes and materials to be bought for myself. I used someone else’s money as my parents' money to buy what I wanted to never use what I bought with their money to get it for free for myself. No wonder I was always operating for something to be given to me and got something for nothing for my life. And how this shit was such a hard wired energetic pattern of words of strings and strands of information as living words that electrically pulsed as impulses within me. And how I was never able to take any true real responsibility for anything in my life. And how I was expecting it all to be given to me, when life and in reality does not work that way at all whatsoever. Even if it is me coming to someone’s house and it’s in the morning and coffee is being made or tea, and how I was crying for someone to give to me, but this woman nudged me to make it myself and to take the real responsibility. And for my entire life, I was never able to take true real responsibility, and was not able to create and make anything for myself for real at all. No wonder I never truly took Real actual Responsibility for real, at ll whatsoever, ever since for my life at all. On that very day I was given money, I was never going to be able to take any real responsibility for the better at all whatsoever, expecting to get something for nothing, for the absolute worst and tarnished future for the worst. And how my life has never changed one bit physically and environmentally, ever at all, ever since that day I was given money by all of those people, including my parents previously years before, as well. And relatives as well, how devastating and detrimental that would have caused me for my whole entire life for the worst.
When and as I see myself begging to be given money, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself to be given money for that which i have not created to earn for real for service or products of any kind, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself not taking responsibility to create money of any amount and lead others within my business to do so, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself not moving myself to create any sort of amount of money to have a better abundant opulent life, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself having the inner change and not making the outer change immediately within my life, I stop and breathe and make the outer changes happen as the inner has happened. As he internal change must be immediate external change for the better.
When and as I see myself not taking responsibility for my finances and revenue for myself and with my company and with others that I am working with, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself not taking responsibility for my health, relationships, fulfillment of any kind and not even participating within the group to get the benefit as well, as taking responsibility for myself as well to show to be an example of doing so, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself not being teachable and to take any sort of responsibility for my life, and to create real abundance and prosperity in my life, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself not taking responsibility to use the things of books and information and support and giving of support, as well as receiving it to use for my life and business, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself not taking responsibility to grow my business and to help lead myself and encourage that and as well as leading others as well to super success, I stop and breathe.
I realize that being given money will never help me take full responsibility for my life to create my life for the better. Nor will it be better for me while I do create any sort of real money in my life, relationships, fulfillment, investments, selling, persuading, negotiating of any kind. I will always somehow self sabotage my opportunity, not realising that I was doing it and saying stupid things that don’t even matter and that are not straight to the effective fact likes starting point that is best for all, in the moment to present something compelling and simple and straight to the point to be for the better. And how ever since, I was not ever able to really do that for real, no wonder my life has been the same since I was given money, and even before I was cut off from it. And forced to get a job to be a slave moron just like my parents and same with spending so much of money on unnecessary things that I wasn’t even using, because I never actually saw the true real responsibility of taking direction and responsibility for my life. Nor for my finances and money at all whatsoever either. No wonder when I got into business, I was operating from the point of expecting to be given money and given something for nothing and to never create and to make anything of actual real value for the better, no wonder my life has not been for the actual better ever since, that day i was given money from my parents previous years before the big party where everyone gave me money for my birthday. But I never took responsibility for my life, therefore, nothing was ever for the better ever since, and that i never made a real true profit from any business that i ever wanted to do, at all, whatsoever. Not a single cent, and a dollar of any kind, even when I did have success, I would easily give up, and nothing ever since of any sort responsibility was taken place from me and within me to express and act out in living words of responsibility at all whatsoever.
I realise that when people give me money for the wrong starting point that i had, I was not going to be able to make anything be real for the better, even if I knew it, I wasn't going to make anything to be real for the better for my life, at all whatsoever.
I realise that if i don’t give 100% responsibility of myself and to participate within the group with others, then I will not able to have a great opulent life and abundant life, therefore, if I do not take responsibility 100% and give and deliver to myself and to others 100%, nothing in my life will ever be truly created for actual real physical manifestation of abundance at all whatsoever.
I realise that I was just a follower to others and was not able to make any real money, even when it came to begging the people that I was networking with and how i was concerning myself and struggling and have created this for myself, no wonder my life is the way it is and how i have not made a true cent and dollar of any kind and amount due to my expectation of being given money. And to never be cut off from it and never take any sort of responsibility at all whatsoever. And how i never learn how to truly created money, but to be a slave to it, no wonder my parents encouraged me to a slave and as well as giving me money, instead of teaching me how to create it, and always manipulated me in a threatening reward like situation, and how if i didn’t do what they wanted me to do, I was going to be threatening and not given the money and how if i didn’t take the responsibility of doing anything for real to create any sort of real money, I was not obviously going to create anything to be real for the better at all, whatsoever. And how they would always do it, and even when they did cut me off from the toys and now to money and never teaching me how to truly create money for real, no wonder I was not able to make any real profit from the businesses that I’ve ever wanted to start and and never made anything real. Whether it be real estate, sales of any kind, direct sales, networking marketing, mergers and acquisitions, and how I was not able to communicate and convey my message simply and directly in a meaningful and purposeful way to get things done for efficiency at all. Nor was I even effective and was only operating from the detrimental living words, of expecting to be given money and to never be cut off from it. And how IT was always codependent and dependent on my parents and others to give me money, when and as I would be struggling to get something for real. And how no wonder I was never able to make any sort of 5 figures, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and so on that I ever dreamed of making and wanting to make. And how I was literally wanting in limitation and lack, no wonder I was not able to truly create money for real. Ever since that day I was cut off from being given money and same with the toys , years later, for the worst. And how my parents abused me in many ways, toys, malnutrition, money, education, not being taught the right things to benefit my life, nor did they even know how to do it. And even when I threatened to leave the fuckers, my father yelled at me, and screaming in fear and insecurity that I don’t know how to do it, and made me feel bad about myself and how I was literally about to leave, but i never knew that I wasn’t truly deep down prepared to live a life of freedom, when I wasn’t even free within myself internally and as well as externally, at all whatsoever. And that I wasn’t going to make it, even if I did move out. The finances were not in palace, nor did i even understands know h ow t o do anything, because my father never taught me jack shit about anything, no wonder the fucking dumbass fucker is broke as well, as well as those who are reading this as well. Become free, before it's too late.
I realise that I was taught to be dependent and never independent for the better, no wonder I am still living at home and have never moved out, because I was always expecting something to be given to me and how my parents decided to give me a place somewhere else, and how i would never be able to create it to make it mine, and they wanted to give it to me. And how they are so used to giving me things and never teaching me and letting me take the responsibility to create it, they never wanted me to be free, they wanted me to be a slave just like them, no wonder i am still in the same position as i was over 5 years ago, as I wanted to start out in business, but was never able to make any true profit within the responsibility of creating to make the profit real an so, for the better at all whatsoever. No wonder I was not able to make anything to be real ever in my life, due to that day, I was cut off from being given free stuff, and then now to money, that truly fucked my life up, for the worst. And how it affected each and in EVERY decision that I HAVE ever MADE, and how I was never able to take true responsibility for the better, at all whatsoever. And how my life has never changed ever since for the better at all.
I realised that my parents literally abused and destroyed and tarnished my life, no wonder I do not have anything that I want with the responsibility of creating to make it so in my life, ever since that very day. As i was cut off from being given free stuff, toys, and when it came to money, that really ruined my life, therefore, i never truly took responsibility for anything that I ever bought to make it free for me with my parents money, instead of MY own money by Taking MY own responsibility, but therefore, i was never truly taught to take responsibility for my life, It was always taken to be taught to be irresponsible and to never create to make anything REAL at all, what so fucking ever, at all. Wow, what the fuck. These mother fuckers fucked up my life and so I have I.
I realise that I was not able to take true 100% responsibility for my life, and how I witnessed this from my parents, no wonder they did not help me become self-sufficient and independent, nor did they even have the inclination to support me for the right starting point at all whatsoever. No wonder I was not able to truly take 100% responsibility and to become independent of myself and to do things for myself, and to be able to create and take responsibility 100%, always, not of the time, but always of the time. And how it was never that way at all, whatsoever, ever since. And how they told me to not ever do what I wanted to do and be dependent on people who never have and had my best interest in mind, nor in heart at all whatsoever. No wonder my parents never cared for me, nor did I ever care of myself, either at all, whatsoever.
I realise that I was never taught how to do something for my life and understand how t o do it and apply it, because my parents never knew either, no wonder they screamed in fear and insecurity to keep me captive within their abuse control. How fucking sad.
I realised that I was begging and soon when I didn’t truly ever have enough, I started to steal and to be a thief, and got many free things that i never worked for to create a profit from myself in order to buy what I want. And how I couldn’t even wait, I just wanted to get it for free, to get something for Nothing, for the absolute delusion for the worst. No wonder I was not truly able t o create anything for real. At all what so fucking ever. Fucking nothing, jack shit, at all. Whatsoever. Even if it was cheap, medium to expensive, expensive o the point where I couldn’t even buy it and thought 50 dollars to a 100 was way out of my league to be buying something that wasn’t so useful, even though it was, i just never knew that I couldn’t even apply it, because of my preprogrammed design was not going to let me, within the lying of living words, that i was living was not going to let, therefore, my DNA heredity structure was programmed to and for failure and delusion, for the worst.
I realise that no wonder, I easily gave up, because I never did truly create anything to be made for real. And how I was only being dishonest my whole entire life, no matter how ambition and driven I was, it was so hard for me to ever truly create something for meaning and purpose, instead it was all for Nothing. All my efforts and skills were all for nothing, just because I was living the ingrained living words as lies that have caused me as myself to create a life of limitation and lack, for the absolute worst. No wonder I am not out on my own and in a different environment, therefore, i have been around poor people and stupid ass people, my whole entire life, no wonder my life hasn’t gotten better, due to me living these detrimental living words, and hanging out and living with others who don’t even have my best interest in mind, at all whatsoever. And how this has been going on for years, expecting to be given something for nothing, and how reality does no work that way, I have abused it, and how my parents taught me to abuse something for nothing and to get it all i can, no matter how rich i wanted to live, no matter how wealthy i wanted to live, no matter how lavishly in a sense, I want dot live, even buying expensive things that i thought, and how my parents thought as well, that i was wrecking their money. In fact i was, when it happened, I used their money to buy what i wanted for free for me, no wonder ever since, i was not able to truly create money to be made to buy my own things and useful essential things as books and other clothes and shoes, and food, and shelter, and other things that i want. And how I was never able to get it, because i just wanted something for nothing, and had to use other people’s money to get what I wanted and sometimes i even scammed myself by accepting and allowing other people’s schemes and scams as well, no wonder i do not trust myself and to create to make the money that I desire and want for myself, todo what is best for myself and for all. And how it was never that way ever since, not ever, for the better, at all.
I realised that I have wasted so many months and years on this, and finally knew why I was expecting something for nothing. No wonder I do not have what I want for my life, at all, whatsoever. Spending on things that I am not even creating any money to make money for, no wonder whatever business endeavor that I wanted to do, I could never be able to build a true business and real business, at all, ever since. Because I never knew how to truly take full 100% responsibility to build something meaningful and purposeful for the better, at all.
I commit myself to understand more and more on how to really build a business and how to create money and to make money and make lots of it in the best ways possible for taking full 100% responsibility and how things work in my business and how it works with others in reality for the better as well. For as I see myself as life and life resonance in self awareness living, within and as self directive principle for and as LIFE!
I commit myself to not just earn money, but to create it, and make it, as a result and improving my skills and taking action to accumulate such distribution to make the economic equality of the system that is within me and for others and how we can help others to have and acquire such a immaculate way of living that where no one will be able to worry so much about money. And with that, to have an abundance of money to do whatever he/she wants and desires wisely and purposefully for what is best for all and for themselves as well. To learn how to economics works and how to do so, learning and using the Technology that I have and use each and everyday, learning and implementing what I learn immediately, and improving and adapting and congregating within the group of people WHO ARE capable of understanding and knowing and are performing to create money and make the money they seeking to make and how the results that they are conveying from their efforts and the support from others as well. From those who know how to do it effectively and efficiently, creatively, and innovatively. For the better, for as I see myself as life and life resonance as self awareness living, within self directive principled living as self directive principle, as LIFE!
I commit myself to begin to see what I can ever conceive of and achieve immaculate results and financial prosperity and abundance to what is best for and to what I can and will truly create a better abundant and wonderful, fulfilling and loving life. To truly make it real by showing it through my actions and not just my words for the right starting point to show love through my work and actions to accumulate myself to be in such position and to help others along the way, and as well as myself most importantly. Within that, to begin to conceive of what was always possible and immaculate for me to achieve and to show others and help others through my actions and presenting myself compellingly and expressively in the best ways possible that is of friendliness, professionally, no matter what I do in my life. I will become an effective individual who will operate from the 1+1 principle and gather others to do the same and lead others and as well myself to lead by the 1+1 principle. To gradually give myself and deliver to and of myself 100% and leading others with 100% understanding, and to do so by leading others, by going as far as we can see, and once we get there we can see further, by first, focusing on the first step to where we are and go from there and understand what it is we need to do in this reality with pragmatism, practicality, pragmatically, for our ultimate super success. Gaining much more momentum each and every time, gaining and scaling and building the people along the way within our tactics and strategy to immediately implement that is best and what works best in reality for the best amazing immaculate results, no matter what, with full 100% responsibility, full 100% giving, full 100% delivering for what is best for ALL!, for as I see myself as life and life awareness living, as principled living, within self directive principled living for and as LIFE!
I commit myself to understand how economics works and how prices work on certain days and weeks and months and years and years to come and how they fluctuate and what works and what doesn’t work by testing and training myself and others as I become better and effective in expressing and leading myself to do what is best for all in the best ways possible for the better! Within that, to apply what I learn immediately and do it with Self Trust, and trusting myself more and more in Every Way, willing myself to do what is best, willing myself to give 100%, willing myself to deliver 100%, willing myself to Lead myself and others 100%, with all 100% responsibility for my and our, ultimate Super Success! For as I see myself as life and living awareness, principled living within self Directive Principled living for and as life resonance and expression!
I commit myself to understand how to teach my kids and my wife as well, to understand how money works and how to take responsibility in order to earn to create and make money for real within their responsibilities. To understand how to earn money by being responsible, and to understand it is not good to give anyone money, when and as if they did not take any sort of responsibility for themselves, in the company, or in any establishment, business or whatever it may be that he/she is doing in one’s life. That it is important to help them understand and as well as my wife to teach them the same way in the best stable practical ways that is best and what is good for the kids and also for us. Because as we are teaching and encouraging them to become much more self sufficient and supporting them 100% of the way with understanding and of stability, they will become independent, and for whatever business and endeavor they would like to do in their lives, they will be able to create it and lead himself/herself and as well as leading others to do what is best for their ultimate super success. Nutritionally and education wise within the best environment for them to have fun and learn and learn how to do things by helping the he/she take the responsibility by my doing it with them and help them understand how to do specifically do something with practice and doing it together while supporting them as they grow up to be older and older for the better! And to make it truly meaningful and purposeful for and as LIFE! for as I see myself as life and life awareness living resonance, and expression, within self directive principled living as LIFE!
I commit myself to become to always be in creative mode and innovation mode and always giving 100% of myself to within 100% responsibility and operating within the point of self directive principle to create something of true value and an effective result. As my input = my output for the better. For as I see myself as self awareness living within self directive principled living, as principled living for and as what is best for all LIFE!
I commit myself to breathe, be bold, be clear and author my days, weeks, months and entire Life that my legacy of and as Living Words outlives my human physical body in the best way that all future generations may know what is best for all Life and physically visibly Live the Principles for what is best for all life! For as i see myself as self directive principle within self principled living as resonance expression as LIFE!
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