Can you do it for me, because I’m not there everyday
(Read and breathe)
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give excuses as if I am not responsible for my own decisions and how I need someone to do it for me instead of me doing it myself and having myself to participate as a participant and be with and network with others and get support and give support. And how this whole entire time, I’ve been doing this for a long time, not ever realizing that I was fucking myself over and screwing myself over just to the point of abdicating responsibility to isolate myself into oblivion and do nothing with my life, as if no one is even there to help me and protect me to do what I need help with and how that hasn’t been the actual true deciding factor. In fact and reality, it has been the deciding factor of my own abdication for responsibility and the deciding factor for irresponsibility and abdicating it constantly forever not even realising that I am not taking self responsibility and actual true self trust within myself. And how I saw my father have this and say that he needs someone else to do it for him all the time, and how he was never at the starting point if he could ever do anything on his own and how it was never that way, and always giving me an ugly look and staring at me as if I was some car coming with my headlights on high beam ready to hit the deer that staring into the headlights. Not ever considering the fact, that he is a deer in the headlights and how I was acting that way as well, addicting myself responsibility as if my life never mattered and always perceived and acted myself out in anxiety and fear and contemptuous decision to know what to do, and feel victimized as if I am just actually in reality and fact, clueless for the worst.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to as a father to fuss with my son as if he doesn’t know how to do anything just because I am saying that, is because I never taught him to truly know how to do anything and how I expect and assume him to be able to know how to do everything and anything for me, I even tried to ask money from him, expecting him to give me something when I couldn’t even take responsibility and how i was only trying to take from him and smiling in a dangerous quirky way, as if i wanted to ruin him and make him poor and broke and ugly and stupid just like me. And how i was never considering the fact that I am dishonest and irresponsible to the point where my starting point of always getting help and never helping myself, and not knowing how to do things was fucked and how i predicted that onto my son and how he is not able to do things effectively and efficiently in his life, by my own assumption and even in his life to whatever things of what he wanted to do, he was never able to accomplish it, because in fact, he was operating out of fear and anxiety to the point where he would do nothing and sit there and how I would be doing the same thing as well, not ever considering if I should support my son or not. Even though I just don’t want to project my ugly projections onto him and make him feel much worse, and leave him off to be by himself, just like I have done for years and never bothered to support and help and educate my son. Because in fact, I couldn’t because I never knew how to do it for myself, therefore, I am delusional as well, not even knowhow how to do anything to the point where nothing ever bothers to flourish for the better, it’s always some type of excuse and worrying and fussing over nonsense things that don’t even matter, no matter how small or big, I have to raise my voice and complain and scream and threaten him and manipulate him in very spiteful and nasty ways to get him to bow down to me. And never do anything for himself but to be a slave to me. When in fact I am also a slave to myself in threat and spitefulness as well, conjuring and recycling the thought of the unspoken word but energy as itself cycling and cycling around and around and around, over and over and over and again and again and again. Not ever giving it up, no matter how strong I am trying to suppress it, it always comes out and I project it onto my son and onto m wife of my insecurities and to be a deputy of myself to hurt one another, without even knowing that I am also as well, hurting myself, not even knowing that I am doing it to myself as well. And how I am projecting these fears, insecurities and complaining and whining to my son as I am doing it to myself to gain pity support from another person to give me support, when in fact and reality, I couldn’t even bother to support myself, just because of my age excuse and how I am in my 60’s and doing nothing with my life, spitefully blaming my son that he is doing nothing by own assumption around the house and for his life, when in fact, and reality, I know absolutely nothing to be making assumptions like that not even considering the fact that I am here in reality and always having to blame one another and reaching to someone for help, as I have been resisting my whole entire life and even when my son would want help with something, I would instantly reject him and wave my hand for him to go away, and he did, and how I would do this to him constantly even if I was on the phone with someone talking and how I wasn’t able to do anything for real. As if I was hiding something from myself and even from my own family, and how I was never able to truly in fact support anyone for real. But to hide from my own delusions and not give any sort of support and affection time to my son and even to my wife, and how eventually everyone in the family departed and stopped talking to me and how my son and my wife stopped talking to me, each and every relationship of family, business, or whatever it was, I would always shoo away each and every relationship and never get any support and destroy each and every one relationship that I’ve ever had and never cultivate them and leave them to die off and soon, I will never anyone to talk to. But participating in my own backchat of the unspoken word that isn't even best for me and how I am always participating in it. Not ever getting any help to do anything for real, just because I don’t want to project my insecurities and fears that will soon surface in instability and feverish bullshit that is complete lies and abdication for responsibility being so irresponsible. To the point there is no return but to act out the program that I am not supposed to be acting but I am accepting and allowing it to be without even knowing how to change, therefore, my anxiety and fears and victimization shows up in my expression that isn’t even me. Even if I am in trouble myself, when I have put myself in that trouble and how my son is acting that program as well, not even knowing that he is by my own false assumptions as if he would panic or not, when in reality and fact, I would be doing the same thing as well with my assumptions and projections that aren’t even real. I’ve only made them up to the point where my lies will never be for what’s best for all. As it has never been for this whole entire time of my life and my son’s life at all either. Like literally, fucking nothing at all whatsoever. Nothing good, nothing ever for the better, it was always some type of abdication for responsibility and practicing the living words of irresponsibility and victimization within it. As if life wasn’t already here in abundance, and how I am perceiving in lack and limitation due to the words that I don’t even know and how i am truly unstable and stupid and ugly and irresponsible and vile in my response to life that isn’t even best. I am only forever making it worse for myself, not even knowing that I am doing without my will and choice, because in fact, it is a program that is not me, therefore, I am just accepting and allowing myself to live such bullshit that isn’t even real. I am only forever more making it real, even though, it is clearly false to my own truth, and how I am so dishonest to be able to admit that, because I have truly lived a limited and lacking dishonest life, and disgusting life to ruin my health and my mental health, along with my body. To attempt to say stupid things that i want to kill myself and die so I won’t be able to feel this harsh pain anymore that I have accepted and allowed to feel and experience that isn’t me. I only think that it is me, when in fact and reality, I have come to believe that I'm living a lie forever, not even considering what true truth and fact is. When I am in fact, living opinion and false lies, that isn’t even true and how I need to overly emphasize the lies for my own irresponsibility and not taking responsibility for my life to truly make something real, and how i have to participate in this ugly unavoidable bullshit that will resurface not ever knowing when it will be better for me to give up. Because I have not in fact truly given up my own past thinking that isn’t best for me. I am only living stupidity that isn’t even making me money and making my life better and others around me to help others and encourage others and give support. When I couldn’t do any of that, because I was never able to support myself just because I need to live the living words of irresponsibility and abdication of responsibility to always have someone else to do something for me, just so I can have the detrimental opportunity to isolate myself. And how my son is now doing the same thing, not even knowing how to get support and give support as well, because he was never able to learn how to give, because I never truly gave myself to him, I only bought him things and that was the best way I could give to him. No wonder my life and his life isn’t the best to be for the better for it is to be and the way it is to be at all whatsoever. Nothing good, nothing ever for the better. It’s always some type of abdication for bullshit that isn’t even real, no wonder my life and his life and all my relationships are turned into shit because of my dishonesty and isolation tactic for my abdication for not and to not take any sort of responsibility at all whatsoever. Dreaming as if things would become better, when in fact and reality, it is only my mind, instead I participate more and more into it, instead of creating a better life, but I can’t give my own ego. Because I prize it, because it is who I am as a lie and a detrimental lie for abdication of life and responsibility itself. For the worst of all, of stupidity and spitefulness and how nasty it is to me and to my son and to my wife, and all the relationships that I’ve ever had at all, whatsoever. All ruined, all tarnished, all destroyed, due to my abdication of responsibility just because I thought others were taking away from me, when in fact and reality, I am the one who is the victim and irresponsible person taking away from me, just so I can never have and become in this abundant life. Because in fact and reality my parents and other people never truly gave me to me, so ever since I never gave to anyone else, nor could I even give to myself, nor trust myself, nor even believe in myself that I can do what’s best for me and for others. No wonder I am an actual deadbeat loser. How sad, how depressing, how detrimental of pain and hurt and damage that I am causing for myself and even for my son as well, and all the people that I’ve ever met in my life. And ruined all relationships due to my own abdication of responsibility and victimization within it, in my anxious expression that isn’t even me. That I am clearly allowing and becoming as if it were to be that I have accepted and allowed to BE me, when in fact and reality, it is not me, at all whatsoever. IT is just an excuse of who I am and this who I will become, in irresponsibility and abdication for life itself. For the worst.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abdicate responsibility and to isolate myself just because I am giving up my responsibility for life and self direction and principle of me. Because I never truly ever had principles for my life, therefore I could do anything for real. No wonder my life s the way ti is and how this has affected each and single fucking decision that I have ever made in victimization expression, as if it were to be real, when in fact it is not, I am only living a detrimental lie that was expressed onto me by competition of my father and how he was always trying to compete with me and make me leave and take care of him. Because in fact and reality, he and I were always acting like little fucking kids, because in fact we were. And never knew how to truly live life to abundance, because he never could, so I never did either, in lack and limitation, when in fact and reality, life was always and nowhere else. It was always abundant, but I never saw it that way, because of the living words that I was living that were responsibility and victimization to the point where life was never truly available for me, but the life in my life that was available in my mind instead of acting and making it real and physical and abundant. To create, and how I was never able to do that and even that i couldn’t do that, I would isolate myself and not take any sort of responsibility and not get any support, but to always give to others but to never give to me. As if I never deserved to give and receive to myself as I am doing it for others and sometimes I Isolate myself off and never do anything to connect with others. No wonder my life is the way it is and how it is for a very long time, because I was just not aware of this and living it as breath by breath and living words that weren't even benefitting me to any sort of degree and point. At all whatsoever. No one ever truly ever cared for me, no wonder i am able to do what is best for me and how I am mostly doing all things by myself and isolating myself as if relationships don’t even matter to me, because they truly didn’t, because I saw my father and mother do the same thing to their relationships and friends relationships as well, destroying each and every one of them, not even knowing why they were losing people in their life, because they never could develop and maintain the relationship. And how i found myself doing the same thing, in my own abdication for life. And how I would do it for the worst and make each and every decision detrimental and never of purpose and for purpose itself, at all whatsoever. Nothing for the better, nothing for abundance, it is always some type of lack and limitation and abuse verbal and physical. It was always that fucking way, never for the better. It makes me wonder why I am always doing things by myself and never advancing to change my life for real, and think that no one is there to help me but me, and how sometimes I do it in contradiction and not help myself either at all whatsoever and have to gain someone else’s support because of my own victimization and delusion of my own abdication for life, for the absolute hell on earth and worse living conditions that aren’t ven best, because of the mind of mine and how I'm living words that aren’t even best for me, no wonder I am not where I want to be. And how it’s pretty frustrating, I’ll say. And nothing has ever improved and changed in my life at all truly, whatsoever. Like literally fucking nothing, that I have to try so hard to achieve things and never make anything real. Therefore it will take much longer in my process, so no matter what I do, things will somewhat take a bit long to achieve in full honesty and trust within that. Although I have to keep going, and give my ego, because it is not me. Forgive me, and all the dimensions to be free and as life and rebirth myself as life, that I should’ve been for the better.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as a mother to abdicate and destroy each and every relationship that has ever mattered to me. Just because life isn't already here for me and how I'm only forever making it a lack and limited experience that isn’t even best for me, because I am accepting and allowing the detrimental ways of each and every relationship that i’ve ever had to truly make something work for the better. But in fact and reality, it was never that way for the better at all whatsoever. Nothing was ever for the better, and how I would do things by myself and never do it together with another and think that I have it all on my own and to never give support and affection to my son. Because I couldn’t even give it to myself truly, because I was only forever hoarding things that I don’t even need and that isn’t even me. I am making it to be me, because this who I am and this is who I will become to make of myself. Just so I can hoard more clothes and worthless things and much other shit that isn’t even best. And how my son’s life is also a reflection of me and and same with my husband and much other people as well, and how i was never able to admit that with my own impure dishonesty and distrusting care and affection to always leave and never to tell anyone just because i thought my son would tell on me and how my husband never lets me be free. Therefore, no one is truly free in the family, everyone is limited and living in lack due to him and I myself and how we projected this shit onto our son and how it came ALL from my husband and I. How disappointing that is of abuse and how truly bad it is for the worst. That I could never make for real for the better at all whatsoever to best, nothing ever at all.
When and as I see myself isolating myself and getting and giving any support to myself and to others to connect with others, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself isolating myself just because I am not there in person with the other person all the time and bother myself to not get support and do it all on my own, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself doing nothing to make anything real and of value, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself doing nothing to create anything for real, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself playing the victim game and not taking responsibility and being irresponsible and losing out on my self honesty and trust, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself being dishonest and distrustful with myself and with others, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself trying to gain pity support from others just because I want it from them and how I think I can’t do anything about it on my own, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself not being so sure of myself, I stop and breathe and be honest to find out and investigate.
When and as I see myself not giving up my ego to experience life in abundance, I stop and breathe and do so with self honesty and self trust to give my ego for an abundant life.
When and as I see myself trying to get some type of energy support that isn’t best for me and how I am conveying myself that way, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself questioning my own box and while I am in the box and doing nothing about it to be free, I stop and breathe and do the required things to be free with effort.
When and as I see myself not being honest in what I am doing and isolating myself just because no one is available and how I think they’re always busy, I stop and breathe, and reach out anyway with effort in the best ways possible.
When and as I see myself thinking that everyone is too busy to be talking with me and how no one will ever have time for me, I stop and breathe.
When and as I see myself not giving myself the proper time to do whatever it takes and to get the support and supporting myself as well, and giving support as well to wherever I am right now, I stop and breathe.
I realise that I was never able to give the proper effective and efficient care to and for my own time and how I was never able to truly give to myself but to isolate myself in lack and limitation and wasteful breath on the wrong things. That don’t even matter to what is best for me and for all, and how i am only forever abdicating my life to oblivion and dishonesty and distrust to the point of no return as if this program is real and how this is who I am and who i will become in contradiction to hurt myself for the worst, jus like my parents did to themselves and how I am now doing the same thing not ever knowing that I am doing it. And living the detrimental words of irresponsibility and abdication for responsibility within victimization as well. And how it just surfaces into my expression without my will and choice, i just let it participate as if the damn thing is real, when in fact, I am in attempt to into surfacing a living lie that isn’t even true. And how i have been living a living lie that isn’t even best for me, and how I was not able to make anything real, nor money, nor emotional stability of any kind, because in fact i was never given that, it was always some type of abdication for responsibility and abdication or life, how stupid and detrimental. Not ever considering that i was living this and now that I am realising that I can let and become life in this abundant creative reality for the better and to do what’s best to make my world and the world as it is and as itself for the better.
I realise that my parents and I myself were never able to give to ourselves, because no one gave to them and therefore, they never truly gave to me, as themselves and not materialistic things. It was some type of monetary giving, instead of affection and care and support within love and truly genuine care. Instead it was all fake and tarnished and destroyed, each and every time for the worst ini slow abdication for life, itself.
I realise that my life has never changed for the better, and how i would always try to get some type of support, but I somehow would always abdicate that and isolate myself as if I’ve got everything down to a ‘T’, when in fact and reality, I do not. I’ve only isolated myself and made things much more worse off in an abundant life and reality, when I couldn’t even see and fathom that for myself, because life was never there for me as I had thought. When in fact and reality, I was never truly there for myself, and sometimes I was, and how I was never there for others, not to my parents, because in fact and reality and truth. They were never there for me either, even when things got hard, and of themselves as well, and how they didn’t want to project their fears and insecurities onto me, so I won't be able to experience them. But ever since I never got that true genuine authentic support to have someone support me, and ever since then, I was never able to provide for myself and to be strong within myself, because in fact and reality, I was always weak and never strong for real. At all whatsoever.
I realise that everyone in my reality, always abdicated some type of responsibility and became truly dishonest with themselves and and distrusted themselves for the worst, and made things much worse for themselves. Abdicating and compromising themselves and ruined their own relationships and how no one has ever since got whatever they wanted in their lives. No wonder no one ever has what they want in life to have true abundance for the better. And how I am in the same boat with them, ready to go over and off the cliff and ocean of the world, and how no one ever in my life was able to take the wheel, and how I was never able to do the same either, to turn around and make things better at all whatsoever. Everyone abdicated that life is limited and in lack and never for abundance and self direction and self honesty and self trust, at all whatsoever. No one ever did anything that was best, nor could I do the same thing either. No one I am not where I want to be, nor are the people that i know in the past as well, they are in the exact same position and how i am as well, as many years ago, and how nothing has ever changed, ever since, at all whatsoever.
I realise that my life has been the same for years on end, things have changed along the way, but nothing ever changed for real, like my environment, the same emotional anguish from my father and sometimes from my mother on rarity, and how I have to deal with this and never was able to escape, because in fact and reality, I truly never saw a way out. I was only forever living a life of limitation and lack and how there was nothing normal about it, it was all abuse, nothing for abundance, nothing for the better. It was always some abdicating something, it was me, my mother, father anyone ever I knew in the past and even recently. Like people are not self honest and self trust worthy, therefore, I was never able to do the same either, because I saw people who were dishonest and detrimental to themselves, no wonder I am acting the same way and mannerisms that they are doing are the same as well. Without even realising that I am living the living words and as breathe to delude myself and my life for the worst. How sad, how disappointing and terrible that is. And now that I realise this, I can really do things much more different now for the better, for what's best for all and for what’s best for me as well.
I realise that no one ever wanted to improve their lives, so therefore, no matter how hard I tried to improve my life, it was never for the better, because I was always turning and returning back to old patterns and habits that weren't’ even best for me. And how no one ever got the support, nor could I give it all, because I didn’t know how and what to do with that and how situations were like that all the time for me, and how I was never able to do anything for real, for the better, at all whatsoever. Nothing for the better at all.
I realise that if i don't ask and mention something that I want or someone said something that they would do with me, I would always make the excuse that someone doesn’t have the time for me, when in fact and reality, I was lying to myself. Just so I can isolate myself and abdicate the responsibility and opportunity to do something real and have fun within it. And how I feel and blame myself and others that they didn’t invite me, because I never could invite myself to do what's best for me, nor could I even do it for others either at all whatsoever. And how i missed so many opportunities this way and was not able to do anything for real for the better at all whatsoever.
I realise that I would waste time doing abdicating my own responsibility and being a victim about it as if nothing was ever to be made for real. And how I am just participating in useless and worthless energy that isn't even helping me, because I am attempting and making myself to not help myself, but to participate in bullslhit that isn’t best for me, nor anything for the better at all whatsoever. Nor was my life actually for what was best, because I wasn’t able to realise it until right now. And how nothing was ever for the better, but now that i do realise this, I can finally do something different and not live the living words that aren’t helping me for the better at all whatsoever. And how i can give up my ego and live life for the better and longer and abundantly for LIFE!
I realise that I would abdicate my own responsibility for what could've been best for the better for me, and how I never could take true responsibility for my life at all whatsoever. It was always an upheaval like struggle, nothing was for real. Nothing was ever for efficiency and to be much more effective within that. It was always for some lack as usual, and that’s what it always was, and how I was never able to be able to take care of myself and to move out, ever since I had the idea of doing so. Therefore, I was never ever truly self sufficient and able to move out on my own for the better at all whatsoever, therefore, I am not doing anything real for my life, andn or for others at all either whatsoever. No wonder that I have created nothing to be real and abundant for real. At all, whatsoever.
I realise that I was never able to do anything and make anything real but in limitation and lack for the worst. And how my parents did the same thing, had made nothing real for the better, it was always limited and lacking. No matter what it was, it was always done that way and never for the better for effectiveness and efficiency at all whatsoever, and how it was always a cheap way, and stupid way for abdication for what is not best. Just so they can save money on what they don’t even need, how defiant that is. Stupidity at its finest.
I realise that I was never able to ask and do things for real, and I have left each and every opportunity left out and hiding the dust, and shackled for it to never be revealed with self honesty and trust. And how dishonesty was always at the forefront of my mind all the time and thought for the worst. And how ever since, I was never able to do and make anything real for the better, at all whatsoever. No persistence, no perseverance, no creativity and innovation, nothing at all, nothing real, abdication for life and irresponsible for it, for the worst. In every fucking way.
I realise that how I was never able to make my life for the better. I’ve only forever more, made it worse than it was previously no matter how hard I tried for anything to be real at all whatsoever.
I realise that I have been dishonest my whole entire life, and never was truly honest and trustworthy, in every way, in all ways, therefore, I never created anything with effort for real, for abundance, at all whatsoever. And how it was and has always been the same no matter how much I try to change for the better, I have lived these words for a long time and how it affected each and every decision that I’ve ever made for my life and with others and without others as well. No wonder my life the way it is right now as I see it. No abundance, no money, no life, no nothing, stability, no relationships that I think that are going to benefit me due to my own assumptions. Because I don’t have that relationship with myself to do whatever it takes to believe in myself and trust myself to do what is best for all.
I realise that I would be condescending about it and never say and mention to speak up to say anything at all whatsoever to get support. Nothing actually for the better at all whatsoever. And how I’ve never believed truly in myself and trusted myself to make things real and to create with effort and creativity and innovation for real, how so far, I have created nothing but limitations and lack in abundant reality. And how I would waste precious minutes and hours in a day, and how I’ve done that for so long, not even knowing that I was doing it in the worst ways possible of no control, no self direction, no self possession, at all for the better, nothing whatsoever. Never even valuing my own time and others times and themselves, and how I never valued myself, nor could I revalue life itself for the better either, always acting like some unheard victim that isn’t looking for help but to participate in complete bullshit that isn’t even real for the better at all whatsoever. Even in distractions that weren't even improving me, such as social media and other outlets to go back to , and cope as if someone has messaged or not, just as if someone will give me the support out of nowhere if i don’t reach out and say something to speak up for the better to get true help. And ever since, I was not able to do what’s best for me, nor my father, nor my mother at all, whatsoever. Even when it came to food, health, emotional support, money, education, whatever it was, it was never for the better at all whatsoever. Always in some type of lack and never voiced need and want and how I got that from my shitty father and mother for the worst. And how I was never able to be on my own and to be truly self sufficient for the better, at all ever since, and still stuck in the same position as I was in the past remaining and current years without any responsibility and help for the better at all whatsoever.
I realise that I would complain and see if things are here yet or not, and always abdicating what I could be doing differently to create with effort here, and having to constantly check if my results or whatever I bought is here yet. Without any truly valid understanding, but misunderstanding irrationally without any true real consideration for what's best for all and myself, and how my life was always this way, for the worst. And to never be persistent to get what I wanted, therefore, I never got anything that I ever wanted, even when I did and do fall short and never got back up to get what I wanted with and for others, for the better at all.
I commit myself to be aware and learn to become different to give to myself and to others and support and push others to become better and as well as myself for the better as well. To be able to reach out and get help when needed and to become better and network with others to do what is best with confidence and awareness in self directive principle for the better as LIFE. for as I see myself as awareness in self directive principle as breath and LIFE!
I commit myself to encourage my kids and my wife and to when they do need help, always ask and clarify and how I will help them do so in the best ways possible to become effective and efficient in how they express and communicate to us as parents and the world itself and for what may be around us for the better. With stability and common sense and pragmatically, practically for the better as LIFE in simplicity and in abundance for the better, for as I see myself as life and breathe and awareness as self directive principle resonance as and for LIFE!
I commit myself to value my time, my emotional stability, and financial stability along with the help from others and support from myself as well, to those who are credible and stable themselves that are in those positions and supporting themselves to do what’s best in this reality of abundance for the better. For as I see myself as life and awareness as self directive principle in breath by breathe and step by step for and as LIFE!
I commit myself to negotiate and become persistent in a compelling way and in the best ways possible to do what is best for all and for what I want as well, and helping others to do the same to help them become persistent to create a life of abundance for the better! For as I see myself as life and life resonance in self directive principles awareness for and as LIFE!
I commit myself to make my physical my guideline and what I can do to make it better and to always be creating with self honesty and self trust for what is best for all life and to take care of what is here and for myself as well to make a life of true abundance for the better! For as I see myself as life and breath as awareness as self directive principle for and as LIFE!
I commit myself to be and become more and more confident in asking for what I want specifically and negotiate what is best for me and for others on my team and how we can do things to achieve much more than ever. More than what we could ever fathom, and to always focus on the next step and achieving that, while getting more and more further on track and closer to my big objective(s) that I want to achieve in my life with others. For the better, for as I see myself as life and breath resonance as awareness of self directive principle for and as LIFE!
I commit myself to plan and execute each and every waking hour and be creative in ways to make more money and get the support along with it to become to make more and do what is best for all within the tools that I have available each and every day to use. As TechnoTutor, support groups and people who run large groups and do business that are scaling and expanding and networking more and more with people to see what we can do to make business and life much more better than ever!. For as I see myself as life and life resonance in in corrective application as awareness in self directive principle for and as LIFE!
I commit myself to be confident in each and everything and anything that I do and be honest with myself and trust myself in ‘Every-’Way’ and to do with a purpose and self direction for the better.f or as I see myself as life and breathing awareness self directive principle for and as LIFE!
I commit myself to create an abundant life in awareness and as self directive principle and valuing each and every decision and being grateful along the way, giving as I go, effectively and efficiently with the right starting point of what’s best for all!. For as I see myself a life and life resonance as breath and self directive principle ini awareness as LIFE!
I commit myself to pace myself to give to 100% effectively and efficiently with the right starting point for what’s best for all! And for myself most importantly for the better! And how i am being aware of how I am performing and going forth and persisting and persevering for an abundant life for the better! For as I see myself as life and life resonance in awareness as self directive principle as LIFE!
I commit myself to write self forgiveness and self corrective application to forgive myself of what is not a beast within me, and to stop and breathe when and if a reaction ever comes up. And to take self directive principle in the moment and take care of what is here, within realisation statements to realise what had affected me and who else was involved and didn't what was best as well as myself as well. Within that, to self commitment statements to correct and apply myself with effort in the physical abundant life that we are in and that I am in to create a life of abundance and become the best versions of myself at higher developing levels by starting where I am and always focusing on achieving that very next step that pragmatic and practical with persistence and effectively and efficiently for the better! For as I see myself as life and life resonance in awareness as self directive principle for and as LIFE!
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